Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 154: The Law of Survival in Gotham City

When he walked to the bank counter, Adam pointed his gun at the scattered cash and motioned to put the money in the bag.

The bank clerk put money in the bag with trembling hands. Adam didn't feel nervous at all. He even smiled at the bank clerk, but it was a pity that his smile was blocked by the face mask.

Don't make a sound during the robbery, because every word will have accents and personality traits that will cause the police to come to the door. These are the new knowledge Adam learned in the car.

For the police in Gotham, they will voluntarily abandon cases that are too difficult. Maybe they should say that they have self-knowledge?

Adam and his party remained silent throughout the whole process, except for one person who kept telling the time, showing extremely high psychological and professional qualities.

"Ten seconds left!" The thin tall man said nervously while looking at his watch.

"Go!" The fat man waved, and the group of people hurried away, boarded the van and left the scene, but the Gotham police arrived late after they left.

In a dilapidated warehouse, the five Adams are counting their gains. This is a boring job. Unlike the cash counters, the money belongs to them, not the superior powers.

"Hahaha... Adam, do you know how much money we spent on this ticket? One million! Two hundred thousand per person! Hahaha!" The fat man laughed while holding the money on the table.

"Yes, one million is not too much, but not too much." Adam pulled out the pistols on both sides of his belt and sat on the opposite side of the two men who were still counting money.

"What gives you the illusion that you can divide money from me?"

Then Adam knocked the thin tall man with a pistol, and then pointed the other pistol at the forehead of the fat man who was still drawing his gun.

"Big big...Don't kill me, big brother...I, I, I, I...I give you all the money!" The fat man swallowed, his pupils shrunk, his body trembling slightly.

"I'm sorry, although this song of yours has a sense of rhythm, but killing you, the money is mine." In the horrified eyes of the fat man, Adam pulled the trigger, and the bullet went out with the flames and got into his. Skull.

Moving all the money into the car, Adam drove out of the warehouse. This was the first time Adam drove, leaving four dead bodies and one place of blood.

Soon after, the Gotham police rushed to the warehouse, but only four bodies were found, but after they lifted the bodies, a flame broke out in the warehouse.

I really don’t know what kind of books Gotham City sells from the trap knowledge learned from the books, and Batman doesn’t care about it?

The money from the robbery can only be used after avoiding the limelight, but before, Adam loaded some old banknotes on the counter, not serial numbers, and should be the money that was saved that day.

The money is about tens of thousands, enough for Adam to use until the police finish the investigation and shoot a criminal casually to seal the file.

"I hope Batman has no time to come to me, after all, a small case of one million yuan shouldn't bother him, right?"

Poor people cannot imagine the extravagant and extremely lustful life enjoyment of the rich and powerful, especially those rich people who treat money as numbers, they are incomparably pursuing the beauty of life.

Things that should be enjoyed Adam once enjoyed. The powerful strength suppressed her originally as a human being. Now that he has lost his strength, he prefers a more lively environment.

Therefore, Adam with a million will not appear in luxurious hotels or underground hotels. What he likes is a vulgar bar not far from a slum.

He hoped that he could drink until he was dark, and use alcohol to wash away the **** smell from his body. This smell is really unpleasant. If he chooses again, Adam will definitely shoot farther.

However, compared to using guns to kill people, Adam still likes to use supernatural power, without the slightest blood, directly tore the fragile **** into the sky.

When drinking, there is no plot of pretending to slap in the face or striking up with beauties. Please, there are no beauties in the bars outside the slums, even if there are few girls, after all, such a dangerous place.

Besides, in Gotham City, you pretended to be forced to slap your face, did you wake up?

There are neurotic desperadoes everywhere, Gotham City is simple and simple, and Arkham is not a joke.

If you want to survive in Gotham City, you must have a certain way. Adam, who has lost his strength, listed himself a few points for attention.

1. Don't stand on the street.

2. Don't laugh at people who are limping on foot.

3. Don't go to the grove, the coast.

4. Do not hesitate to do it immediately if you make a difference.

5. When you encounter a robber, you can beat it, and if you can't beat it, you will be calm.

6. Say "I'm crazy" when you commit a crime and go to Arkham to make friends.

7. Arkham is a friend and GCPD is an enemy.

8. Don't deal with anyone in the Wayne Group except Bruce.

9. Don't underestimate any Zhengtai or Loli.

10. Hold your thigh when you see the richest adult.

Hmm... the last one can be crossed out.

After all, Adam is the king of gods. Although he doesn't care about dignity, he still has a bottom line. He definitely doesn't hold his thighs!

"Hey! Buddy, do you drink boring wine alone?" Adam was tasting these inferior spirits when a tall and thin man walked over, which reminded him of the tall and thin man who had just died in his hands.

"Fuck off, boy, before I kill you." Adam looked at the young man coldly, rubbing the gun on his belt with his palm. He doesn't need to make friends in this low-level place, and his identity is very sensitive.

The reason Adam’s identity is sensitive is not because he participated in a robbery, but because he is Harley Quinn’s brother. If someone knows his identity, it will cause no less trouble than being caught by Batman.

"..." The young man retired nervously to a corner that Adam could not see, praying that the murderer would not go crazy and shoot himself to death, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com Gotham City has no shortage of lunatics who shoot at will. I hope this one I encountered is not.

Adam watched the young man retreat to the corner and then continued to drink. In order to ensure his sobriety, Adam should not get drunk. Who knows if something will blurt out after being drunk.

And who knows who will be carried away after being drunk, and can he see the sun again the next day?

"It's really troublesome. Gotham City at night is not so fun." Looking at the clock on the wall, he guessed it had been dark outside for a long time. Adam touched his hair and left the bar.

"What do you want to do?"

A gentle female voice sounded behind Adam.

"Harry, are you finally willing to see me?"

Adam looked back at the sister who had not seen each other for three months.

Hallie knew her troubles, she didn't want to involve her only relative, so after rescuing Adam, she left without saying goodbye. Unexpectedly, Adam actually came to Gotham City, lived there, and participated in a robbery.

God, is this still the brother who loves himself and is as timid as a mouse?

Halle glanced at Adam's gentle eyes and the pistol around his waist.

I still love myself as always, but not timid, but rather unexpectedly ‘brave’.

(End of this chapter)

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