Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 136: Indestructible portal

The space-time gate in the sky continues to expand,

Li Mo gradually felt something was wrong.

This big hole is a bit too big, right?

It's five times bigger than the original plot!

What is this TM...

He was also a little panicked, who hadn't paid much attention to this matter.

Turning to look at the shocked faces of Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow.

Even if this group of guys can hide from bullets and have extremely strong combat skills, facing the swarming Qitarians, they will die from exhaustion.

The space-time hole in the sky finally stopped expanding, and the Qitarians crowded like a swarm of bees burst out all of a sudden.

The first thing that came out was a large number of miscellaneous soldiers, tall in figure, pale complexion, wearing a brass helmet and breastplate, holding a laser gun in his left hand and a floating combat airship in his right hand.

After these guys surged from the sky above New York, they quickly dispersed in groups.

Followed by a dozen giant creature battleships, which look like Pippi shrimps.

This thing is called Leviathan by the Zetarians, it is a kind of creature that is similar to floating in the void, and it has become their assault ship after being biomechanically modified by the Zetarians.

This thing is dressed in heavy thorn armor, and the cavity in the abdomen carries a large number of Zita Swiss soldiers.

If you want to ask which city people are most afraid of in the two days when they learned that aliens are coming, the answer is undoubtedly New York.

Damn Hollywood!

This is the universal curse of New Yorkers.

Some savvy people have moved to the country temporarily, and the remaining people either took a fluke or didn't take it seriously, and finally felt cold all over when they saw the aliens descending from the sky.

The Qitarians immediately launched an attack, and the diving hovercraft continuously launched high-energy lasers to destroy everything in front of them. A dozen Leviathans began to destroy the surrounding floors.

This is the tactics of the Zetarians, they quickly carry out intensive attacks, first causing chaos, then dividing and destroying the resistance force, and finally causing the entire city to be paralyzed.

Although the panic in the past two days has caused heavy losses to the city of New York, there are still a large number of pedestrians on the street.

They screamed and ran away in the sound of the explosion. Some people hid in the nearby building and escaped temporarily, while those who rushed in panic on the street became the targets of the Zitarians.

A group of religious members of the extermination theory stood hand in hand on the street, "My fellows, let us welcome the trial peacefully..."

Subsequently, it was beaten to pieces by several lasers.

Some police officers used guns to attack the passing Zetarians in vain, and they were listed as priority targets.

The cars on the street were bombarded and flew up, and then there was a violent explosion. Shattered rocks are constantly falling from the dense high-rise buildings...

The news of aliens invading New York spread all over the world for the first time. The Pacific and Atlantic Fleet, which the US military had already recalled, immediately advanced to the vicinity of New York. The local air base immediately dispatched a large number of aviation formations. An army division stationed outside the city quickly advanced into New York.

At the emergency video conference of the United Nations summit, the US President faced the request of many countries to send troops into the United States to fight, and his face was uncertain and said, "This is impossible. The United States is the most powerful country in the world. We are confident. Have the ability to repel aliens."

"Then what if you lose?" The Russian strongman said unwillingly, "No one knows how big this offensive will be. If New York is lost and aliens completely control the portal, we may face it. With the global front, the entire earth will fall when the power is dispersed. The battlefield must be controlled in New York. If not, we will consider using nuclear bombs to wash the ground."

"Dare you!" the President of the United States gritted his teeth, "If you are the first to use nuclear bombs to attack the United States, we will also carry out the most powerful nuclear counterattack against you! At that time, the big deal will be over!"

"Rogue country!" The leaders of other countries gritted their teeth and cursed.

When the United States also uses North Korea's tactics, other countries are basically helpless.

"Then you are watching the destruction of the earth!" The leaders of the other great powers turned gloomy.

"If New York falls..." The president of the United States also sank, "We will use nuclear bombs ourselves!"

After closing the video, he looked at Director Ross next to him with a bad face, "You have seen the situation now, are you sure?"

Ross said with a firm face, "I will control the front in New York and require authorization to use nuclear weapons if necessary."

The President of the United States gritted his teeth, "No, we can't wait! If the frontline forces fail, nuclear weapons will be launched as soon as possible, and priority will be given to destroying the portal of the Stark Tower!"


Li Mo and their Kun-style fighters quickly flew into New York, looking at this doomsday-like scene, no one spoke.

As soon as they flew over Times Square, they were stared at by a group of Zetaric soldiers. Under dozens of consecutive laser attacks, Natasha was hit by the tail wing despite her excellent driving skills, and the Kun-style fighter fell sideways onto the street. , Crushed several cars and pedestrians.

Seven or eight kitari levitation boats hovered in the air and quickly approached the Kun-style fighter plane that had landed on the street, preparing for the second round of attack.

