Adam looked at Dr. Stern with an awkward face. He couldn't help but smile. He was just joking and having fun. He has become a god, and he has no time to do the things that businessmen should do.

  Although Adam is a bit watery, he doesn't seem to be short of money anyway. Since there is no shortage of money, why do business?

   "Adam..." Dr. Stern looked at Adam seriously, his mouth opened wide, but he couldn't speak. With a blank mind, he didn't know how to impress Adam and let Adam fund his experiment.

   "Let’s talk about it today, isn’t your netizen coming tomorrow. First show me your inhibitor on him, and I’ll consider whether to fund you to develop more projects on super serum."

Adam took a lot of money out of his arms and put it on the table, and said to Dr. Stern: "These are the initial investment for you. Although not much, it should be enough for you. We will meet again tomorrow, you You can use it to buy a suit that fits, and you probably don’t look so annoying if you have a new dress."

  Dr. Stern was still looking at the money on the table in a daze. Adam stood up and walked out of the cafe. Dr. Stern hurriedly chased after him.

   "Wait, here is my business card, remember to call me tomorrow." Dr. Stone took out a white handwritten piece of paper from his wrinkled pocket and handed it to Adam. "The above is my contact information and laboratory address."

   "You call this a business card?" Adam did not accept this handwritten business card. "Take your little note back. I have a way to find you. See you tomorrow."

   "Hey..." Dr. Stern wanted to say something more, Adam had already stepped into the constant stream of people.

   Looking at the crowded street, Dr. Stone could no longer see Adam, and sighed silently. He thought his "interview" had failed again.

   Stern understood from Adam’s contempt for himself from what Adam said just now, that the money should be a comfort to himself. There is also the fact that Adam did not accept his phone number and address, which is sufficient to show that Adam did not intend to contact him again.

   Dr. Stern sat back down by the window, eating the dessert on the table while reflecting on himself.

   "Did your friend leave?" The beautiful waiter appeared again. "You don't look very good. Is there anything I can help with?"

   Stern saw the worries on the waiter's face, and suddenly felt a touch of warmth in his heart, what a kind girl!

"Beautiful girl, thank you for your concern, I'm fine." Dr. Stone forced a smile and asked softly, "You are the kindest girl I have ever met. Can I be lucky enough to know your name? "

   "My name is Gwen Stacey, please tell me if you need help." Gwen looked at the remorse on Stone's face and the money in his hands, as if he had misunderstood something. "My father is a policeman, and I believe he will help you very well."

   "What?" Dr. Stone couldn't react.

   "Didn't you sell blood just now?" Gwen's face was full of doubts. "I vaguely heard what blood you proposed, how much money you want to sell, etc."

   "You obviously misunderstood, girl." Dr. Stone did not intend to continue explaining, his mind is very confused now. "Thank you very much for caring about me, but this is my personal business. Pay the bill."

   Adam followed the flow of people through the street, wandering aimlessly.

   Adam is still looking forward to seeing the Hulk tomorrow, and he is also more interested in hating him.

   Super serum is unattractive to Adam, whether it is to increase strength or train his subordinates, it is not comparable to Adam's system. Adam is more interested in the Hulk itself, at least it can increase the summoning energy for him.

   A high school boy carrying a bag quickly walked towards Adam and looked at the boy's head down. If Adam did not hide, he would soon bump into Adam.

  A smile appeared on Adam's face, and he froze suddenly when he was about to avoid the boy from one side of his body.

   "Master, the summoning energy has increased."

   The sound of the system interrupted Adam's evasive action. Adam stood there watching the boy hit him, and then he was bounced to the ground.

   "Oh, my head." The boy sat on the ground holding his head and raised his head to look at Adam innocently. "Oh, man, you are so strong! Did you put an iron plate on your chest? Oh, my head, gosh!"

   "Sorry buddy, are you okay?" Adam stretched his right hand in front of the boy and raised his eyebrows at the boy.

The boy smiled, grabbed Adam’s hand, stood up with Adam’s power, and said endlessly, "Well, for your politeness, I will forgive you, but honestly Man, you are the strongest person I have ever seen. You have yellow skin, black hair and black eyes. Are you Asian? Then do you know Chinese Kung Fu?"

   "I..." Adam opened his mouth and just said the word "I" when he was interrupted by the boy's rapid speech.

   "Yes, I also think you are Asian. My intuition is always very accurate. I didn't expect to guess it." The boy chattered and stretched out his right hand to Adam. "Hello, my name is Peter, Peter Parker. I am a high school student. Have you been to high school? Did you watch Captain America videos every day when you were in high school?"

   "Stop." Adam looked at the boy named Peter in surprise. Is this the little spider?

"What?" Peter didn't mean to stop at all, and said happily: "Actually, I was wrong just now. Because I was a little fascinated by the experiment today, I didn't realize the time. My appointment with Aunt May will be late soon~www. When Adam heard these eyes lit up, he hurriedly said: "Then you go to the appointment, we can leave a phone number and talk to it another day, really. "

   Adam doesn't hate little spiders, but likes them very much, just like he likes petite.

   Adam is not a talkative, but I don’t know why, but he especially likes the guys who talk about TB attributes, including the poisonous iron man.

   "Oh, it's actually not a date, it's just an agreement between me and my elders." Peter didn't have a hint of urgency. "Do you and your parents often make appointments? For example, go shopping together, go shopping together, or go to dinner together?"

   "I'm already late anyway, maybe I should call her." Peter said, taking out the phone from his bag. "Actually, I have such an agreement with him every day. It's not a big deal not to go to the appointment once or twice. Are you right? By the way, I forgot to ask, buddy, what is your name?"

   Adam feels something is wrong, although the little spider is a silly chatter, there is no need to chatter about himself like this at the first meeting!

   Adam recalled the feeling of the little spider hitting himself just now. Although the little spider with extraordinary power and ordinary people are not threatening to Adam, the difference in perception is still quite big.

   Adam is quite sure that the chattering guy in front of him has been bitten by a spider and gained extraordinary power. Perhaps he has become a good neighbor in New York, our Spider-Man.

   But why should he approach Adam?

   "My name is Adam, and your name is Pete, right? Pete-Parker?" There was a playful smile on Adam's face. "Your name is really unique, are you Mexican? Or Canadian?"


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