Garnett tremblingly picked up the watch, thanking God in his heart, he never thought that such a good thing would fall on him, this is alien technology!

"The fish that slipped through the net." The bald woman in a white monk robe suddenly appeared.

"Isn't it my turn to wipe the pp for you now?"

The watch and equipment turned into dust in Garnett's incredulous eyes, and he himself was fainted by the bald woman's glance.

When Garnett opened his eyes again, he had forgotten what had happened.

Adam returned to the palace, and the first thing was the summoned Aurora.

"Master Summoner, these eyes are really interesting." Aurora looked at Adam with excitement. "Murdoch has persuaded, he is very happy to study the cosmic coordinates."

"How long does he need to study?" Adam showed an expression of interest.

"He said he would study it for a month or so." Aurora put her finger at her face. "But if you want to build a portal, it will take about half a year."

"Then let him study and build slowly." Adam rolled his eyes. Although half a year is not a long time for him, his patience does not match its long life.

"How about Heimdall?"

Aurora thought for a while, and said: "We talked very happily, but I don't know why I can't convince him, and I can't control him with the eyes I can get."

"Probably your ability is not enough." Adam has never underestimated Heimdall.

"Aurora, you can do other things first. There should be many people in Asgard who need your speech."

"Good Summoner, Aurora must complete the mission successfully!"

After Aurora left, Adam also got his wish and saw the biological weapons intercepted by Heimdall.

As expected by Adam, it turned out to be something he had imagined, an alien queen.

Alien is a matrilineal society. Alien queens adopt parthenosexual reproduction and give birth to a large number of heteromorphic eggs. The fecundity is quite amazing. It can lay hundreds of eggs at a time and can hatch worms.

Once in danger, the alien queen will break free from the ovipositor and become the deadliest alien.

In the alien population of matrilineal society, the alien queen has the supreme status and has the ability to command and control other aliens.

She is the alien with the largest size and weight, about 4.5 meters high. The body structure of the alien queen is different from other aliens.

The head is obviously different. There is a fan-shaped helmet-like substance behind the huge head. The head can also be retracted into the helmet, which can effectively protect the head.

Moreover, the huge head prevents the queen from walking upright like other aliens, and most of the time stands like a Tyrannosaurus rex. There are also a pair of accessory limbs near the sides of the neck.

Adam is very satisfied with the alien queen in front of him. The party is a very powerful biological weapon. Of course, for the powerful Asgard, it can only be regarded as good.

The birth state of aliens is generally oviparous, and the queen is parthenosexual.

A queen means that Adam has an army of aliens.

The alien queen created the alien egg, and the alien egg hatched the face-holding worm, and the face-holding worm was the source of the alien. This is a bit difficult to explain, it is like a reincarnation.

No matter what the environment, it can survive very well. It is characterized by beige skin, eight legs, a very long tail, and its strength does not match the body shape. The tail is very powerful. It has two airbags. The host provides oxygen and injects pregnancy into the host's mouth. After the pregnancy is completed, the host leaves the host and will die after a period of time.

According to different hosts, the worms can hatch different aliens, and the same result is that these aliens are a fierce killing weapon.

According to Adam's observation, the strength of the Alien Queen is at the silver level, so her offspring should not exceed the gold level.

Even if such strength forms a large army, it can't provide Asgard with any help, and the alien genes are not enough to give them a higher possibility.

Adam stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the head of the alien queen, and forcibly signed a contract with the alien queen.

The result is as Adam imagined.

Although aliens can have different forms according to the host's genes, the stronger the host, the stronger the aliens, but there is also an upper limit.

Obviously, the life that reaches the legendary level will get a leap, so the alien can't get genetic information from the legendary powerhouse.

The alien queen told Adam that she could produce several special aliens, all of which were genetic information she obtained under the captivity of the predator.

The first type is called the fighting alien. It has a slender head, four slender fingers, a dorsal tube, and no organs connected to the nest. It has a high IQ and has three legs. The tail is longer than the general alien. It has a tail at the end. The pleats have a large spike that can survive and move underwater, can spray acid, move slowly, have agility, and have high anti-strike ability, but the head is very fragile.

The second type is called the messenger. The host is usually a small animal with a very short break time. The larvae are larger than ordinary alien larvae and have front and rear legs.

Adults are smaller in size than ordinary aliens. The head is very smooth, there is no dorsal tube, no organs connected to the nest, four fingers, three legs, fast running speed, and long thorns at the slender end of the tail. . Protect the larvae of the queen until the queen is born. IQ is low.

This kind of alien is of no use to Adam, although they belong to the position of scouts in the alien but their IQs are too low, and they can’t provide any accurate information. They can only get a large number of prey. And widowed.

The third type is called sentinel alien. The head is composed of a long skull and a thin transparent membrane. There is a dorsal tube behind it, and there are organs connected to the nest, six fingers, and the saliva is very abundant, which can be activated by spitting acid water to a certain extent. For long-range attacks, there is a small thorn at the slender end of the tail. It can be confirmed that it has the ability to build nests.

The last type is called the drone alien. It has a bumpy head, wrinkled patterns, three fingers, a dorsal tube, and an organ connected to the nest. The tail and the sentinel are basically the same. It has a touching resistance and a high IQ although not People have high IQs, can collaborate in teams, obey the queen's orders, and generally have the role of mt in the team.

Adam directly named this alien queen the Queen, which is simple and meaningful.

Adam likes the queen very much, because Adam just learned from the Supreme Mage that traveling to other universes will be suppressed by the rules there, unless approved by the luck of that universe.

The queen gave Adam a not-so-small surprise. Although the Alien’s strength is not too strong, they are not a traditional creature, but only a genetic biological weapon. Because of the particularity of the Alien creature, They will not be suppressed by strength in other universes, so they are suitable as advance troops.

The queen can provide Adam with an advance army, and it is not too difficult to deal with the earth-level forces without superheroes.

(End of this chapter)

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