Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 149: Woman looking for brother

"Daddy! Help me! I'm so scared!" Diana couldn't help it anymore when she heard her father's voice on the phone, and she broke down and cried.

"Diana?!" On the other end of the phone, Gordon exclaimed in surprise and joy, "How are you?"

"Bad guys, bad guys kidnapped me and Mommy..." Diana sobbed and said, "He, he's here!"

"Don't be afraid, Daddy is here!" Gordon comforted his daughter, "Where is Mommy?"

"She's by." Diana cried. "Daddy, come and save me..."

Gordon said firmly: "Don't worry, baby, Daddy will definitely come to rescue you!" Then he heard his daughter's voice moving away, and couldn't help yelling eagerly, "Hey! Hey! Diana! Are you still there!" ?"

"Lawrence..." The next second, another familiar voice came from Gordon.

"Alison!" Gordon asked impatiently, "How are you?"

"I'm fine for the time being." Alison said to the phone, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry!" Gordon replied quickly, then comforted, "Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to save you and Diana!"

Alison couldn't help but glance at Sepp, who pointed a gun to his head, and saw that the other party was using his eyes to beckon him.

"Lawrence, you must come to save us!" Seeing her helpless daughter, she was heartbroken and said to her husband, "You must win this game!"

"I will save you!" Gordon swears firmly, and then hesitates, "But if you want to win, you have to..."

"Listen, Lawrence!" Alison interrupted him and yelled, "Don't believe Adam! He always lies, but he actually knows you!"

"What?!" Gordon was stunned.

"For us, Lawrence!" Alison gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "You must...Kill Adam!"



Hearing his wife's words, Gordon fell silent for a moment.

One side is his wife and daughter, and the other is innocent life. What should I do?

He was caught in a dilemma.

Adam looked at his face changing, feeling a little uneasy, and couldn't help asking: "You, are you okay?"

Gordon stared at him suddenly and asked: "My wife said you know me! Why did you lie to me?"

Adam panicked and dodged the eyes that he dared not look at. Finally he was helpless and told the truth. It turns out that he was hired by Officer David-Tep to follow and take pictures of Gordon, because Tapp had always regarded Gordon as Made the biggest suspicion.

Adam's words confirmed part of Gordon's thoughts. The truth began to be restored gradually, and they all remembered what happened before they fell into a coma.

However, this is not helpful in solving the immediate crisis, so Gordon had an idea and co-acted a play with Adam. He used the blood-stained cigarette to create the illusion of Adam's death, with the intention to confuse the past.

Unfortunately, how could the jigsaw game of death make them so easy to pass?

In the end, the results fell short, and the two who were demolished had to face punishment-electric shock! The electric current was conducted to their bodies through the iron chains on their feet, and the two of them were immediately convulsed by electricity.

At this time, the time finally reached 6 o'clock!

Gordon was shocked, and the life and death of his wife and daughter were in an instant!

In fact, Saipu was also desperate at this moment, and a fierce spirit grew in his heart, and he took a gun and walked towards the mother and daughter with sullen expressions.

Ignoring the two people's pleading and fearful eyes, raised their pistols at them, and at the same time opened up Gordon's call, then squatted down and put the phone in Alison's ear, and said coldly: "The game is over, Dr. Gordon lost. , I think it’s up to you to tell him the result in person—you will...accept death!"

"Hey! Sepp, I know it's you! I warn you not to mess around!" On the other end of the phone, Gordon shouted sharply. After mutual confirmation with Adam, they had guessed that the "murderer" was Sepp!

Sepp narrowed his eyes and was about to reply, when Alison beside him suddenly violent, threw him to the ground, and then took advantage of his unpreparedness to successfully grab the pistol!

It turned out that she had already untied the rope in her hand secretly, and had been looking for an opportunity to escape since then.

At this moment, he finally succeeded in counterattack unexpectedly, Alison raised his gun at Sepp and threatened: "Don't move! Otherwise I will kill you!"

Saipu's face changed, and he dared not move.

Alison pointed the gun at Sepp vigilantly, crouched down and fumbled and picked up the phone: "Hey, Lawrence!"

"Alison?!" Gordon's excited voice was heard on the phone.

"Are you OK?"

"I, I'm fine..." Alison said nervously, "Lawrence, where are you?"

"I don't know either." Gordon's voice was full of frustration, "I am imprisoned somewhere."

"Lawrence!" Alison cried out crying, "Diana and I need you!" She was very emotional, nervous and helpless.

Suddenly, Diana, who was sitting next to him on the ground, cried and shouted: "Mummy!"

Alison couldn't help but reflexively turned his head and looked over. At this moment, Sepp suddenly got into trouble, grabbed the pistol, and then fought fiercely with her!

During the fight, the phone was accidentally thrown away!

For a while, Gordon only heard constant collisions on the phone, his wife's angry shouts, and his daughter's crying, which made him anxious and flustered: "Hello! Hello! Alison?"


During the scramble, the pistol went off, and the loud noise immediately made Gao Deng on the other end of the phone extremely nervous, shouting frantically: "Alison, what's the matter? Are you all right?"

Alison struggled with Sepp for a pistol, but the weak power of a woman was an adult man's opponent, and soon she was thrown off by Sepp and fell to the ground.

"Good job, Mrs. Gordon!" Sepp wiped the blood from his forehead, which was accidentally scratched in the scramble. He raised his gun at Alison and said coldly.

There was despair in Alison's eyes.

Sepp sneered, suddenly moved the muzzle to the frightened Diana, and said with a smile: "Or I should solve her first!"

"Don't—" Alison yelled in horror, and then rushed up desperately.


Sepp kicked her away, then put his finger on the trigger, cruelly looking at the innocent little girl in front of him, the threat of poison in his body and the pressure of being forced to kill gradually made him crazy.

"NO—" Seeing that her daughter was about to die, Alison yelled heartily.

"Alison! Diana!" On the phone, Gordon, who had a bad anticipation, also yelled.

The next second-


The gunfire rang!

Alison collapsed to the ground in despair, but immediately she found that her daughter was still fine, and the bad guy Sepp fell to the The gun’s right hand had been shot through, and he was holding it. The hurt hand was rolling, and his mouth was wailing again and again.

The gun in his hand also fell to the ground.

"Diana!" Alison thought of her daughter for the first time, and hurriedly rushed to her daughter's side and hugged her excitedly.

"Mummy!" Diana also hugged her mother in horror.

Seeing her daughter safe and sound, Alison finally felt relieved.

"Where is my brother?"

A girl dressed as a crazy clown walked into the room with a small golden pistol in his hand. It was this gun that hit Sepp.

"I'm Harley Quinn, and my brother's name is Adam... Um... Quinn! He is a cowardly private investigator, and he is now pitifully and helplessly waiting for his dear sister to be rescued. But that idiot has not To admit your name, you have to say that you are Adam Quezel. After saving him this time, I have the right to give him a new name, right?"

Hallie stretched out a foot to step on Sepp's injured hand and looked at Sepp with a smile, her voice getting more and more excited.

"Where is my poor, weak and helpless dear brother? Quickly, quickly, quickly..."

Sepp looked at the lunatic in front of him with horrified eyes. He had heard of this woman and heard that she was once the best psychologist, and now...

(End of this chapter)

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