Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 217: Bound of Light

Aurora was still chatting with Aquaman happily, and the persuasion ability continued to be activated, and Aquaman unconsciously became more and more convinced by Aurora's words.

The tavern guy drove the car and brought Wonder Woman closer and closer to the place where Aquaman barbecued. Wonder Woman also felt Aquaman in her own perception.

Floating in the air to protect Aurora Bald, with a change of expression, he suddenly disappeared in the air. When the figure appeared again, he was already in front of the car in which Wonder Woman was riding.


Bald looked at the off-road vehicle and the Wonder Woman in it with an indifferent expression.

For Bald at the pinnacle of the main god, there is only one Superman in this world who can be regarded as his opponent. For Bald, the Wonder Woman who has not yet reached the **** level is just a hands-on action. A small character that can be cleaned up.

The tavern guy stepped on the brake and looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of the car with a horrified expression on his face.

Bald was tall and straight, with a handsome face, and he wore a traditional Asgard golden robe with close-fitting leather armor under the robe and two long swords on his back.

"Who are you?" Wonder Woman got out of the car and looked at Bald cautiously.

"It doesn't matter who I am, please leave here."

Compared to the belligerent Chris, Bald didn't like to fight and didn't mean to provoke a fight. Instead, he persuaded Wonder Woman to leave here.

Wonder Woman glanced at Bald, then turned to the tavern guy and said, "Thank you for bringing me here, but you have seen the situation now. You can leave here first."

"No!" Looking at Wonder Woman's beautiful face, the tavern guy couldn't help but feel a warmth in his heart, and said loudly, "I will protect you!"

The tavern guy got out of the car and yelled at Bald, "What do you want to do!"

"Annoying ants."

Bald shook his head and looked at the tavern man with indifferent eyes.

Wonder Woman is the daughter of Zeus anyway. She is considered a demigod. Regardless of her status or strength, she deserves some respect from her ears.

But the guy in this tavern is just an ordinary mortal. For the ancient Asgardian **** like Bald, the humble ant-like mortal dares to reprimand himself loudly. This is definitely provoking his dignity as a god.

As the **** of light in Asgard, Bald would naturally give these ants the death they deserve.

A white light flashed across Bald's right hand, Wonder Woman felt a throb in her heart, and a big hole appeared in the chest and heart of the tavern guy.

"So strong!"

Wonder Woman couldn't care about the sorrow of the tavern mate's death. She was shocked by the powerful strength that Balder revealed. The intensity and speed of the white light's attack just made her unable to react.

Wonder Woman's pupils shrank for a while, if the white light attacked her just now, she might have a hole in her body too.

"Please don't worry about madam, you are a strong man with great potential, and I will not hurt you easily." Bald bowed slightly, revealing the qualities that a gentleman should have. "I believe you will become a warrior under His Majesty in the future. Your qualifications are far beyond all the Valkyrie I have ever seen."

"Aquaman is right in front, right?" Wonder Woman took out her sword and shield. "What did you do to him?"

"It seems that I cannot continue to communicate with you. I deeply regret that." Bald shook his head as if he was really sorry, and raised his right hand to Wonder Woman.

"This is my own trick. I named it the Binding of Light. Please feel it."

There was a white light on Bald's hand, but the white light did not fly out as usual, but flew in the air, turning into a rope made of light, winding towards Wonder Woman.


Wonder Woman snorted and raised her sword, facing the rope made of light. As an Amazonian, she would never sit back and wait for death.

This rope made of light, as if there is no entity, easily passed through Wonder Woman's sword and shield and could touch Wonder Woman's skin for a moment, then turned into an entity, tying Wonder Woman's five flowers.

"I hope you can be honest, otherwise your posture will be ugly."

Bald watched Wonder Woman be tied into a crab and fell to the ground, with a playful smile on his face.

Of course Wonder Woman wouldn't lie here honestly, she kept twisting her body, trying to stretch the rope made of light.

Bald deserves to be the ancient **** of light, and the wage **** he cast is very powerful. Wonder Woman used her full strength, and could not cause any harm to the rope made of light.

Bald watched Wonder Woman move around on the ground, like a squirming mollusk, and the smile on her face couldn't stop.

"Don't underestimate me!"


The anger in Wonder Woman's eyes was just like real, and with a loud roar, the power in her body instantly surpassed the limit that she had ever used, bursting out continuously.

The outdoors on Wonder Woman's hands suddenly lit up with a mysterious light, and two golden lightning bolts walked through Wonder Woman's wrists all over Wonder Woman's body.

Bald noticed the changes in Wonder Woman and frowned as he watched the golden pattern of lightning appear on Wonder Woman.

"Although it is very weak, the nature of strength is very high." Bald felt it carefully. "It's a bit troublesome, but it's not an obstacle."

"I'm Wonder Woman!"

Wonder Woman roared again, the golden lightning on her body exuded a dazzling light, which gave Wonder Woman unlimited power, and she saw Wonder Woman suddenly soar into the sky and float in the air.

The Wonder Woman floating in mid-air was full of golden lightning, smashing the **** of Bald's light to pieces, and the rope made of light disappeared into the air.

"Troublesome woman, still fancy."

Bald looked at the golden electric glow on Wonder Woman and the anger in Wonder Woman's eyes, and waved his right hand again.

Numerous soft white lights radiated from Barr's right hand, forming hundreds of milky white ropes in the air, and pounced on the Wonder Woman in mid-air in all directions.

Wonder Woman waved the golden lightning on her body, and kept breaking the rope, but there were too many ropes. Finally, the electric light on Wonder Woman was extinguished and the Wonder Woman was wound into a big white cocoon.

After being wrapped into a white cocoon, Wonder Woman lost the ability to fly, fell to the ground again, and smashed a small hole on the beach.

"This trick is called the Binding of Infinite Light."

Bald walked to the cocoon with a smile, patted the cocoon lightly, and the light on it trembled.

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