Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 298: Without you

Laser Eye continued: "We crossed the Washington Bridge and reached Manhattan Island in a low-flying flight, and landed on Liberty Island. This is it!" Laser Eye pointed its finger at the three-dimensional map simulated on the sand table.

"What about the patrol and radar?" Wolverine Logan asked.

"If we are so inferior, we deserve to be caught." Laser Eye finally began to provoke again.

Adam has been watching the love rivalry between these two big men with interesting thoughts. Of course, the most important thing is that he can't solve it. It's the lustful thoughts in his heart when he played the piano. If two girls are at the same time If you like yourself, then you will be shocked and take them all away. If you and a man like a girl at the same time, this kind of thing is really troublesome.

"Go now!" As the captain, Laser Eye waved his hand and prepared to march.

"Jack, you don't have to go."

"Why?" Adam was a little puzzled. He thought he was very strong in combat. He had never thought that the X-Men would not let him go. He even thought that the X-Men would regard him as the main force after fighting Magneto.

"Because, this is an X-Men thing, you haven't joined the team yet." Auroro finally jumped out, she was aggrieved by this proud protégé who always likes to call her own name for a long time.

Although Adam only regarded her as an ordinary friend, or a slightly likable character in the plot, not even a friend, after all, in the infinite life of the God King, Tempest is just a passing visitor.

Adam's ability to fight against Sabre-Toothed Tiger and Magneto has been fully affirmed. In the eyes of the X-Men, they are definitely the proud students of these people. When it comes to combat effectiveness, in addition to Professor X and Qin, Storm Girl and Laser Eye Facing Adam, you have to rush to the street.

"This mission is very dangerous, it's not going to play!" Laser Eye said solemnly: "And your age shouldn't be involved in these things!"

Age issues are always serious.

Especially in a heroic country like America!

"Brother Eye, my locomotive is broken, what should I do?" Adam was helpless and could only adopt another method.

"That locomotive cost me 1 million dollars, so don't think about it anymore." Laser Eye waved his hand again and again, that was a million dollars.

"Yes, that locomotive is so expensive that Magneto was broken. Of course I have to make him compensate!"

At this moment, Qin came over, pinched Adam's cheeks and pulled it to the sides, until he completely deformed his face.

"Be obedient! This time is a task, not a joke!" Qin said with a smile, "Although I don't know why you are afraid of me, but since I am afraid, I will give it to me."

"Didn't you stop in Manhattan? It's okay if I go home once?" Adam suddenly remembered that the guy named Jack he replaced happened to live in Manhattan.

"..." The four of them stopped paying attention to Adam, turned and left.

"You thought I wouldn't be able to get there without the flying machine? In order to conceal you may not be able to move until night. Let us see if the flying machine is fast or the taxi is fast!" Adam rolled his eyes and muttered quietly.

In fact, Adam doesn't care about the plot or anything, and it doesn't matter whether he goes to see the excitement, but since these guys don't let him go, he wants to go instead.

I don't know why, since Adam came into this world, it seems that his mental age has been beaten back to his teenage, and he has become more and more naive.

However, Adam does not reject this feeling. As the named disciple of Daozu Hongjun, Adam can be regarded as a Taoist person. He is very pleased with this kind of innocence, because it will greatly improve his realm. benefit.


"Parker! Run away!"

In the dark alley, a weak and eager girl's voice came out.

"Wh, how, how is it possible! Hurry up... let go of her!" A tense young voice sounded.

"Her drunkard father owes us a lot of money, why? Kid! Want a hero to save the United States?! Read more comics!!"

After the rough voice sounded, three big guys followed and laughed. Of course, there was a thin figure standing on the side, without any movement.

At this time, the boy named Parker stood up.

"How much does she owe you? I will pay for her and for her!" His voice was still trembling, even without confidence.

"You pay for her? Well, she owes us $18,000!"

"What!" Parker is unbelievable, why so many, isn't it that her father is an alcoholic?

Will you owe so much money for drinking?

If you really drink so much, then you can't belch because of alcoholism?

"Huh! If you don't have money, you still learn to smoke white fans! Fortunately, there is a daughter who should be able to pay off the account after going out for two or three years." A big man muttered, holding a handful of red long in his hand Under the long hair, a beautiful girl's face, her eyes tightly closed in pain.

"I don't have that much money..." Parker lowered his head weakly, but he couldn't lend a hand to the girl he liked, because his uncle and aunt were not rich at home.

"No money!" The big man yelled, "No money, what are you yelling here! Believe it or not I will break your leg!"

"You can't do this!" Parker immediately took three steps back. "I will call the police..."

But this sentence is a bit pale and weak. Living in this kind of society, the alarm does not work. Everyone knows that, otherwise, there will be no superheroes such as Superman and Batman being portrayed. , Because this society wants to be stable and can only rely on misty superheroes.

"Hahaha!!! Call the police!" The big man laughed, his beard and beard trembling disgustingly "monkey! He said he wanted to call the police!"

The man called monkey, that is, monkey awkwardly echoed two laughs, his figure was quite small compared to the four of them.

"I'll interrupt your leg to see if there are any policemen!" The big man dropped it off, only to hear the girl cry out, and he flew out suddenly!

"Ah!" the girl screamed.

And at this moment, the big beard has already rushed to Parker!

He used to be the underground boxer, with sturdy muscles and perfect explosive power, he can completely tear apart medium-sized beasts such as wolves with one hand!

One catch!

Grab Parker's thin shoulder These five fingers like a hook will definitely break Parker's thin shoulder!

He used to be a black boxer, and he never knew he was merciful!


The big man with cheeks felt like he had caught it, but it seemed that what he had caught was wrong.

It is a fist.

"You dare to block me with your fist!" The big man grinned, and the tiger's claws pressed hard. He also tried to smash the bones with the strength of his fingers! Therefore, the white fist in front of him will be crushed by him immediately, and he can already imagine the painful voice resounding through this gloomy alley.


Next, I did hear the painful cry, but it was the painful cry of the bearded man. The summoner of a certain comic

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