Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 163: diary

Just when Adam was about to leave, he suddenly found a black notebook on the clown's body.

Adam opened this note out of curiosity, which recorded a person's life experience in Arkham.

The Arkham Asylum is located on the outskirts of Gotham City. This lunatic asylum is an "abnormal human research center", and most of the prisoners are extremely dangerous criminals with high intelligence. The mentality from doctor to patient in this lunatic asylum is not very normal, but I, Grace Ackerman, can assure the whole world that I am not insane. For some special reasons, I was hunted down by a crazy man, and to escape the small crimes I committed in my early years, I pretended to be a lunatic and hid here.

Right now, I am sitting in a rocking chair in the center of the lounge. All around is a snow-white world, white walls, white floors, white tables and chairs, and cold lights—I don’t like this kind of environment, even lunatics.

"Grace, they took my baby away." Yvonne was sitting on the table not far from me, her thin legs swinging back and forth.

There was an old man squatting under the table where she was. He kept drooling: "Dom is hungry!"

The old man, Dom pulled his hair, yelled, "Dom is hungry! Dom wants to eat!"

This time the sound was louder, and the lunatics around panicked.

There was an old lady in a wheelchair by the window in the distance. She thought she was a white-headed flower, so she stayed in front of the nailed window every day. I know that she will jump down someday.

There are two people playing flying chess next to the heater. Oh, that's not a normal flying chess. In fact, no one knows what their game rules are. The two madmen just play chess that no one can understand.

The other lunatics only dared to stay far away in the corner, avoiding me to be precise. Yvonne and Dom are my only friends here. Because other lunatics are afraid of me.

It may be that I didn’t respond, Yvonne was a little angry. She punched me and said in a loud voice: "Grace!! They took my baby!!"

I kicked her and felt helpless to the little girl, "I heard Yvonne!" The little girl is 12 years old this year, but she is from Ward 7.

Arkham’s ward numbers are arranged according to the degree of risk. Generally speaking, the more crazier the mentally ill, the higher the ward number. Dome is number 16 and I am number 1.

Yvonne jumped off the table, yelling almost screaming, "I'm going to kill them! Grace! I'm going to tear them up!" As she drew out the chair under me and ran to smash the door.

The noise alarmed the lunatics, Dom crawled out, grabbed a person, and gnawed. The two chess players are smashing chess pieces.

Ms. Pulsatilla also slammed her head against the tempered glass, sobbing like a bird in her mouth.

The red indicator light came on, flashing a little bit of color to the lounge.

A woman started screaming, and a man yelled loudly with excitement.

In the chaos, some people were standing by to salute military salutes, and some were dancing unnamed dances.

The originally silent lounge suddenly turned into a lively banquet.

Screaming, crying, alarm bell; military salute, dancing, violence. This is the banquet of lunatics.

I stood on the spot and looked at all of this, but my heart was very calm, and even some enjoyment.

Only a madman can express his emotions and thoughts so truly, how I like my life here!

Maybe I'm crazy, I thought to myself.

No one approaches me even in the chaos, because they are afraid of me, afraid that I will go crazy or afraid that I am a normal person, an outside person? I do not know.

The head nurse rushed in with someone, and the nurses and security guards waved electric batons.

"Shut up! Stop! You lunatics!" The head nurse treated her patients with no mercy.

Dom was given a sedative. Yvonne was imprisoned.

The remaining people calmed down after a few electric batons. I looked at the head nurse coldly, but she dared not look at me. You see, it's another hypocrisy that bullies the soft and fears the hard.

When the lunatics are subdued, they are all quiet and well-behaved angels.

As a result, the alarm was lifted, the banquet was forced to stop, and this place became a white cell, imprisoning a group of people who were different from ordinary people.

Perhaps, according to the doctor, we are lunatics. According to the head nurse's private statement, we are animals. This is strange, because in my opinion, we are all geniuses, geniuses who are not tolerated by ordinary people, pure geniuses.

We are not half-hearted, Yvonne only cares about her doll, Dom just wants to be full, Ms. Pulsatilla just wants to fly... Oh, this **** world.

Dom looked uncomfortable after taking the sedative. He collapsed on the table, choking saliva and tears into his nose.

The paramedics didn't care about this, they tied him the protective gear and kicked him off the table.

So I couldn't control my anger anymore, and I kicked down the caregivers and gave them a lesson about the most basic respect with my fist.

The head nurse rushed over with an electric baton and was knocked to the ground with a punch.

As a result, the surrounding security guards did not dare to approach. Around the white cage, my incontinent cute lunatics who were electrocuted by electric batons whistled and screamed at me!

Accompanied by these whistles, I smiled evilly and raised my hands.

The head nurse clutched her broken nose and stood up, rudely pushing me to the confinement room.

Seeing my smile, she shrank her hand again, and placed it gently on me.

Surrounded by security guards, they all held electric batons on guard, as if they were ready to pounce on all of them as long as I made any movements. I brightened their teeth, and they shrank back again.

All the way out of the lounge, I could still hear cheers and whistles coming from behind the long white The head nurse cursed a few words: "Madman." The confinement room is a one. The traditional little black room, dirty bed boards, and smelly pillows, before the head nurse closed the door, I pinched the fat on her face to draw her closer.

"I heard that your people took Yvonne's doll again?"

The head nurse’s fat face trembled, and the uncoagulated nosebleeds were still hanging on her face. I went on to say, “Go back before the power goes out at night, you know? Lisa, you have to be obedient.”

She nodded hurriedly, and then hesitated: "I...I will put it back, Gr. Grace. Also, I, my name is Helen..."

I let go and smiled, "As long as you are obedient, Dylan, I won't bother you. Stay away from Yvonne in the future. It's good to you and me, isn't it~~" I raised the end to let them Turn the tone as you like, this is the tone learned from another person.

She quickly dropped her locks away from me and agreed to the agreement.

Adam frowned and closed the notebook. He always felt that things were not that simple.

This notebook is a diary. He should carefully analyze the people appearing in the diary, but there is no one who is familiar with it.

This should be a diary from a long time ago. The Arkham described in it is not at all the same as the current one. The current Arkham asylum is actually more like a prison for serious prisoners.

(End of this chapter)

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