Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 261: For the goddess of death who is about to awaken

After all the farce was over, Adam appeared in the universe, and the original Asgard appeared outside the kingdom of death.

The gray mist kept trembling, and Adam gently placed his hand on the gray mist.

He felt that the goddess of death was about to wake up, but faith was not enough!

"Mutant universe..."

Adam was shining with golden light, and five infinite gems of different colors appeared in his eyes. Adam, who had collected five infinite gems, finally felt the cosmic coordinates of the mutants he had been to once again.

"Do you want to go in person?" Jiali appeared beside Adam, standing still in the universe, and the turbulence around her couldn't make her feel the slightest move.

"There is no one available for the time being, so I might as well go there myself." Adam gently hugged Jiali.

"Isn't Kay okay?" Jiali said reluctantly: "Moreover, the DC monomer universe has gradually stabilized, and Bald and Aurora can also be called back."

"No, Professor X's abilities are too dangerous. No one except you and me can bear it." Adam closed his eyes slightly and said, "We are the invaders in the past, and the cosmic will of that party will definitely help the local people. Mutants, Professor X's mutant ability, through the strengthening of the will of the universe, even Aurora may not be able to hold it."

"Okay." Carrie said with a smile suddenly: "Then I will go with you."

"No, you have to be optimistic about the Kingdom of Death here." Adam pointed to the Kingdom of Death in front of him and said: "Mother cannot be disturbed now. There are so many unstable factors in this world, Thanos doesn't know what he thinks in his heart. Gu Yi didn't know if he really left this universe."


Carrie gave Adam a dissatisfied look, then turned and disappeared into the universe.

Adam stretched out his right hand, placed it in front of him, looked at it, waved at the void in front of him, a golden portal appeared in front of Adam, and Adam stepped in.


New York, inside a bar.

At this time, a discussion about mutants was playing on TV.

"Congressman Kelly, what do you think of mutants?"

A famous NBC show host asked the guests questions.

"Many people say that mutants are a subspecies of humans, but based on my personal research and observation of mutants over the years, mutants are by no means a subspecies of humans! They are a group of freaks!"

Senator Kelly frowned and said, his expression was very disgusting, as if talking about mutants made him feel sick.

"Relying on their special abilities, they unscrupulously oppress ordinary people, causing immeasurable losses to the country and the people. They are the malignant tumor of this civilized society!"

"I have always hoped that our country should introduce a mutant registration bill to centrally manage these mutants and register their true information and detailed addresses."

"Our people have the right to know if their new neighbor or colleague is a mutant!"

"You have to know that if you are a neighbor or a colleague with mutants, things will become very bad in the end, and you will even pay the price of your life! They are just a few freaks!"

Having said this, the expression on Senator Kelly's face became extremely exaggerated, and the discrimination against mutants in his words made no secret of it.

"So, I hope the government will take action, such as considering implementing this mutant registration bill, to properly control mutants."

Congressman Kelly concluded.

"The people should not be deceived. They have the right to know more of the truth. This is the freedom granted to them by the Constitution!"


As soon as Mr. Kelly's voice fell, there was a warm applause in the bar.

Everyone stood up from their seats and applauded the wonderful remarks made by Congressman Kelly on TV.

The bartender on the side curled his lips, as if dismissing the words on the TV and the reactions of the surrounding guests.

These people obviously discriminate deeply against mutants, and the Kelly Congressman just happened to say what they wanted.

On the earth of the mutant universe, whether it is the government or civilians, there is a kind of discrimination from the bottom of the body against mutants. Whenever there is a chance, they will always find ways to eliminate mutants.

In their view, it seems that as long as the mutants are eliminated, the world will become more beautiful.

However, the facts will prove that the mutant universe will only get worse without the mutants!

That would turn the entire universe into the possession of the strong, just like Adam who just came to this world.

A potbellied man walked over to the bar counter, and said to his companion as he walked: "What I hate the most is these mutants."

"Last time a mutant saved my life in the wild, but when I found out that he was a mutant, I immediately spit on his face, these lowly freaks!"


His words immediately aroused the approval of his companions around him, and it seemed that mutants were worse than beasts in their eyes.

Adam, who came to this universe, seemed to have replaced a protozoan of this universe, standing in a daze behind the bar.

"Hey! Bar boy, how much is the drink this time?"

When he came to the counter, the man asked Adam.

But Adam seemed as if he hadn't heard him, still looking distracted, the man's face immediately turned red when he saw this.

Immediately there was a violent knock on the bar counter, and he shouted: "Asshole, I ask you, how much is it? Are you stupid? Didn't you hear?!"

Following this man's shout, the bar suddenly became quiet, and the people in the bar turned their heads to look at the counter.

At this time, Adam was also awakened by the shout, and then raised his head to look at the man, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

How dare the humble ant yell at this king?

Under Adam's eyes, the man took a few steps back in shock, and then yelled in horror: "Your eyes will shine! You are not a human! You are a mutant! "

As he said, he picked up a nearby bench and threw it towards Adam.

Adam watched the bench hit him, not evasive.

Because this bench didn't hurt Adam at all, coupled with Adam's far beyond mortal strength, it made this bench fly like slow motion.

Only one side turned slightly, and the bench passed by him.

As the man yelled just now, there was an immediate commotion in the bar.

Several brawny men with tattoos and iron chains on their waists gathered around Li Sen, looking at Adam with ugly eyes.

"Scumbags, who allowed you to look directly at this king?"

Adam frowned and said cold words. The summoner of a certain comic

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