Suddenly, a dozen or so tentacles stretched out from the opened rear compartment, instantly skewered them into skewers, and then slammed them on the street.

Li Mo came out cursingly.

Three more kitari levitation warships flew out around the corner, and they were greeted by the roaring car that Li Mo threw out.

"F**k! This can't be done at all, you must close the portal first!" Li Mo said, looking at the densely packed Qitarians in the sky, shaking his head.

At this time, forty or fifty U.S. fighter planes suddenly roared from the direction of the coastline, and dozens of missiles were fired at the giant Leviathan.

Continuous violent explosions sounded, and two Leviathans suffered heavy injuries and slowly hit two tall buildings.

The U.S. military seemed to be encouraged. The ships cruising along the coast also fired dozens of missiles, dragging long white smoke to several other Leviathans.

It is a pity that several missiles were lasered into fireworks by the Zetarians in the air, and more Leviathans are being drilled out of the space-time holes.

Fighters from several aviation formations quickly fought with the Qitarians, and the sky became a mess. The battle line instantly spread to the entire Manhattan Island and several surrounding areas, and it continued to spread outward.

"TM New York is completely over." Li Mo saw his scalp numb.

Turning to look at it, Steve and the three of them are already fighting with the Zetaric creeps ejected from the Leviathan.

Although they were also quickly destroying the enemy, they did not play a decisive role in this kind of battle, and a large number of soldiers quickly surrounded them.

Suddenly, a **** man rushed out from the corner holding the car door and hit several Qitarui soldiers in succession. Followed by Matt, Jessica, and a white youth with gleaming fists.

The League of Defenders also came, and quickly gathered with the captain and them.

Under the command of Captain Steve, they immediately stabilized the line of defense and changed the goal to rescue ordinary people.

Some army armored vehicles also drove in, and a large number of soldiers cooperated with them to counterattack the Zitarians on the ground and in the air.

Li Mo shook his head. It seemed that these people could not count on it. He looked at the Stark Building in the distance and decided to rush over immediately.

Just as he was about to leave, a figure suddenly flew from a distance and fell in front of Li Mo.

Sol arrived, still holding Bruce Banner in one hand.

Finally came two awesome ones.

"Hi, Bruce, it's been a long time since I saw you. You have become a lot fatter." Li Mo and Bruce Banner said hello to Saul: "Take me to the Stark Tower."

Saul didn't talk nonsense, came over and grabbed Li Mo's hand and quickly smashed the hammer. Then the two swished and flew to the Stark Building.

"You just took me..." Looking at the two people going away, Bruce Banner muttered, then looked up at the densely packed Zitarians in the sky, gritted his teeth and said: "Hulk, you can destroy as much as you like today. Up!"

Then his pupils and skin color gradually turned green, and his muscles began to bulge...

"Howl--!" A wild roar resounded over New York.

The whistling sound of the squally wind is in my ears, and on both sides are buildings that are rapidly becoming smaller backwards...

After training with rocket raccoons and flying in outer space, Li Mo has no fear of altitude.

He even looked at the Thor's Hammer in front of him. By the way, Thor was flying with a Royal Hammer. Li Mo suddenly had some inspiration in his heart, but it was not the time to experiment.

Seeing the Stark Mansion getting closer and closer, a large group of Zetarians suddenly flew up nearby.

Thor turned his head to look at Li Mo, with a trace of pain and pleading in his eyes, "Don't kill Loki."

Later, he used his inertia to throw Li Mo to the top of the Stark Building, and he rushed to the group of Zetarians.

Li Mo looked at Thor, who was going away, and shook his head. They didn't even know that they weren't from this plane. Both Thor and Friega, the queen, treated themselves very well. Why did they kill Loki?

When approaching the high altitude of the Stark Tower, Li Mo started the rocket boots and landed steadily on Tony in armor was standing in front of a complicated machine with Dr. Eric Shavig. In the center is a cosmic cube floating, constantly shining with ice-blue light.

Tony saw Li Mo directly after a few energy shock waves, and then immediately flew up to start a battle with Li Mo based on his past experience.

It's a pity that Li Mo has grown a lot, and two tentacles wrapped him tightly around him at lightning speed.

Li Mo didn't talk nonsense, he immediately opened his visor with his tentacles, and put the concentrating hand string on it. The professor on the side was also rolled over by the tentacles.

"It's you bastard!"

Loki suddenly appeared on the opposite side, gritted his teeth and looked at Li Mo and said.

Li Mo looked at Loki, showing a silly smile, and stretched out a finger at him, swaying it from side to side, while still dubbing his mouth.

Bang... bang... bang

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