Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 159: Disgusting patient


Adam looked at the younger sister in front of him, and suddenly had some bad ideas in his heart.

The clown girl is so obsessed with the clown, she still has to chase here to rescue the clown. What if she still can’t look back after killing the clown?

Adam is a little confused, otherwise he will kill Harley Quinn together?

There was a burst of anger from the depths of Adam’s body. Adam knew that the original owner was causing trouble, so he smiled and gave up the idea of ​​killing the clown girl. Anyway, since she came, this sister has shown her feelings for herself. It's still true.

"Brother, I also want to thank you." Hallie walked to Adam's side and gently helped Adam tidy up the collar. "If it weren't for you, how would I know that my little pudding was hidden by Batman in Arkham."

"Harry, he is so to you, you are still so crazy infatuated with him!" Adam can't understand this feeling at all. "You are a very difficult disease to treat!"

"That's because you don't know him, he is like a twisted black hole, so charming!" Hallie said in admiration, while removing a button from Adam. "I knew you were the best detective, brother. You must find Little Pudding."

"Is that a bug?" Adam knew that he had been calculated.

Sure enough, Adam's IQ is really not enough compared to these guys, let alone Batman and the Joker, even Harley Quinn can count him.

"Brother, everything you did was actually looking for a dead end. Now that it's alright, you should be safer here." Hallie's eyes looked a little strange at Adam.

There was a bit of reluctance, a bit of reluctance, and a bit of guilt in Hallie's eyes, and the rest was seven minutes firm.

Next, no matter what Adam said, Hallie completely ignored him, took out a tube of medicine, and injected it into Adam's body.

Adam's instinct told him that Hallie would not harm him, so he didn't use his divine power to resist, watching Hallie inject a transparent tube of medicine into his body.

This tube of medicine is a sleeping pill. After being injected into the body, it worked directly, and Adam lost consciousness after ten seconds.

When Adam woke up again, he found himself in a dim stone room, which was more like a prison cell than a lunatic asylum.

There is a small window on the gate made of pure steel. It looks like it should be used for food delivery. The whole stone room is very airtight. Apart from the small window on the iron door, there is no other place for ventilation.

The sound of ‘dong dong dong’ has been heard on the wall next to him. Adam thinks that he is an energetic patient, and maybe he can talk to him.

Walking to the edge of the wall, Adam reached out and knocked on the wall and asked: "Can you hear me?"

"Yes, new here?"

A very clean male voice came from the other side of the wall, and it sounded like an on-demand tone. Maybe he was a host before he was crazy, Adam thought silently in his heart.

"My name is Adam, what's your name?" Adam has always been bad at talking with people. Every time he starts a conversation, he starts with self-introduction.

"Lawrence, my name is Lawrence." It seems that the people across the wall also like this way of communication.

Adam was silent for a moment, and there was no movement on the other side. About 15 minutes later, Lawrence's voice came from the other side again.

"Adam, why are you locked in?" Lawrence's voice didn't have a trace of curiosity, but it had a taste of school exams.

"Arson?" Adam was a little uncertain, and then asked, "Lawrence, why are you imprisoned?"

"My neighbor is a Jew, and their family of seven lives together." Lawrence's voice was a little proud. "I chopped them up and put them in the freezer. It filled three freezers. I just caught them halfway through the meal. It was a bit of a failure."

"You are disgusting, I don't want to chat with you anymore." Adam curled his lips and left the wall. He felt that Lawrence on the opposite side of the wall made him very disgusting.

Mammals hardly eat their kind, especially humans.

This kind of behavior of feeding on the same kind is unacceptable. Even the most ferocious criminals will not do this kind of behavior. There is only one identity for people who can do this kind of behavior, that is, a lunatic.

Lawrence fits the definition of a lunatic very well. Although the harm he caused to society is far, far behind those super villains, his behavior is even more guilty.

Adam could hear a hint of pride in Lawrence's voice. This was something Adam could not understand. Could it be that he was proud of eating the same kind?

Lawrence kept knocking on the wall and talking loudly, trying to attract Adam's attention and continue the conversation.

But Adam didn't have the slightest interest in chatting with such a madman. He was tortured by Lawrence's harassment. If it weren't for a wall, Lawrence's head would be no longer on his body.

Lawrence’s ward was on Adam’s left. In order to escape Lawrence’s interference, Adam walked to the rightmost wall and sat down against the wall.

"I heard your conversation, my name is Gray."

There was also a voice from behind the wall, which should be another patient of Adam.

"What do you think of that cannibal lunatic?" Adam leaned his back against the wall.

"A grossly rude guy."

Gray's voice was so rough that Adam could even think of his vicious face with full beard.

"Gerry, why did you get caught in?" Adam was talking and thinking about how to find the Adam felt that he must kill the clown before Hallie found the clown. Otherwise, all my hard work will be wasted.

"They said I was a madman, but I really didn't do anything crazy." Gray's voice was flat. "I just pulled off the skins of a few candidates and glued them to myself. Everyone can wear good-looking clothes. Why can't I?"

"Well, I probably understand your condition." Adam leaned against the wall speechlessly. He didn't expect that there were so many lunatics in the Arkham Asylum.

Shouldn't all these neuroses go to a psychiatric hospital? Come to Arkham to join in the fun!

"Adam, what kind of man do you like?" Gray seemed to be interested, with a little excitement and expectation in his voice.

"No, I like women." Adam suddenly felt his cold hair stand up. "Why do you ask?"

"Why do you like women? They are so dirty, although the skin is a little better." Gray's voice was full of anger. "You should like a man like me!"

"I will definitely twist your head off your neck, and that idiot named Lawrence!" The divine power in Adam was surging, suppressing the nausea that came out of his stomach. "It is said that talented people come out of Arkham in large numbers, and you absolutely do not deserve the title of talent. You nauseating fellows, Arkham is ashamed!"

(End of this chapter)

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