Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 103: Ronan debut

"For Ronan, is there anything you want to introduce?" Adam took a glass of red wine and asked the Supreme casually: "I have always heard that Ronan, the accuser, is very powerful, but how strong is the Supreme? Introduce?"

The supreme drinking stopped for a while and said: "He is a butcher, executioner, the most powerful fighter of the Kerry Empire!"

Adam waited for a long time and found that the Supreme did not speak any more, and asked, "What then?"



"You said that, I don't have any idea about Ronan. I only know that he is the most powerful fighter of the Cree." Adam looked depressed. "I don't know the fighting power of the Cree, and the so-called strongest fighter has no intuitive feeling."

"Basically, he is one of the best fighters in the galaxy!" Supreme's face was a bit solemn. "Even Thanos chose to cooperate with him instead of treating him as a subordinate."

"How does his combat power compare to Thanos?" Adam thought for a while. Thanos without gloves should be the pinnacle of the Lord God. According to Supreme, it is possible that Ronan is not as powerful as Thanos, that is, an ordinary Lord God Combat effectiveness.

Probably, Bald alone is enough.

The combat effectiveness of the Asa Protoss is not a joke, and I dare not say anything about the challenge of a higher level, but in this universe, it is relatively famous for its invincibility.

Since Ronan is not a strong metamorphosis, Adam is not so worried, and jokingly said: "Is he eight feet tall, blue-faced and fangs, all evil, no evil, no evil?"

"How tall is Bachi?" The Supreme looked at Adam with a serious face. "Except for the metaphor of height, I don't understand, there is nothing wrong with the other claims."

"It seems that we have a fierce battle to be fought." Adam smiled, not caring.

"I hope you can get serious, Your Majesty Adam." The Supreme is not satisfied with Adam's attitude. "Even if he is not as powerful as Thanos, he will not be too far behind, otherwise Thanos would not accept his deal."

"Don't worry, what I said is the spilled water. If I want to help you kill Ronan, I will kill Ronan." Adam was self-confident. "Actually you don't know anything about power."

"Then I am looking forward to the performance of the Asa Protoss." The Supreme took a deep look at Adam and said nothing.

The crowd in the hall was still dancing to the music, and the atmosphere of the banquet was very pleasant. Many lovely and beautiful ladies gathered around the three warriors of Asgard to show their admiration.

Kai devoted himself to cultivating and hadn't touched these things before, standing a little shyly, looking reticent.

Chris is an outrageous person. He has participated in countless receptions and banquets in Asgard, which can be said to be like a fish in water, making the beautiful girls around him laugh from time to time.

Bald's performance is not worse than Chris, coupled with Bald's sun-like blond hair and angel-like handsome face, makes him even more popular than Chris.

Chris could not help but feel jealous when he saw that Balder was more popular than himself. Chris is more popular in Asgard than Bald, and Asgard prefers strong fighters. In comparison, Bald looks a bit of a silly gun.

The atmosphere in the banquet became more and more fierce, and the earth suddenly shook, like an earthquake, and the alarm in the sky kept howling.

"It seems Ronan is a little impatient." Adam raised his head, looking through the ceiling.

"It's up to your Majesty Adam for everything." The Supreme's heart was very shocked. He didn't expect Adam to tell her that Ronan was ready to attack, and the attack would really come.

Outside the atmosphere of Andals, a huge black battleship is slowly approaching, behind this huge battleship are countless small and medium-sized battleships.

"My lord, we can't land." A Cree was half-kneeled on the ground, sitting on the main seat, and a man with a hammer reported the battle report: "The Shandals are still resisting!"

"Trash, work harder." Ronan kept his eyes fixed on the hammer in his hand, as if Thor once looked at Thor's hammer.

A dazzling and beautiful red gem is inlaid on the ugly big hammer, and the mysterious red light is flashing, and the powerful force is condensed in it.

"What shall we do now?" Xing Jue stood on the land of Xandar Star and raised his head, looking at the attacking warship in the sky. "Ronan will definitely destroy this planet. No one can stop the power of the power gem."

"Then let's stop him, we are the Guardians of the Galaxy!" A little raccoon kept yelling while holding a laser gun that was bigger than his body.

"I'm Grum!" Behind the little raccoon was a huge tree man who was more than two meters tall.

"I will kill Ronan and avenge my wife and children." A terribly strong alien also stood beside Xing Jue.

"We must stop him!" Kamora's expression was extremely solemn. "We need to take the power gem back, and we must not let the gem fall into Thanos' hands!"

"You are here waiting for the news of our victory. Maybe you have other ways to watch the battle, but it is best not to go out. As the leader, you must stay away from danger."

Adam let the Supreme stay in the hall, and he took the three fighters of Asgard out of the banquet hall.

"The Cree's spaceship is as ugly as the dark elf's spaceship." Bald curled his lips as he watched the battleship in the sky. "I feel that there is a very powerful force on the spacecraft, enough to pose a threat to me."

"I feel it too." Chris' face became serious. "It seems that your Majesty is right, Ronan really got the power gem."

"Wait until it falls down, or just hit it directly?" Kai looked excited and looked at the battleship eagerly. "I can't fly, who of you will take me?"

"No After he lands, let me see the energy of the power gem." A huge throne appeared behind Adam, and Adam lay back and sat on the throne.

"According to my understanding of the power gem, if he directly attacked the earth after he landed, the Xandal star would be abandoned." There is really a lot of knowledge in Chris' mind, and it should have been deliberately imparted by the Odin clone. "Shandar Star doesn't have a Rainbow Bridge, so it can't last long."

"Oh." Adam nodded coldly. "Try not to let him ruin the Xander Star. After all, I am still here. If you let him ruin it, I will lose face."

Adam doesn't care if Xandal Star will be destroyed. This is neither Asgard nor Earth, and the Asa Protoss has no obligation to guard this place.

Adam only promised the Supreme to help him kill Ronan. No matter what Ronan did, as long as Adam finally killed Ronan, Adam fulfilled his promise.

If Xandal is not destroyed, it is considered that Adam helped the Nova Empire to guard Xandal. If Xandal is destroyed, it is considered that Adam has avenged the Nova.

(End of this chapter)

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