Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 241: Happy clown

"About five hours ago, the Red Queen sealed the entire hive, and then used the internal defense system to start killing people, releasing poison gas, cutting off the elevator, and closing the research room. Like these, it killed all the people in this experimental area."

He paused and said: "When the company realized that something was wrong here, our team was sent here to shut it down. That's why we came here."

Everyone was very surprised when they heard the words, Alice asked in a deep voice: "Why does it do this?"

Matthew Addison shook his head: "We don't know this. It may be caused by external influences, such as a computer virus... It may also be manipulated by internal characters and destroyed it. This is all..."

Before Matthew Addison finished speaking, he was interrupted by a flustered cry.

As Matthew Addison was speaking, a figure gradually appeared on the glass wall on which Matt was leaning against. Matt looked closely and found that it was a corpse floating in the floating water. He screamed in horror. To jump out.

Everyone was taken aback. Everyone looked over there, floating a pale female corpse inside the glass wall.

Although Matthew Addison looked a little unnatural, they calmed down quickly.

Looking at the floating corpse, the passage fell into a depressed atmosphere, and everyone didn't want to talk.

The clown was standing next to Alice. Seeing Alice holding her shoulders against the wall, her face was a little pale, she stretched out her tongue and licked the corner of her mouth. He approached Alice and whispered with concern: "Hey, are you okay."

Alice barely smiled, "Thank you, I'm fine."

The clown noticed that Alice was shivering a bit cold, and took off his leather jacket, "Take it, this ghost place is a bit cold, put it on."

Alice was embarrassed, "No, I'm fine..."

"I know you are in good health." The clown insisted: "But it's cold here, put it on."

Alice glanced at the clown, whispered a thank you, and took the coat.

When picking up the jacket, Alice's tender fingers touched the clown, causing a strange feeling in the clown's heart, as if she was thinking of the clown again.

And Alice was even more startled.

After a while, Alice suddenly asked tactfully: "Hey, did you... have you remembered anything before this?"

"I didn't eat breakfast." The clown said seriously, "I only thought of this."

Alice twitched the corners of her mouth helplessly, not knowing whether the clown was joking or was really mentally upset, she pulled the jacket given by the clown and did not continue to say anything.

It didn't take long, and the mercenaries who went to explore the way had already returned by this time.

"Sir, we have found another way, but it is estimated that it will take more time to walk there. We will go back here first, then pass through restaurant B, from here to the destination, this road may take twice as long. "A mercenary named Kaplan said.

At this time, the other two pathfinders had also returned, and the female mercenary named Ren said: "Sir, you can't go over there at all, this floor has been completely submerged."

Matthew Addison nodded and said, "Okay, let's take the second path. The time is running out, so act quickly."

The mercenaries moved quickly.

The clown was the last one. Before everyone noticed him, he flicked the glass lightly, and a magical force passed through the glass through the water and hit a corpse.

The clown followed the mercenary with a weird smile on his face and walked to the next spot.

Just after everyone left, the female body floating in the research room suddenly opened its eyes, a pair of dead gray, lifeless eyes...

After going around a big circle, after going through seven or eight research rooms, everyone came to a hall.

In the hall, there are countless small containers. These containers are filled with ferocious test tubes, which are about several meters in size. The coldness of the container is constantly showing.

Looking at these countless containers and thinking about the cute little things inside, the clown couldn't help but flashes of excitement in his heart.

Anyone who has seen Resident Evil knows that this is the warehouse of frozen crawlers. Once the main computer is turned off and the freezing fails, these crawlers will become the most terrifying alien creatures.

The mercenary Kaplan looked at the computer and said, "This is restaurant B...that's what the map says."

Matthew Addison walked up to him and looked at the computer, but Matt said next to him: "Maybe there are some secrets hidden here..."

Matthew Addison glanced at him without saying a word, but said to the mercenary beside him: "Jeddy, Ren, you are here to look at the prisoner, and then keep the exit."

At this time, the female medical soldier suddenly said: "Sir, the poison gas here shows zero, maybe no poison gas has been released here, maybe the defense system here is out of control."

Matthew Addison nodded and said: "Okay, Jedi, Ren, there may be survivors who are hiding here, search for it, but don't go too far, you must first watch the prisoner and the exit, understand?"

"Received, sir."

Both of them nodded.

Only the clown knew that at this time, there were no survivors, all zombies.

If he remembers correctly, the information given by Adam shows that the heroic female mercenary named Lei was bitten by a zombie here and infected with the virus until she finally got the virus serum, but also because the infection took too long to be cured. . Or because I was bitten too many times and I didn't save it.

In other words, how can the information become more like a movie script as you look at it? It should be said that the impression of a movie is very detailed, and the plot is simply...spicy!

The clown thinks this world is simply nonsense. Even in Gotham City, where their folk customs are simple, I wouldn't have such a thing.

Could this world be an anarchic world?

"OK!" said Matthew Addison, captain of the mercenary, "start the action, the rest will come with me."

The clown didn't say a word, and left restaurant B behind the large group. He is just an audience at the moment, and it is not his turn to perform.

Passing through a passage halfway, everyone came to a room and was blocked by a steel door.

In the center of the room, there are three computers, which should be the main computer controlling the door.

The mercenary named Kaplan started to crack the gate code without ordering.

Before long, with a soft beep, the steel door was opened, revealing a passage.

This jump channel is different from the others, on both sides are crystal-like walls, painted in black, and it seems that there is no danger.

A light of inquiry flashed in the clown's eyes. This should be the so-called laser channel, right?

What principle is used to make this laser channel?

The old bat doesn't have such advanced technology, right?

(End of this chapter)

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