Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 193: Invincible posture


Accompanied by the hum of metal, purple lightning filled the two wristbands.

The purple lightnings are like small snakes, constantly trying to bite Adam's fingers, and Adam's fingers turn to tease the snake.

"Not very strong, but very interesting." Adam frowned. Through the lightning contained in his wristband, Adam roughly understood the strength of Zeus.

The **** king of this world is much worse than Odin, and he hasn't really stepped into the Heavenly Father level. He is just a powerhouse at the pinnacle level of the main god. No wonder he played so hard against the steppe wolves back then.

Adam's ontology came to this universe, and his purpose was basically achieved.

Adam, who has the supreme throne, is a supreme throne that combines four infinite gems and a mother box. It is almost invincible in this universe, and he can open the space portal at any time and let his men come over.

With a wave of his hand, the wristband returned to the wrist of the Supreme Woman. Adam didn't communicate much with the Justice League. A blue light took Adam and disappeared before Batman and others.

"Who was that guy just now?" Hai Wang stood up sweating profusely. "How could there be such a terrifying guy!"

"He's so fast!" The Flash pointed to his face in horror. "I just wanted to attack him, but he slapped him and shot him back."

Everyone looked at the Flash in amazement, because everyone didn't notice what happened just now. If the Flash didn't say it, no one might know. network

"How could he play the mother box in the palm of his hand!" The steel frame of the mother box, his eyes murmured, "The power of the mother box is supreme. It is impossible for anyone to play with the mother and between the palms!" "

"Is that guy Adam just now?" Batman felt that things were beyond his expectations. "Could it be that he and Steppenwolf are in the same group?"

"It's Adam, but he and Steppenwolf are definitely not in the same group." Wonder Woman stroked the lost wristband.

"Then why does he seem to be a different person as soon as he touches the mother box? Even his appearance has changed." Batman analyzed rationally: "There are only two possibilities. Either the mother box gives him great power, or it is He used to be so strong, but stored his power in the mother box."

"According to the analysis of the strengths of Steppenwolves and Victor, although the mother box has huge power and magical functions, it is impossible to make a person so strong!" Batman's eyes narrowed. "In other words, he has touched the mother box."

"Don't be so absolute." Wonder Woman retorted: "The gorgeous throne under him is much stronger than the mother box. He doesn't need to store his power in the mother box."

"Then why did he change as soon as he touched the mother box?" Batman was a little frightened, but he didn't get into a mess. He looked at Wonder Woman and asked, "How strong do you think he is? Comparing with Clarke."

"He is powerful...I can't describe it!" Wonder Woman said in a trembling voice, "I suspect that even Superman can't stop a move under his hands."

The steel bone is still in a confused state because of the mother box. Because the Flash was slapped by Adam, his consciousness was a little unfocused. Only Aquaman was quietly listening to the communication between Batman and Wonder Woman.

Aquaman held the three-pronged hand, suddenly tightened, and said with fear in his voice: "If he has an idea about the earth..."

Everyone in the field was shocked, thinking of the terrifying consequences.

Batman looked at all his comrades in the room and said in a low voice: "Diana will help Superman and solve the big green man as soon as possible. The others will return to Gotham City with me, we must find Harley Quinn as soon as possible!"

"Who is Harley Quinn?" The Flash raised his head in confusion. "It sounds like the name is not very strong."

"I suspect that his previous identity is also a fake, but since he will kill the Joker for Harley, it means that he still cares about Harley." Batman looked at his comrades before his death and said: "Whether we can get from Harley or not. It's good to find Hallie if you get news about him."

Wonder Woman nodded, leaping like flying towards the battlefield of Superman and the Hulk.

The rest of the Justice League, under the leadership of Batman, boarded the return flight.

After stepping wolf escaped the danger, he hid in an underground pipe to recover his injuries, but just as he arrived at a secret base he had prepared before, a blue light appeared in front of him.

The blue light flickered a few times, and a person riding to the gate appeared in front of Steppenwolf.

"What did you use to make that big green man?" Adams stared at Steppenwolf with curious eyes.

Steppenwolf was already badly injured. After being beaten by Superman, his combat effectiveness plummeted, but even if he was not injured and his combat effectiveness was at its peak, it was not enough for Adam to shoot with one hand.

Steppenwolf originally thought that the most dangerous existence on the earth was the son of Krypton, or the strongest existence encountered during Steppenwolf's years of cosmic warfare career was the previous Superman, the son of Krypton.

But who is this terrifying guy who brought him close to death with just this look in front of him?

No, what kind of creature should I say?

"I'm asking you something." Adam's eyes narrowed slightly, and he waved at Steppenwolf.

A surging divine power slammed on the steppe wolf and knocked him out.

The badly injured Steppenwolf slammed into the underground pipe, sprayed a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. He raised his head and looked at Adam with horrified eyes.

Adam looked at Steppenwolf and still did not answer himself, raised his right hand, shook his head and said, "Since you don't want to say it, then forget it."

"Don't! I said I said!" Steppenwolf's pupils shrank to the point of a needle, and shouted in fear, "I made it!"

" Adam put down his right hand and tilted his head to look at Steppenwolf, with a smile on his face.

Steppenwolf chicken nodded like eating rice, and said very fast: "I will tell everything I know, don't kill me!"

"About 70 years ago, when I slaughtered the indigenous people on a certain planet, a big gap suddenly cracked in the sky."

Steppenwolf glanced at Adam in horror, swallowed, and continued: "For some reason, a spatial crack suddenly appeared in the sky. A strange thing fell out of the spatial crack and closed."

"After my careful inspection, I found that this strange thing should be a technological creation, but with the technological level of this universe, it is impossible to analyze what this thing is for."

"I originally planned to ignore it. When the massacre continued, the gap in the space that had been closed opened up again, and a golden manual fell out..."

(End of this chapter)

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