"Mr. Towya!

"" "" It's your brother!! ""

The kids pull out the saya and run for me. I took the kids flying one after the other.

"You guys, it's been a while! How have you been!

"I was fine! Titty sister lived with me."

... What, that boob sister... Oh, you mean Lumina. Convinced.

Saya slowly walked in after the kids.

"Mr. Towya, it's been a while. Thank you so much for all your support. Thanks to you, the kids were fed enough to be this big."

"I'm glad Saya looks fine, too. Lumina told me, but you seem to have annoyed me the other way around. Sorry......"

When I bow my head slightly, I get momentum to deny, "That's not true".

"Thanks to the presence of Mr. Lumina, there are no more bad people around the nursing home. They take care of the kids, and they're really helping."

The bad guy must have been in payback with his eyes on Lumina, I can easily guess.

Still glad everyone seemed fine, including the kids.

"Good for you...... So..."

When they pulled my sleeve and sent my gaze over there, the kid was pulling my sleeve.

"- Long time no see, Leol. How have you been?

Are you glad you remembered your name in my words, with a full grin?

There's no reason to forget. I had only three copper coins to the Adventurer's Guild and was desperate to help Saya.

That's why I found out about the nursing home.

"Yeah, your brother looks good, too. We're full of rice now, so we're full of energy."

Unexpectedly I smile too and stroke Leol's head slowly.

"If I can eat a whole lot from today on. This house is going to be yours!

I'll go after the kids.

The kids ran around the hall in front of the front door screaming for sure.

I realize that I'm about to start a new life again.

"Hey, I'll show you the room, follow me!

"" "" "" "Ha - no!

The kids follow me. I walk into the hall through the front door and I hear a voice impressed by its beauty.

"Brother, you're amazing! Do you live here?

"Oh, I don't live there all the time because I'm going everywhere..."

"Really? From now on, we're gonna welcome you to your brother, right?

My feelings are dusted by the innocent questions of my children.

Having guided the children running around, I leave the children with my employees on the way to the reception room.

Saya was already waiting for me when I entered the room.

I'm still worried that you won't get used to it because it's a noble mansion.

"Please wait. The children have been entrusted to their squire. Can you tell me what you've been up to?

Sitting opposite each other, the squire leaves tea and tea treats on their own.

Saya tells us what's been going on since she dropped off her squire from the room.

"After that -"

It was still as Lumina explained yesterday.

"Well... from now on, we don't mind you considering this mansion our own home. I may not be able to do that any time soon, but I'll get you ready for the nursing home."

I don't mind living in this mansion forever, but I also have to deal with my presence as a nobleman, visitors, etc.

Personally, I don't think this is a good idea, so I was told by the butler who's partitioning this mansion.

It seems to be rude to visitors, then they were taught that all they had to do was find land and create a new advocacy facility.

Sure, this is a building in a noble neighborhood. Might be a little inconvenient for the kids to live in.

I think it would be easier for the kids to buy or build a new facility in a stable part of the civilian neighborhood.

"Mr. Towya has been bothering me so much..."

"That's okay. I was the first one to tell you to speak up. It's good to see the kids. Nice to see you again."

"Nice to meet you"

When I smiled and offered my hand to Saya, he gently enveloped me.

And a new life began.

◇ ◇ ◇

In the sight of the Emperor, I lay my head down on one knee.

Today is the day you explain what happened in Arkland and get me a medal.

My credit is even being read out from earlier.

I did it myself, but I might be a little embarrassed to hear it again.

It was so loud, especially from the nobles who are in attendance when the conversation proceeds about the terms of exchange from the Kingdom of Generation and the fight against the brave.

"Then let me transfer it to this reward. Marquis Touya von Kisaraghi, Previous"

I move forward a little bit and kneel again.

"Towya, as the representative of the Lunette Empire, your Lord showed unbeatable force against the kingdom of Generation, and even that brave man withdrew. And it was to bring wealth to this country by calling it a great deal of compensation. The medal will be awarded and the Imperial capital will be awarded a mansion as a reward."

... Huh? The mansion? We already have it in the capital, don't we?

Why are you giving me the mansion?

Even though I doubt it, I can put a medal on His Majesty's chest.

- This medal...

Similar. I have it - on my Spirit Stone necklace.

"The jewels used for this medal - are spiritual stones"

A great deal of cheer comes from the nobles for that explanation. But I've heard it from Shall before.

The only spiritual stones stored in the Lunette Empire are extra with one hand. What the hell are you thinking about giving one of those to me on purpose?

And even the mansion...... I can't read His Majesty's intentions.

"Thank you. Happiness. I will continue to perform my duties as a nobleman for the prosperity of the Lunette Empire."

At the end of the day, I said thank you and the sight ended.

I'm moving to a separate room to get a detailed explanation.

The room that was guided had a civilian, who was first briefed on the mansion. He said that if you are a senior nobleman, you may have multiple mansions in Imperial City.

Some people are to manage it if they give it a mansion. It also greatly helps the employment relationship.

Simply put, nobles say not to hesitate to use it flashly to feed civilians. I know it's really the best opinion, but you're gonna give me a share of it up to the precious spiritual stone.

Look down at the glowing jewel in blue put on your chest.

He has the same shade compared to the necklace hanging from his neck.

Comparing the two, the door opened and His Majesty came in.

Once I stand up and try to bow my head, His Majesty gives me a signal that I don't need to wave.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I didn't tell the nobles I used spiritual stones, but I rubbed them a little."

I laugh unexpectedly at His Majesty's words, which I briefly explain.

I sat next door to Tot, the Chancellor near His Majesty's side, sitting somewhere on the couch.

"Hey, explain the mansion to him."

"Yes, I understand. Let me now explain the Mansion. The location of the mansion is -"

Clerical matters are explained and I accept.

It is a nice but quiet place. I'm just fine because I don't like places that are too crappy.

"And this is the trouble..."

His Majesty clouds his words with a voice like an object stuck in his teeth.

"As a matter of fact, the mansion is inhabited by - the House Spirit (Elemehas). And no one is recognized as my husband."

Another house spirit (Elemejas)... I honestly don't need it anymore because I have Ferris...

Oh, I needed a Spirit Stone to move and accompany the House Spirit (Elemejas).

Is that why it was the Spirit Stone Medal......

"Lord Towya is going to do something about it. That's why I decided."

His Majesty says so with a smile, but this one is not a hoarding one. We know that the Spirit of the House (Elemehas) can communicate with each other.

I went back to the mansion, not knowing what would happen.

Later, the mansion was handed over, and I extended my legs to the mansion I had received.

There are no squire in this mansion yet. No one is allowed in because the Spirit of the House (Elemejas) has not decided his master.

Open the lock and open the door.

I heard you haven't used it in decades, but the mansion seems to be well managed and cleaned as far as you can see.

Stand in the center of the entrance hall.

"If you're here, come out. I want to say hello because I'm the lord of this mansion."

Responding to my words, a white vortex appeared right in front of me, from which the House Spirit (Elemehas) appeared.

"Oh, you're lying..."

I reveal surprises.

Because the newly emerged House Spirit (Elemejas) was a young girl who still looked less than ten years old...

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