Finish your breakfast, then leave the inn and head out to buy out. Natalie and I headed to the market to buy groceries.

Schal is in a slight mood walking side by side. I'm in a state where I don't know when the chaser will come, but I can't help but care.

The two of us walk through the market and buy tons of ingredients. The clerk also asked too much, "Are you serious?" But when I explained that I had dimensional storage (storage), he convinced me to sell it. It's a rare skill, but it's not like I'm not here, so it helps the clerk to understand.

Avoid popularity and treat the items purchased in the back of the store one after the other.

"You have an amazing capacity."

"Yeah, well. It's already full."

Misunderstood by the clerk's words, but he laddered through several stores to buy all the ingredients.

"I've never walked through the city like this before."

"Oh well..."

If I had a position as a princess, I could imagine not being able to walk the city so easily.

"... but I'm sure the inhabitants of the empire..."

Gradually, Shall's expression darkens.

"Let's help..."

When Charles nodded at my words, he smiled.

"I'll work hard with Al, too. But... that's not all... I need your help too, Toya. Please."

Lift up the shul lowering his head and gently stroke his head.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Finish your shopping and get out of town. Your precious people are waiting for you, aren't they?

"Ah, yes!!

"Look, let's go"

When he offers his right hand, Charles gives a happy look and tangles his own hand in that hand.

... I don't have a choice, this much...

We continued shopping afterwards, purchasing enough ingredients before heading to the rendezvous point.

◇ ◇ ◇

"It's too late!!

That was the voice at the rendezvous point.

"That's right. Natalie's dimensional storage was full, and I carried such heavy baggage."

Al also follows Natalie.

There was a bunch of shopping goods like Oyama. Exactly. Me and Charles laugh at this amount too.

They carried an amount that normal people couldn't have because they had significantly higher levels and their status was pretty high.

Even if we met in a place that avoided popularity, we would have caught the eye if we had carried this amount to the boulders, and then we would have ended up with dimensional storage (storage) one after the other.

Less than five minutes later, Koyama disappeared.

"Now you're okay. We'll be out of town after lunch."

"" Yes ""

"You got it."

The four of us finish our meals in the nearby dining room and walk out of the city.

The forest, about two hours north of the city, serves as a hunting ground for adventurers, but further ahead, you can escape into the Lunette Empire.

But in the back of the woods, powerful demons roam, and when they invade the territory, they are all high-ranking demons that strike.

There are no adventurers of that high rank in the city of Dumblr, and you should be able to avoid people if you go back.

As we walk down the road to the woods, a carriage carrying adventurers to the woods overtakes us. Still, it's about as fast as it ran.

There were a lot of carriages, and the adventurers were behind them. It will surely be to put on board the material collected in the hunt.

There were also many pedestrians on the boulder, and I decided to hesitate to put out a cocktail and carriage.

"I think if we walk for two hours, we can get into the woods. I want to go to the back and create a base by sundown."

"That's right... The boulder can't have that" house "in a public place."

Natalie also agreed.

Doddle, doddle, doddle...

As I was walking, I heard a sounding like a ground from behind.

Turning around for a moment, there comes a rush towards us, soldiers on horses.

Behind it, we saw soldiers running.

"Not good...... They might be finding out. Prepare your weapons only."

The three of them gave a serious look to my words and nodded.

While I hope it may be a mistake to see, I stand guard and wait in a place off the road.

Pray you pass......

But it was still us.

Coming close to us, the horse slowed down and stopped a few dozen meters away.

Soldiers run after them.

"... we finally caught up!!

Following the scream, it was the guild master who visited the mansion the other day. Next to it are deputies.

And there were men in superior robes and soldiers in unfamiliar armor, no, armor I had seen.

I cut it off - a soldier in the kingdom of Generation. Will there be about twenty?

The number is more than a hundred people with a simple view.

Soldiers as well as adventurers can be seen.

You've gathered so much so far, I don't think I laugh either.

The soldiers spread to surround us.

And a man in a superior robe came forward to be protected by soldiers.

"- That face looks exactly like that, you're the Empress of the Lunette Empire. It's a portrait and two melons in a castle.... adventurer there. Hand that girl over to me, and I'll save your life, okay?

I sigh unexpectedly at the man laughing at me.

"I should have said no to the matter yesterday as well...?

Staring at the Alliance Master with a little kill, he breathes even as he lags behind.

I can't help but feel strong with this many people......

"We have this many people available today. You can't handle this number on a boulder."

I stand in front of the three of them, take a two-handed sword about my height out of dimensional storage (storage), and put it on my shoulder.

"- That you're going to capture me in just this number...? Isn't that a little sweet?

"I'm not alone"

"Me too."

"Me too."

Charles, Al, and Natalie line up beside me. I loosen my cheeks accidentally when I saw the three faces.

... a temperamental face.

Look at us laying weapons, the Alliance Master puts blue bars on his forehead.

"The four of us can handle it. So...!? Look at this number of people!! We also have soldiers out of the kingdom and we have all the city's highly-ranked adventurers. Still think I can handle it!?

"Oh, I can afford it. There's four of us."

The battle between four and a hundred opened the curtain -.

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