Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 156: Wonder Woman

Adam did not hide his traces. Of course, this is only relative. For the police, Adam is a criminal who imitates a clown and has a certain anti-tracking ability.

Although Adam's strength has become extremely weak compared to his former self, he is already a very powerful criminal for ordinary people. With his excellent perception, ordinary police cannot find Adam's whereabouts at all.

In a bar not far from Arkham, Adam was drinking while watching the swaying body of the people on the dance floor, waiting quietly.

Adam is waiting for someone to find himself. The people around are crazy and depraved. It is not far from Arkham, so there are not many good people gathering here. They are covered with tattoos, smoke and drink, and burn their powder.

The manic music harassed Adam, making Adam a little bit unbearable. He walked out of the bar with a bottle of wine, sat on the road, and took out a tablet computer.

The tablet was picked up at random when Adam set it on fire. After pressing the power button, the screen lit up, and it was not bad.

After browsing the news, Adam found out that he had made a big mistake.

This is just a DC-extended single universe, not a real DC universe, so there are not as many superheroes and super criminals as Adam imagined.

There are only four famous superheroes on the Internet, and one has died.

The Arrow of Star City, Adam remembered that he was called Oliver Quinn, and he was also a wealthy tycoon, but his ability was not that powerful, at best he was a bronze scum.

The Batman Bruce Wayne of Gotham City is also the person Adam is waiting for. A super rich man whose superpower means being rich. As a bronze scum, he can kill the enemy higher than he is. It’s terrifying. Like this.

The superman of the metropolis, a super man named Clark Kent. The battle power is exploding, and it can be called the **** of the world. Adam has not seen him himself, so I don't know what level of his battle power is, but at least he is above the **** level. This guy has died with a monster.

There is another Wonder Woman wandering around. Adam can't remember the name of this woman, only that this woman seems to be the daughter of Zeus, the princess of the Amazon family. According to Adam's analysis, even if this woman does not have the power of a **** level, she is at least the pinnacle of the legend.

Then there is no more, there are only these four superheroes active on the Internet.

Based on the analysis of the current situation, this single universe should be an extension of the movie, and the next plot should be the plot of Steppenwolf coming to the earth to **** the mother box.

In other words, the current Batman has no time to pay attention to Adam.

Adam used a little hacking technique he had learned from the Terminator and found a dark web on the Internet. Through this dark web, he assigned a task to find the clown in Gotham City.

Adam stared closely at the data on the tablet. He hoped that someone could receive this mission, perhaps the death shooter, or the death knell. In short, Adam hopes that there will be more powerful people in this single universe.

The more powerful individuals in the single universe, the greater the potential of the single universe. Although the potential of the single universe is not great, it has nothing to do with Adam, but Adam is a person who likes to be very lively.

Ten minutes later, this task was accepted. A mercenary named Ghost Face Fox accepted this task. Adam scratched his head and didn't expect that there was a character called Ghost Face Fox in DC.

Now that he knew that Batman didn't have time to pay attention to himself, Adam naturally wouldn't be silly. He threw the bottle of wine in his hand and walked staggering to the rented hotel.

There are no street lights on the gloomy streets, and the moonlight shines on the ground, so that people can barely see the condition of some roads.

Adam walked slowly on the road, and saw a beautiful woman face to face, looking at himself with his hands on his shoulders.

"Madam, do you need help?" Adam is still very gentle towards women. He walked up to the woman and said solemnly: "It's best not to go out at night in this city. Do you need me to take you back?"

The woman was very beautiful and had a very good figure. She wore a lady's suit. She looked at Adam coldly and said, "You did everything in the cathedral before?"

"Haha..." Adam seemed to understand something, smiled awkwardly, and asked: "How do you call a beautiful woman?"

"Diana Prince." A golden whip suddenly appeared in the woman's hand. "Are you ready to repent?"

Seeing this golden whip, Adam finally knew who the woman in front of him was.

Wonder Woman Diana, isn't her weapon just a golden whip, it seems to be called a mantra lasso.

The Mantra Lasso is the exclusive weapon of Wonder Woman. It is considered unbreakable, and those trapped in the sleeve can only tell the truth.

"Diana...Wonder Woman, right?" Although Adam is only a consciousness clone, he can also see the general level of others. The Wonder Woman in front of her should be a legendary powerhouse, and she has two wristbands on her arms. It contains a very powerful divine power. "I remember Gotham City is Batman's jurisdiction, have you crossed the line?"

Wonder Woman didn't pay attention to Adam, and waved the golden whip in her hand, she wrapped it around Adam and tied Adam into a zongzi.

"You are bound by my mantra lasso. From now on, you can only tell the truth." Wonder Woman stared at Adam's eyes did you do that? "

"I want to find the clown, but I don't know where to find it. Since he escaped from Arkham, he has lost his track."

Adam felt a burst of magical power enveloped him, this power was somewhat similar to a spiritual gem, enveloped Adam's heart, so that Adam could only tell the truth.

"I'm just imitating the Joker. I think if I do this, the Joker will be interested in me, and then he will come to me. Even if he is not interested in me, Batman will be interested in me. I believe he will be interested in me. Get the clown's trail in Batman's mouth."

"So you hurt so many innocent people?" There was some anger in Wonder Woman's tone.

"Living in the city of Gotham City, they may face all kinds of dangers at any time." Adam said nonchalantly: "Life is a part of death, and this part of them is over. I just moved the time forward. Some only."

"I see, you are also a lunatic." Wonder Woman suddenly calmed down, as if she was no longer angry. "If you want to see Batman, then I will send you to see him, I hope you won't regret it, he is quite violent sometimes."

"The reason you are no longer angry, is it because you agree with me?" The power of the mantra lasso made Adam's thoughts speak out directly, unable to hide.

"Weakness is the original sin. You agree with this sentence."

(End of this chapter)

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