Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 320: improving capability

Under the gaze of Tianqi, Lingdie didn't dare to look at him at all. After waiting for a while, he noticed Adam beside him, and his heart slowly began to calm down. .

In Lingdie's eyes, Adam's strength is not strong, but she will feel safe after seeing Adam. Faced with a powerful person like Tianqi, she can calm down and no longer fear.

Adam’s face changed secretly at this moment, and his heart couldn’t help but muttered secretly: “You deserve to be the ancestor of mutants. This kind of ability is really powerful. Although it hasn’t made Lingdie’s strength reach level four, she can’t help but mutter. In terms of current strength, it is not inferior to an ordinary fourth-level mutant. This ability is really special. If I had it, it would be great."

Lingdie gritted his teeth secretly, the lightsaber in his hand slowly dissipated, and Taisao also recovered, and then pointed to Adam next to him: "Since you are looking for the mutant with the strongest potential, look at this. What's his abilities? He is the mutant with the most abilities I have seen. I don't know if he is qualified."

As Lingdie’s voice fell, Tianqi’s gaze was cast towards Adam. After glancing up and down on him, an unexpected expression suddenly appeared on his face: "I didn’t expect it to be on your body. It really has a variety of different abilities, and the strongest stealth ability has reached the level of 3, but other abilities are still at the level of 1, although the current strength is not strong, but the potential for development does have."

Seeing that there are various abilities in Adam, Tianqi's heart is really a little surprised. This is the first time he has encountered a mutant with many different abilities besides himself.

Some people seem to have multiple abilities, but when you think about it carefully, they actually evolved from one ability, just like the spiritual butterfly in front of them, they seem to have the ability to transform their thoughts into weapons, and they can also create illusions and probe ordinary people. The thoughts in her heart, but these are all because of her strong thought power, and she would not be able to display anything without strong thought power.

To put it bluntly, these abilities of Lingdie can actually be regarded as a kind of ability, that is, the power of the soul.

But Adam is different. His abilities are diverse, and there is no connection between them, just like the invisibility ability he gained after killing that mutant, it has nothing to do with his other lightning and fire control abilities. Connection, even the super power awakened at the beginning of Apocalypse can't be compared with Adam at this moment.

Even at this moment, in Tianqi’s heart, there was an involuntary idea of ​​taking control of Adam’s body, but when he changed his mind, he directly left him behind. Not to mention Adam’s various abilities at the moment, there was almost no power at all. , Even if all abilities reach level 3, even level 4 Apocalypse will not necessarily choose him!

The reason is very clear. Although Adam has various superpowers, Apocalypse's abilities at this moment are not less than his. At the same time, the power of each abilities cannot be underestimated. Why should he take Adam's body again? What he wants most. Ability is the control of the mind, so there will never be another scene of betraying him.

At this moment, Adam just didn't have spiritual power in his body. Apocalypse didn't know that Adam could awaken various abilities, so seeing that Adam had no spiritual power in his body, he gave up the idea of ​​taking Adam's body.

The reason why Apocalypse fell into a deep sleep was because he was betrayed. If the four knights around him did their best to explode, he would have already turned into a pile of dead bones at this moment. Therefore, the ability that he wants most in his heart is spiritual control, and this There happens to be a mutant of this type in the world, and that is the famous Professor Charles.

The most coincidental thing is that Apocalypse has heard of Professor Charles's name on the road, but I don't know where to find him. The purpose of his coming here is to find Charles.

After watching Adam for a long time, Apocalypse saw his panic in his heart. At this time, he opened his mouth and said, "I can improve your ability to at least level 3. It depends on what choices you have. If you are lucky. If you do, you may be able to gain Level 4 ability.

Hearing the words of the apocalypse, instead of the slightest joy in Adam's heart, there was a vaguely ominous feeling in his heart. Then he whispered to himself in his heart: "There is no way for the sky to drop the pie for no reason. What is in the heart of the apocalypse? What silly idea?"

If other mutants heard that they could improve their strength, they would have been very happy and would not think about why, but Adam is not. His own strength is far surpassing everyone. At this time, he just has not recovered his strength, so he will Think much.

After another thought, a thought emerged in Adam's heart, and then he immediately said with a look of horror: "Does he want to use me to transfer his soul?"

But when his idea just appeared, Adam's heart suddenly shook his head. With his just awakening state, he still wouldn't let the fifth-level mutant Apocalypse hit his idea. UU看书www. then has only one explanation in front of him, that is, he values ​​his own potential, and he also has the value of nurturing in his eyes.

No matter what ideas Apocalypse may make in his mind, according to the current situation, at least it can guarantee that Adam's life is not in danger for the time being, and as long as he now agrees to follow the Apocalypse, he can still get unexpected benefits.

Moreover, Adam is not afraid of the weather to take his body, because then the competition will be the spirit energy, for Adam, his current strongest happens to be the spirit realm.

Huang Tingjing is not read for nothing. Adam is not only a realm at this time, but his soul power is also very powerful. Adam does not know how strong he is, because there is no reference. Anyway, everyone he has seen is not as powerful as his soul power. , Including the sleeping goddess of death and Thanos of the Universe Family Planning Office.

The opportunity to improve his strength lies in front of him. How could Adam easily let it go, and saw that he gritted his teeth in secret, then after looking at Lingdie, he looked straight at Tianqi and said, " Since you said that you can improve any of my abilities, then I choose spatial ability. I wonder if you can help me improve?"

After Adam finished speaking, he immediately looked at Tianqi with a look full of expectation, but to his disappointment, Tianqi thought for a while and said: "You have not achieved an inch now, and the spatial ability is still the same as that of mine. It's not a small use. You should choose another ability first. If you can serve me in the future, what is the spatial ability and yours."

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