A few days into the woods already, day and night, Charlotte and Altria were going through the woods.

Sometimes they were found and attacked by their chasers, but Altria, too, as part of the Kingsguard knight, never lagged behind by several soldier opponents.

Proceed through the woods, protecting Charlotte from the goblins who sometimes appear.

Daily forged flesh does not deal with demons to the extent of goblins. But fatigue builds up if it is also a series of wars.

Gradually, Altria's injuries increase.

"Al...... it's okay......?

Turn a smile on Charlotte, who looks worried, wiping her dirty face with return blood.

"Shull, it's okay. I will protect Charles and deliver him to Natalie."

Charlotte breaks her own skirt and wraps it around Al's wounded arm.

"That's all I can do..."

"Shall, thanks......, ok, let's move on"

The two get up and move on through the woods.

But the woods are full of demons, wolf demons on goblins, oaks, etc.

There were many, if not three, demons that met in the woods. Less demonic opponents don't take lag but move on.

But forests without paths don't go that fast. The intention was also gone by the time ten days passed in the woods.

After several battles today, the two were already full of creativity.

There was no way Charlotte, who grew up in the royal castle, could stand it, even though she was in a difficult state in Altria, where she had worked out as a knight.

It is also impossible to say weak sounds.

"Almost there, we should be in the Kingdom of Salandir in a few moments. Time to go."

In Altria's words, Charlotte rises with a slight calm breath.

And the two of them started going through the endless woods again.

As we begin to move on, we take a few hours, halfway, and in turn, we take a nap, share less food and water and move on through the woods.

And I could see where the woods would open.

The light of day plugs in, and the end of your gaze looks bright.

It was also a light of hope for both of us.

"Shull! Almost there. I see a cut in the woods over there. We could have gotten through the woods."

I raise my tired face to Altria's words and send my gaze to those who point my fingers at her.

It did look like the forest was open at the end of my gaze.

"You're almost there..."

But for the two of us who could see ahead, the foothold would be lighter.

The two run to squeeze the last remaining force. And through a slice of the woods.

Beyond that...

It is a rough gathering of houses. It is about worn out even if it is crude.

And the way out was - it was an oak settlement.

There are dozens of orcs at the end of the sight.

Those who scatter their prey, those who fall asleep, and the orcs of their children were still running around.

He was a person. “Things” are no different to food for orcs.

Orcs that eat people's arms and feet, pulled a thousand times.

And the woman who seemed to have been an adventurer was being offended by the orcs.

The spirit already seems broken and unconscious. It is unclear whether he is even alive.

The two are stunned by the sight that spreads in front of them.

And there was no way I could have stayed sane in that sight.


Charlotte screamed at the hell painting that spreads in front of her.

Ugly, Altria blocks Charlotte's mouth with her hands, but it's already too late.

Oak's gaze gathered on the two of us.

It is the eye that found a new prey.

Orcs can mate with a multiracial race, just like goblins, and humans are certainly the target.

Men are fed, women nursery for the prosperity of the species.

That was a well-known fact in this world.

Charlotte falls back as she wets the ground.

Though Altria has no falling behind the oak, she can't deal with dozens of oaks at the same time.

The two of them had a look of despair.

Altria tries to get Charlotte to stand up to escape, holding her arm, but Charlotte, who is out of hips, cannot stand.

As he gave up, Altria stood full of creativity, putting his sword against the oak and sheltering Charlotte.

"Don't come, don't come..."

Set up a sword, but its tip is trembling.

Not only the tip of the sword, but Altria's whole body was trembling with fear.

We have our own near future ahead of us. Even if you know it as knowledge, you can't be recognized as being in that position.

Even in the meantime, Bumo and the Orcs raise their voices to call their people. Respond to that voice, or the orcs come together one after the other.

Something unexpected happened when the despair in front of us approached them.

"If you think there is a settlement, were there even people? Good. Looks like you're still safe..."

To unexpected human words, the two send their gaze in the direction of their voices.

There stood one boy in a robe, lazily unarmed in his hand.

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