Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 275: It's time to perform real technology

   Just as everyone was frowning, suddenly Qin's expression was different.

   "What's wrong with the piano."

   "Everyone, I heard Professor Charles's voice."

   When everyone heard Qin's words, they turned their heads to look at her.

   Just about to ask, Qin made a wait gesture, seeming to be listening to something.

   After a while, Qin raised his head again.

   "Just now the professor told me where he is now with his mental mind, and asked us to hurry up to rescue him, otherwise the world will perish."

   Hearing this result, Wolverine frowned slightly, and then asked, "Where is the professor who kidnapped him now? Did the professor tell you?"

   "The professor's brain waves are intermittent, and there seems to be strong interference around him. The professor didn't tell me who kidnapped him, he just passed me a map through his brain waves."

   said, Qin went to the computer, opened the satellite map, pointed to a place and said to the people "This is it."

   Adam looked up and found that the location happened to be near the Canadian Rockies.

   Adam smiled. It seemed that the play had begun, and then he said to everyone, "Let’s go, the professor should need us very much now."

   After speaking, he turned to the Black Bird fighter and walked over.

   Everyone already knew from Qin's words that the situation was critical now, and Professor Charles seemed to be in an extremely dangerous state.

   So there was no delay, and he followed Adam to the Blackbird fighter.

   The speed of the Blackbird fighter was very fast, and it took more than an hour to reach the sky above the Canadian Rockies.

  The Black Bird fighter chose a relatively concealed open space, and then slowly landed.

   Then, everyone followed the Qin and went straight to Professor Charles.

   After walking for more than half an hour, everyone came to a big cave.

   "The entrance to the map passed to me by the professor is here."

As soon as   Qin finished speaking, several figures suddenly flew out towards where they were.

  Qin's eyes narrowed slightly, and the silhouettes of those flying over were immediately stopped in the air.

   Then, with a wave of the piano player, she threw the figures out like trash.

   "Go, let's go in."

   After speaking, Adam rushed in first.

There are many mutants in   , but none of them are Adam's opponents. After a while, Adam and the others succumbed to the depths of the hole.

   The mutants that came out here are no longer as weak as before. Except for Adam, the rest of them all felt a certain amount of pressure.

   At the time when everyone was fighting, the struggle between Professor Charles and Jason came to an end.

   Charles finally failed to withstand the attack of the master of illusion Jason, and he sank into the illusion that Jason created for him.

   Immediately afterwards, Jason took off the brain wave attenuator from Professor Charles's head and put the brain wave generator on Charles' bald head.

   Then, Jason’s thoughts penetrated into Professor Charles’s mind again, and bewitched him, "Kill all the humans on this planet."

   Suddenly, in this whole brain wave room, the light dimmed, and countless white light spots appeared out of thin air.

   Then, I saw a burst of brain waves like ripples starting from this cave and spreading in all directions, and it spread all over the earth in a short time.

   At this time, all the areas that were transmitted by this brain wave, human beings fell to the ground one after another.

   Everyone is touching their foreheads with their hands, and they are constantly rolling in the ground, as if a magic sound is constantly burrowing into their minds. Everyone feels that their heads seem to be exploding.

   This strange phenomenon gradually spread as Charles’ brain waves continued to spread to all corners of the world.

   In this case, only those mutants with the x gene have not been affected by this.

   Faced with this situation, the mutants immediately split into two factions. Some people cried bitterly, while others laughed wildly, shouting that the era of mutants is coming.

   In the cave, Professor Charles's body trembled slightly, his eyes closed tightly, and his face was covered with a grinning smile.

   Jason, the master of illusion, looked at his masterpiece triumphantly.

   This Charles has been fighting with him for so long, and finally he used his mental cage to trigger evil thoughts in his heart. He can be recruited by such a spiritual master, and his heart is full of a sense of accomplishment.

   However, just when he was full of pride, in the gaps of the white light spots in the brainwave chamber, suddenly there were countless red light spots emerging.

   At the same time, Jason's body trembled slightly, and his face suddenly became pale.

   His mental cage was just broken by Charles

   Jason looked at Charles in horror, yelled in a panic, and retreated in a wheelchair.

   However, it was still a step too late, and a wave of malice came straight into his mind.

   Under this malice, Jason kept rolling his eyes, his whole body was trembling, and the foam was flowing in the top, he wanted to go crazy.

   And after this malicious gust blew over Jason like a storm, it continued to sweep outward.

   The X-Men who were fighting, covered their heads with the enemy and rolled on the ground. UU reading www.uukā

   Adam's eyes are a little curious, which is different from the drama he knows.

   Adam’s soul power had already scanned the surroundings and found that William Stryker was not there at all, only Magneto.

   Magneto didn’t catch the little mischief, but instead took Professor Charles away.

   William Stryker also did not plan. Professor Charles killed the mutants. Instead, Magneto designed Professor Charles to kill all humans, but it seemed that something went wrong with his plan.

   After Huang Tingjing's training, Adam can already transform the power of the soul into divine consciousness, but he doesn't bother to do that under normal circumstances.

   Adam’s soul power instantly transformed into divine consciousness, enveloped the entire planet, and found that everyone on this planet was holding their heads and wailing in pain.

   Only Magneto wearing a metal helmet on his head has no response.

   Is this really going to destroy the world?

   It's nothing but my business

   Adam stretched out very happily, and appeared beside Professor Charles with the blue light.

   "Who are you?" An old man wearing a metal helmet is standing next to Professor Charles.

   Adam recognized this as Magneto at a glance, and beside Magneto there was a young man in a wheelchair holding his head and shouting.

   "Your helmet is such a good thing." Adam waved his hand, and the helmet on Magneto's head floated into the sky. "But it's better not to bring it at the moment."

   Magneto wanted to stop it, but he suddenly found that his abilities could not be used. As soon as the helmet left his head, Magneto felt the power of Professor Charles, holding his head and began to moan in pain.

   The corners of Adam’s mouth evokes, the magical effect of reality gems, Magneto’s ability has become false.

  End of this chapter

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