Summoner of Marvel World

: No. 147 Goal: Adam

Behind the scenes, the black hand started again and grabbed the two healthy guys. It just so happened that one of them was named Adam.

Adam floated in mid-air, his body was getting thinner and thinner, looking at the target who was in a coma, he went directly into his body.

Adam lurked inside the body, waiting for the body's consciousness to collapse, so that he could fuse this guy's consciousness and be reborn in a true sense.

In the dimness, Adam suddenly woke up in a bathtub filled with water, coughed several times, and then struggled to crawl out of the bathtub. In the process, he was panicked and accidentally pulled off the plug of the bathtub. Water began to drain rapidly down the pipeline.

Adam fell to the ground in embarrassment, all around him, and he couldn't see where he was. I couldn't help but began to panic, and at the same time, he was also uncertain.

Where am I?

Shouldn't I be at home?

Why does it appear in such an unfamiliar place inexplicably?

Suddenly, he was horrified to find that his left foot was actually locked by a thick iron chain!

He fumbled for the chains, stood up tremblingly, and yelled in dismay, "Help, help! Damn, who locked me up?!"

While pulling **** the chain, Adam gasped and shouted, "Is anyone here? Oh, my God! Is there anyone I need help! Hell... Am I dead?!"

"You're not dead..." Suddenly, a weak voice came not far away, like a guy who finally lost hope after struggling hard.

"Who is there? Talk!" Adam immediately asked vigilantly.

"No need to call, I tried it." The voice said calmly.

"Hey, no matter who you are, turn on the light immediately!" Adam stared nervously in the direction of the sound, and shouted stiffly.

"I think too, but I can't find the switch." The voice explained helplessly.

"What's the matter! Where is this?" Adam was nervous and anxious, and there was an unknown fire in his heart.

"I don't know..." The voice was still weak and couldn't answer Adam's question.

"What's that smell?" Adam suddenly smelled a strange smell, a faint fishy smell, and a faintly familiar feeling, he couldn't help asking strangely.

"That's..." The voice was about to answer, and the fluorescent lamp above his head flickered and turned on, and Adam's eyes instantly brightened.

Suddenly it changed from darkness to light, and the strong stimulus made Adam couldn't help closing his eyes. But he still heard the unfinished second half of the voice: "... the smell of blood!"

Adam's heart jumped, and his eyes gradually adjusted to the light, and he immediately opened up, but in the next second he saw a scene that frightened him...

This is a dilapidated basement, the surrounding environment is dirty and filthy, he would never walk into such a place in normal times.

But now Adam has no time to worry about these things, because the first time he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see that not far in front of him, there was a corpse lying in a pool of blood!

There is a blood hole in the corpse's head. The left hand is holding a .38 revolver, and the right hand is holding a small portable tape recorder.

"Ah!" Adam cried out in shock.

"Shut up, this person has been dead for a long time." The voice that had been talking to Adam rang again.

Adam reluctantly calmed down, his face was pale and followed the sound, and he saw a middle-aged man sitting on the ground across from him, who was clearly speaking.

What surprised Adam was that this man had a foot caught by a chain like him, and the other end of the chain was tied to a section of rusty iron pipe.

Seeing this scene, Adam's pupils suddenly shrank.

More importantly, the person opposite...he knows!

"Ah—" But he didn't care about anything else at this time. The situation in front of him made him very uneasy, so he squatted down and pulled the chain desperately, hoping to escape.


It's a pity, where is the thick iron chain of a baby's wrist that he can easily pull away?

"It's useless, I've tried it, I can't solve it..." the opposite person spoke again, his tone full of frustration.

Adam did not believe in evil and tugged a few more vigorously, but unfortunately it was still to no avail, suddenly fell down, and his eyes couldn't help flashing thick confusion and fear.

"Help, let me out!" He collapsed a bit, and couldn't help shouting hysterically.

"No one will hear you," said the person opposite in a pessimistic tone.

"What the **** is going on?" Adam shouted frantically, holding his head.

"You calm down first." The man comforted him, and then asked, "Are you injured?"

The calm appearance of the other party made Adam a little calmer, and immediately checked himself: "I don't know, maybe there is."

"What's your name?" the other person asked.

"Who are you?" Adam asked, "Why are you here? Do you know what's going on?"

"My name is Lawrence Gordon and I am a surgeon." The man introduced himself, and then reluctantly explained, "I woke up here too, only ten minutes earlier than you."

Immediately the two communicated. In the process, both parties found that the other party appeared in this basement inexplicably just like themselves, and lost relevant memories. No one knew why they were kidnapped, let alone why they were. Appearing in such a weird place, no one knows what to do next.

Of course, no one knew who the corpse on the ground was.

At this time, Adam and Gordon accidentally found a tape in their respective pockets. The two looked at each other, and immediately looked at the tape recorder in the right hand of the corpse in the middle!

Maybe there is a clue to escape! The two thought at the same time.

Just do it when you think of it. After finding a way to get the tape recorder, the two began to play the tape, first of all the volume of Adam.

Adam pressed the play button, and the next moment, a deep, hoarse voice came out of the recorder—

"Adam, you must be thinking where this is? Let me tell you, this may be your burial place!"

The first sentence inside made Adam's heart tremble, and a hint of chill rose in an instant.

The voice in the tape recorder continued: "In the past you have been hiding in the dark, spying on other people's lives. What do voyeurs think of yourself? You are a strange complex, UU reading is angry but indifferent, but It's mostly sad. So today you have to watch yourself die or try to stop it."

The tape ends here.

Adam had both panic and confusion in his eyes, not knowing what the other party meant. Looking at each other with Gordon, Gordon was obviously also puzzled. Then he took out his own tape and threw it to Adam: "Listen to me!"

Adam put the tape in, and then pressed the play button, and the weird voice sounded again.

"Doctor Gordon, your daily job is to tell others... they are dying! How cold and cruel! Today you will be the cause of death for others-your goal is to kill Adam! The time limit is before 6 o'clock."

Adam was shocked immediately, with a look of horror on his face, and couldn't help looking at Gordon with complicated eyes.

Then, the behind-the-scenes man in the tape recorder said something strange, like a reminder:

"There is a third person on the scene. The blood is poisonous. Only by committing suicide can he be relieved. The way to victory is hidden in the surroundings. Remember, X indicates where the treasure is hidden!

Then the man's voice turned cold, threatening: "If you fail to kill Adam in time... Then Alison and Diana will die! And you will rot here!"

"Now, the game begins!"

The sound ended, and the surroundings became quiet again.

(End of this chapter)

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