Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 252: Biochemical Doomsday IV

"Long Tao, I still have something to do." The clown said, "Do you know where the church in Raccoon City is?"

"My name is Claire, and I am not a local." Claire did not dare to provoke this seemingly crazy man.

"Good dragon set." The clown nodded in satisfaction and said: "Then we have a chance to see you again."

The clown walked out of the police station without looking back and walked towards the city.

Claire watched the clown leave blankly, thinking all kinds of thoughts in her mind, until her little friend Leon arrived.

After the clown left the police station, he was looking for survivors everywhere. He wanted to find the church in Adam's material because he was very interested in the priest in the church who fed his sister with human flesh.

The clown was very lucky to find a city map in the city. According to the map's instructions, he quickly found the way to the church.

The clown can understand the map, so he knows how far the distance shown on the map is in reality.

If the clown wants to walk to the church, it will take at least 7 to 8 hours.

The clown came to the street, there were walking corpses everywhere, and these zombies kept looking for living creatures.

Several zombies were chasing a dark-skinned human, and this guy ran and called for help.

"Man, help me!"

The black eyes suddenly lit up and spotted the clown standing beside the road. He hurried to the clown and said pantingly, "Dude, do you have anything to eat?"

"No." The clown glanced at the black man and shook his head.

"Well, I'll look elsewhere, and then I will withdraw first." The black man smiled helplessly and said to the clown: "In fact, these brainless guys are not too scary, as long as you can run Faster than him, he won't be able to catch up with you."

"Really?" The clown scratched his head. "But they won't be tired, as long as they pursue it firmly, they will always catch you."

"Come on, as long as I run out of their hunting range?" The black man had two rows of big white teeth and said grinning: "I used to be an athlete, even if I can run better than this group of brainless guys on one leg. Go fast!"

"I don't believe it, you can prove it." The clown said with a serious face, "How can you run faster than them on one leg?"

"Hahaha, do you want to make a bet?" The black man thought that the clown was joking with him, and suddenly laughed.

"Well, I bet you can't run them on one leg." The clown said seriously and kicked the black man's right leg.

Hearing a click, the black man hugged his right leg and fell to the ground wailing.

"You start running." The clown looked at the black man who had his leg broken.

There is no doubt that the screams of the black people attracted a large number of zombies, and the black people with a broken leg could not even stand up, let alone run away.

"You lost." The clown looked at the dead black man and shook his head. "I knew you were bragging just now."

Looking at the corpses eating on the street, the clown found that the traffic jam was a bit serious. Although the street was full of cars, it seemed that he couldn't drive away at all.

In desperation, the clown could only walk in the direction of the church.

The clown didn't walk fast, because he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

What if the clown can't find Bi Lisi?

His mission is not to help Alice save the world!

What the clown did after he came to this world didn't mean to develop the belief in the goddess of death at all. He was just playing games.

Originally, the clown was not that bad and interesting, but when he discovered that the information given by Adam and the development of the matter were not the same, he felt a little interesting.

The clown had just walked for less than five minutes when he found a motorcycle lying down on the side of the road, and the former owner of the motorcycle was lying next to the motorcycle with only half of his body left.

The clown looked at the road and found that the motorcycle could drive on the road, he couldn't help but whistled and walked forward to help the motorcycle up.

The clown riding a motorcycle couldn't help but screw the throttle to the bottom.

A violent motorcycle drove fast on the road, avoiding obstacles one after another.

After riding a motorcycle, the clown found the church he was looking for in less than an hour, opened the door and walked in, and found that there were no living people in the church, and there were several zombies and zombies on the ground. The corpse of the monster.

"Lipper?" The clown knelt down with interest to observe the monster's body carefully.

"what are you doing?"

A strong man nearly two meters tall appeared in front of the clown, with a long-handled axe on his back.

"Chris, long time no see." The clown looked up at the strong man, with a smile on his face. "That axe is your new weapon? I heard that your Thor's Hammer was snatched by Superman?"

"My dear hammer was indeed robbed, but after being robbed, it ended its life as a weapon." Chris looked at the surrounding environment and said, "It was smashed by Kay."

"How does the new weapon feel?" The Joker walked to Chris and looked at the axe behind him curiously. "Thor's Hammer should be considered a blunt weapon, and this axe is a sharp weapon no matter how you look at it. Will it be inconvenient to use it? Will you still sleep with your weapon?"

"I'm not here to discuss my weapons with you. The task that your majesty gave you seems to have not been done seriously." Chris said with some dissatisfaction: "How long have you been in this world? There is even a believer beside you. nothing!"

"This is just a preliminary layout. Believe me, now is not the time to develop believers." The clown said solemnly: "We have to wait until the virus has swept the world, and after the end of the world is the time for the establishment of the religion of death!"

"Hehe, do you think I have no brains?" Chris sneered at the clown's rhetoric. "Before you and when you came to this world, there was no change at all, and there were no people around you. You actually didn't do anything."

"I'm not Aurora." The clown whispered: "You think everyone is like Aurora's girl, is it easy for UU reading to receive subordinates?"

"Don't think I don't know you, you used to be a gang member." Chris grabbed the clown's collar and lifted the clown up.

"Okay, okay, I'll start working right away." The clown raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender. "The monsters in this world are actually quite powerful. We can't worry about it slowly."

"I'll be by your side and watching you. If you need any battle, just leave it to me." A lightning flashed in Chris' eyes, and several electric snakes flashed out of his body. "If Your Majesty does not need the faith in this world, I will destroy this world in minutes!"

Chris became very irritable, and along with his voice, lightning and thunder began to flash in the sky.

"It's going to rain, let's leave the city first." The clown looked up at the sky.

"Okay." Chris followed the clown and turned and walked out of the church. "where to?"

"Umbrella's headquarters, I don't know where it is. Let's ask someone first."


Adam stood on the top of the Himalayas and looked up at the sky. The Supreme Throne tattoo behind him kept shining.

The four infinite gems in the supreme throne have already felt the breath of the same kind, and it seems that the real gems are about to be born.

(End of this chapter)

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