Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 180: Keep killing

The faint smell of air-conditioning and the smell of everyone occupying the space is suffocating.

The incandescent light was shining brightly, frightening the sluggish soldier for a moment, staring up in horror at Adam, who was not tall but looked like a giant.

Adam stood upright and raised the soldier with one hand, like a devil with a tyrannical expression. With the light shining on, the picture freezes at this moment, he is the terrifying demon who has set aside the ground.



"Everyone shoot!"

"Shoot! Don't froze!"

The scene changed from static to dynamic again. The frightened soldier raised his eyes, and subconsciously made a sound of fear.

The horrified soldiers raised their spears again, numbly pulling the trigger, and countless gunshots sounded continuously in this suffocating space.

There was a hint of hope in the frightened eyes, and it might be that the gun in his hand could protect their safety.

Countless flying bullets showed up in front of Adam again, looking so weak and boring.

Adam grinned, and instead of using the dead soldier's body to resist, he raised his chest and extended his arms, letting the thousands of bullets pour down.

Let your despair deepen.

Each bullet is like a needle, slightly stinging his nerves and making him feel his own existence.

Adam's mouth was unusually wide with a smile, showing his teeth, and his eyes were cold with a crazy smile.

Stepping forward again, Adam faced the bullets shot from the sky out of fear.

Randomly probed his hand to meet him, and several bullets shot into his palm, as if they were pierced in by several needles.

Say it hurts, it doesn't hurt much.

It just happened to trigger the **** madness that Adam hadn't had for a long time, causing his blood to boil for a moment.

It's like facing Odin for the first time.

It also seemed to be the first time that he showed his fangs to the Supreme Master.

The ground cracked more severely than any previous time. A deep pit in the spider web suddenly appeared on the ground, and a small amount of dust was stepped up by him. Adam faced the bullet and pressed the palm of his hand on the forehead of a nearby soldier.


The bullet with residual heat burned the soldier's skin, making his eyes almost bulge out of fear.

Then he died.

The death was worse than anyone else, and Adam squeezed his head abruptly and died.

Driven by excitement, Adam became more cruel.

In particular, Adam still had his mouth opened with an unusually wide smile, showing his neat white teeth, and his cold eyes with a crazy smile, which made the soldiers' hearts chill.

Sitting behind the camera, a black hand bit his tongue. The **** scene awakened his cold heart. In the afterimage, he saw Adam grinning and his eyes were cold and crazy with his fingers catching bullets.

He seems to have offended the wrong person.

Adam's current body, if not considered divine power, has more than a dozen tons of power. This power does not mean that the maximum power is more than a dozen tons, but it is more than a dozen tons conventionally.

Once it exploded, a dozen tons of power was displayed through Adam's physical skills, which was enough to exceed a hundred tons of power.

It was also the first time for Adam to explode this kind of invigorating power in a sea of ​​bullets. After all, the firearms used to be a threat to him, even though the fragile flesh of his fingers was rubbed by bullets so that he could see bones.

The bullet rubbed crazily with red diamonds. Even if Adam’s **** were like steel, they were rubbed by the supersonic rotational kinetic energy. The skin and flesh began to fly a little bit. Finally, he saw the white and deep finger bones, and the bullet stopped like this. At the tip of Adam's bones.

But after all, Adam was in the supersonic bullet rubbing, catching the bullet with his fingers, and then the flesh and blood that was rubbed off by the fingers is recovering from the itching.

All this slowed down in the eyes of the black hand behind the scenes, because the body was shaking with terror, and the adrenal glands surged countlessly, so that this frightening scene could be seen through the screen.

The gunfire became more tragic and tragic.

The traps behind the scenes that the black hand intends to set up with the soldiers' lives are weakening, sound waves, strong currents, poisonous gas, etc., but for Adam, this is just a small trouble.

In this space, gunpowder, screams of fear from time to time, the corpse splashed up, stuck to the distant wall, turned into mud, or the head was directly blown, or Adam was kicked. Sweep off the spine.

This is a mime by Adam alone. In his world, there is no other voice, only himself is a colored existence.

This time Adam didn't use firearms, and didn't use his head to calculate the position, angle, airflow, and psychology. This was the first time Adam had used his ** power to kill an enemy happily.

It is a battle that stretches the muscles and flesh of the body.


Adam exhaled softly and comfortably.

Don't fight with your brain.

So cool!

Wait, this king seems to have never used his brain to fight ≧?≦

There was no screaming, no crying.

Except for the black hand behind the camera, all the soldiers are dead.

It is not an exaggeration to describe this scene with a sea of ​​blood.

Adam finished with a cry, and the blood on his body seemed to have been consumed just now. The smile on his face and the cold and crazy eyes were returning to indifferent, looking down on the world, indifferent.

He didn't care how many lives died in his own hands, nor did he care about the blood flowing under his feet and getting the soles of his shoes wet. After all, he was the son of death who came to spread death.

As the son of the goddess of death, he is aloof, maybe sometimes he doesn't care about himself, after all, he is just a clone.

There was a clank.

It was like the sound of a sharp sword being unsheathed.

"You can't escape, Adam, you can only be buried in this underground base."

The sound of the black hand behind the scenes again through the audio ~ ~ Although the voice is still low, but Adam still hears fear from it.

"Don't worry, I'll be looking for you soon." Adam looked at the camera above his head and smiled. "I know where you are."

Adam had already observed this underground base with his mind and knew that the black hand behind the scenes was hiding in the central control room, observing himself through the screen. I also know that the black hand behind the scenes has no means, and all the soldiers have been sent out long ago.

The black hand behind the scenes, the only remaining subordinates now are the researchers who have no power to bind the chickens. These researchers are wearing white coats and busy in other laboratories, as if the killings outside have nothing to do with them. No.

Although these researchers wear the same white coats as the doctors, they are doing completely different things. Countless corpses are placed on the research platform in front of these researchers.

Adam didn't know whether they were conducting a corpse experiment or a gang experiment, but Adam was quite sure that these guys didn't respect life.

"The rest will die too!"

"I said!"

Adam can't wait to get rid of them. Anyway, he doesn't know what time or situation it is outside.

In short, with Superman, the earth will not lose.

After killing enough, go out to find the mother box, anyway the aliens can't take it away.

(End of this chapter)

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