Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 255: Dark Elf

The dimly lit dark star field is like a deadly endless void, with scattered meteorite belts floating still. This is no man's land on the edge of the nine star regions. Looking at the past, it was desolate and cold, and there was no sign of life.

A vaguely invisible wave spread, as if triggering an alarm mechanism. The huge black ship hiding in the depths of the meteorite belt shook abruptly, and then on its internal operating platform, a small light was lit one by one. , The red light flickered violently, and the exile who had been silent for tens of thousands of years slowly regained consciousness after receiving a certain signal.

The first to wake up from the dormant cabin was that Malkis, the leader of the dark elves, who had tried to use the power of ether particles to return all nine star regions to chaos, suddenly opened his eyes!

The expression on that pale face changed, from confused to stunned, the silent consciousness gradually became clear, and the long-term memories flashed quickly like floating lights, until they were completely remembered.

The nine star regions are still in the age of ignorance. Before the dawn of civilization sows the seeds, the dark elves dominate the galaxy, unmatched!

The leader of the time, Malekis, used ether particles to create the ultimate weapon, which can infect matter into darkness, which can be called the supreme sacred weapon of the dark elves.

With the birth of civilization, the light of dawn came unexpectedly, the nine kingdoms gradually developed, and the era of light came, ending the era of dominance of the dark elves.

Malkis was unwilling to withdraw from the stage, so he wanted to use the etheric particles to take advantage of the rare opportunity of the gathering of celestial bodies to turn the nine star regions into darkness, return to chaos, and once again build a perfect home for the people of the tribe.

The thriving Asgard, led by the **** king Odin, took the lead to stand up against the dark elves. After the tragic **** battle, Malekis was almost beaten into a dog by the goddess of death, losing the etheric particles, and had to carry the remnants. The tribe was forced to go into exile to the dark starry area with few human traces, and sleep and hibernate for tens of thousands of years.

"The etheric particles awakened us, and the gathering of celestial bodies began again."

Malekis, with an unusually pale complexion, stood on the bridge, gazing at the endless void outside. He once wanted to create a perfect home for the dark elves, but unfortunately encountered Asgard's prevention and destruction, and finally fell short.

But now, the opportunity seems to have come again, the etheric particles awakened them, and the gathering of celestial bodies once in five thousand years happened to be opened again.

The nine kingdoms roamed and swirled in the world tree. Every five thousand years, they slowly moved closer to the atrium world and arranged in a straight line under the pull of gravitational migration. During this period, the boundaries of each country and the world will become blurred, triggering the astronomical vision of "Nine Stars Connecting Pearls".

"Someone broke Asgard's seal, and I felt the breath of etheric particles, which was calling me."

Malekis looked back at the opened dormant cabins, which were the only remaining members of the dark elves. The fierce war tens of thousands of years ago almost wiped them out.

"The gathering of celestial bodies, this is the best time for us to rise again!"

Malekiss is ambitious. He and Odin's father, King Bauer, are the overlords of the galaxy at the same time. The nine kingdoms were once covered by darkness, and no one is spared.

Until the flames of civilization pierced the darkness, Asgard, the frost giant, the flame giant... the nine kingdoms have risen, grown and developed.

Although he failed miserably many years ago, Malekis's ambition has not been extinguished, but has become more and more high.

He has paid a heavy price. If he can't lead the dark elves to rise again, how can he face those people who have returned to the darkness?

The quaint black giant ship shuttled through the space and stayed in Wat Alheim. Malekiss in black armor half-kneeled on the ground, grabbed a handful of gravel, and sighed softly.

The war burned this land, and it was still difficult to give birth to civilization and nurture vitality until ten thousand years later.

"Look at what I have left, Algorim."

The leader of the dark elves cherished the glory of the past. If it hadn't been for the sudden attack of the Asgard army, perhaps the nine star regions would have been reduced to a dark chaotic void.

"I almost can't remember the days before the light came." Malekiss eyes were full of pain.

"The continuation of our race will be your most precious legacy to future generations." The men who followed behind comforted.

In the war between the dark elves and Asgard, their losses were extremely heavy, and their tribesmen were killed and wounded, and their glory was no longer in the past.

And Malekis, the great leader of the dark elves, is now running out of time. Even if he stays in the dormant cabin for tens of thousands of years, he still cannot prevent the slow loss of vitality.

His lifelong enemy, Asgard's last king, King Odin, has long since returned to the embrace of the World Tree. Even the long life of the Asa Protoss cannot withstand the cruelty of time, as is the dark elves.

"The pain we have endured must be doubled by the Asgardians! I want to get back the etheric particles! I want to restore the home of the dark elves! I want to completely end this galactic universe burned by the flames of light!"

Malekis raised his head and roared, he was unwilling to fall to this point. Ether particles were the last hope.

He took out a sharp knife and faced the tall and burly men behind him. Today's dark elves can't fight Asgard, and a head-on confrontation will only make them end in the same miserable situation as last time.

Only by taking advantage of the opportunity for the gathering of cosmic particles and celestial bodies, the nine star fields will be dragged into the abyss in one effort. At that time, the dark elves will multiply and will be destined to rise strongly and become the final ruler.

"You will be the last cursed warrior!"

Malekis walked to the front of the burly man A breeze passed by, blowing the sand and dust of Walter Alheim, and he could hear the low whimper, which was the cry of the dead.

The dark elf leader's face was cold and hard, and he gently cut the opponent's abdomen with a knife, and took out a dark red stone and stuffed it into it.

This is a crystal of some kind of magical condensation, like lava, containing fiery terrifying power, which can stimulate all the potential in the dark elves, and the price is to pay for it with life.

"I am willing to give my life, like our people, like you." The burly man replied, without the slightest fear or panic in his eyes, "I will completely smash any enemies blocking the road and destroy Asgard. To build a brand new home for you!"

The overcast, desolate and desolate Wat Alheim, the huge black ship slowly moved, like a huge vertical sword, cutting through the atmospheric dust, and marching towards the atrium world where the etheric particles finally stay!

After all the dark elves left, a somewhat vague figure appeared in their place just now.

"A bunch of idiots, in the current Nine Realms, Adam's pervert has the final say."

"Unexpectedly, Thanos will be unreliable, and the Dark Elf will not be mentioned, but I will still find the opportunity to get back my throne!"

(End of this chapter)

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