Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 175: Land of war

Adam drove to a small town nearest to the outskirts, abandoned the stolen car outside the city, and walked into the city.

Looking at the delicious snacks on the roadside stalls, Adam couldn't help but feel a little greedy. Although the body no longer needs to eat at this time, it is inevitable that the appetite is still a little hard to quit.

Adam found that he didn't have a penny on his body, and he didn't want to be extravagant, so it was better to buy food with money, took out a bank card from his pocket, and walked into the bank.

The bank card was prepared by Adam a long time ago. There is not much money in it. It is the clean money left by this body when he was a detective. There is no need to worry that someone will make trouble.

Although the city was not prosperous, there were many people waiting to withdraw money in the bank. Looking at the long line in front of the window, Adam found a place to sit down at random.

Say Adam is not in a hurry, but the saliva secreted from his mouth and the snacks hawked from outside the bank keep arousing Adam's nerves.

It was said that Adam was in a hurry, but he admired the scenery outside the window and did not go to queue.

Do you want to jump in the queue?

"Don't move!"


When Adam was struggling in his heart, a shout suddenly sounded from outside the bank, followed by a sharp voice, and the glass door of the bank shattered.

The gunshot is still the m16s1 rifle, an old-fashioned assault rifle that has long been eliminated, with three shots, suitable for assault operations.

Adam leaned down slightly and looked up at the three people who came in. The first person was a strong man with an m16s1 rifle in his hand. He was looking at the people in the hall with a haughty face, when he saw that he was standing on the lower half of the stairs. The eyes of the beautiful woman couldn't help but brighten up.

It's really troublesome, why do these things always make Adam come across?

However, compared to robbing planes, robbing banks is more common, and Adam has done similar things in the past.

Adam sat aside obediently, watching this group of fellows admiringly.

"Whatever you look at, you all squat with your head and rob the bank, haven't you seen it?"

The two people who broke in behind him were holding six-shot revolvers. One of the thin men was staring at the bank counter with arrogance, and the other was guarding the door. The guns in his hands were aimed at the outside and could break through at any time. Security guard coming in.

Three people, three guns, shot fifteen bullets in one round, except for the one that pierced the glass of the door just now, there were 14 bullets left.

The three men held three positions, forming a triangle shape, which is the best defensive position and can keep everyone in sight. This kind of position is not like an ordinary gangster, but more like a professionally trained team.

The police are a bit difficult to handle, but they are much more professional than I was before.

While observing the three robbers, Adam silently recalled the things he had done in his mind, and some thought of the three accomplices who had been killed by himself.

Looking at these three robbers, Adam felt somewhat familiar and intimacy.

Adam frowned and looked at the chaotic hall. For these ordinary people, as long as they are firearms, they are extremely lethal, and their lives are threatened. Normal people are in this way. Under the circumstances, there is only fear and panic in my heart.

Adam suddenly thought of his own purpose, he came to withdraw the money himself!

Adam glanced at the stairs, and saw a beauty in professional attire, under the cover of two bodyguards, retreating upstairs. Although her face was full of horror, she didn't seem to be messy, she fell into the court to stay calm. One of the few people.

After looking at three very professional robbers, maybe their purpose is not to rob the bank?


Another gunshot sounded, Adam’s heart leaped, and a person at the counter who looked like a sales manager flashed blood in his chest, and fell to the ground unconsciously. A black mobile phone slipped from his sleeve and fell on it. To the bank lobby.

Obviously, he tried to call the police just now, but was seen by the big guy.

Adam shifted his position without showing off, avoiding the camera in the hall, hiding in a shadow and looking at the three robbers in the hall.

It stands to reason that the first purpose of a robber is not to kill, but to steal money. It is natural to kill when threatened, but there must be a moment of panic and anxiety after killing, rather than showing such calmness. It seems Killing is not a big deal to them.

Adam felt like he was back in Gotham City, and he deserves to be the Nordic with sturdy folk customs.

These three are not ordinary robbers, they are cruel characters. Compared with some talents in Gotham City, they are no different.

Mad, is that your luck?

Adam seemed to have thought of something, could it be because he was against Wonder Woman and was targeted by the will of the world?

"I've said that you should hold your head and squat. If anyone makes small movements in their hands, the bullets don't have eyes!" The big man in front yelled viciously, "And you, where are you going, let me stand down!"

The muzzle in the hand of the big man swayed towards the woman, and the woman in professional attire turned pale, and suddenly stood on the stairs and dared not move.

"That's good, be obedient, I won't be embarrassed by myself, we are here to rob, not to kill, understand?" The big man waved to the back, "Little Liu, let them take the money. Put it on and withdraw before the police arrive!"

"Good brother!" The thin man didn't know where he took out a travel bag, shook his hand and threw it on the counter. The muzzle was pointed at several salespersons, scaring the female salespersons.

"Don't be afraid, little sister, just fill up the money for your brother, brother is not difficult for you, hehe?" The man glanced over several salespersons, especially taking care of some towering positions, with a squinting look. .

Several female salespersons frightened and put the cash on hand into the travel and then squatted aside with their chests, shivering all over. How often these ordinary people have seen this kind of scene, let alone the lobby is not far away There was a colleague who didn't know his life or death, and the depressive atmosphere caused by the **** pictures was about to destroy the psychological defense of these young girls.

However, this extremely depressing and solemn atmosphere did not last for even a minute, and it was broken by a voice outside the bank.

"You social worms, dirty scum."

Adam looked out the window.

The police car is ready for battle, and a handsome middle-aged man is yelling into the bank with a loudspeaker.

"You have been surrounded, I advise you to surrender!"

"Brother, why did the police come so fast?" A robber's voice was a little panicked.

"Some problems." The leading man did not show the slightest panic. "Hurry up and bring all the money, and I will play with them."

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