Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 58: War of monsters

   Adam left Dr. Stern’s crude laboratory and walked on the streets of Brooklyn. He was in a good mood. After meeting Hulk, he felt that Bamen Dunjia had a descendant.

   Adam found a coffee shop and sat in, ordered a cup of coffee by the window, quietly waiting for the next big show.

   Sure enough, it didn't take long for people to panic footsteps and yelling on the street.

   Adam saw a gray-brown on the corner of the street, with a hideous bone spur on his body, and a monster about three meters tall came out.

   "Hulk, you coward!" The monster kept waving his hands, knocking people around, lifting a car, and smashing it against the wall.

   "Hulk, get out of here!" The monster roared up to the sky. "Come out and fight with me!"

   The monster kept destroying the surrounding buildings, and many people were killed or injured in his hands. The police relied on the police car to establish a defensive position and kept shooting at the monster. The rain-like bullets are like bathing the monsters, and the monsters are not qualified to react.

   "Hulk, you coward! Come out and compare who is the strongest!"

   While the monster roared, it was madly destroying everything around it. Adam could see it, and this guy's mind was not very clear.

   Adam carefully observed the monster's every move, wanting to know whether the huge power dazzled his head, or the side effect of the super serum, which made the brain become unconscious.

   After some observations by Adam, he didn't observe anything about the super serum, but he found that the monster's ability was much weaker than he expected, only the silver peak level.

   I remember that in the original book, the Hulk was at a disadvantage with this monster's battle at first. It seems that the inhibitor produced by Dr. Stern is still somewhat effective.

   The monster's eyes were as full of anger as the Hulk, but he didn't lose his mind by looking at him.

   After Adam observed carefully, he was still satisfied with this monster, but he didn't know whether Dr. Stone could mass produce such a monster.

   Although there is only one skill card for the Eight Gate Dunjia, Adam felt that if Hulk learned this skill, he could still analyze it and pass it on to others. Especially monsters whose essence is basically the same as the Hulk hate.

   The monsters raged for about ten minutes, and the surrounding area was devastated. The army began to enter the field and helicopters flew randomly. Unfortunately, it was on Brooklyn Street in New York, and the tanks still couldn't drive directly here.

The army’s dojo brought a sense of security to the surrounding people. The heavy weapons finally came into battle. Machine guns and shells were constantly attacking the monsters, but they did not cause any harm. The army swept across the sky, and he was roaring towards the sky.

   "No one can fight, you ants, call me Hulk!"

   A dispute is taking place on a helicopter in the sky.

   "Only I can deal with him, let me go." Bruce lowered his head and made a low, hoarse voice.

   It can be seen that Bruce is weak now, and his girlfriend Betty is sitting next to him, holding his arm.

   "Bruce, this is not the time for you to be strong." Betty refused to let Bruce play. "You can't become the Hulk now, you will be torn to pieces by it!"

   Just across from the two, it was Bruce's old man, Betty's father, and General Ross, the military general.

   General Rose’s face was full of entanglements, he had recognized it, and the raging monster on the ground was his most powerful subordinate, Blankis.

   General Ross looked at Bruce Banner, who was sitting across from him with a weak face, and looked at the monsters slaughtering his army below.

   "Are you sure?" General Rose's sharp eyes looked directly at Bruce who was sitting across from him.

   "I have to try it or not, it's all my fault!" Bruce looked straight into General Rose's eyes without flinching.

   "Dad, haven't you done enough to him? Do you still want him to die!" Betty glared at her father in dissatisfaction, and looked at Bruce affectionately. "Bruce, it's the military's job to protect the people. And it's not your fault."

   "No, it's my fault. I didn't take care of my own blood that gave birth to the monster below." Bruce also looked back at his girlfriend affectionately, his eyes full of nostalgia and reluctance.

   Betty knows her boyfriend, a talented and weak scholar, but he has his own persistence.

   "I'll wait for you to come back." Betty put her arms around Bruce's neck and gave a passionate kiss.

"General, you have seen its destructive power. Your idea is not working. No one can control the monster, not even you." Bruce walked to the door of the helicopter, turned around and said to the old man: "I hope you Give up your plan, the product of desire can only be a monster, not Captain America, I hope you can understand."

   After Bruce finished speaking, he madly jumped out of the plane, and after rotating 360 degrees in the air, he slapped the ground fiercely, creating a big hole.

   The monster looked at the big hole that appeared not far in front of him, and ignored it. He raised the car in his hand and threw it towards the sky, still roaring incessantly.

   " coward!"

   "Roar!!" A vibrating street roar came from the hole, and a big green hand patted the edge of the hole.

   "Hulk?" The monster looked at this green hand, his eyes were full of complex emotions of excitement and anger.

   "Roar!" The Hulk crawled out of the hole.

   Adam walked out of the coffee shop and watched the game not far away. He could see that the landing fire in the eyes of the Hulk was the same as before, but his movements were a bit slow, and his strength was as good as silver.

   "Super serum I don't know how, but this has been remembered as a good weapon against the Hulk." Adam murmured, while looking at the Hulk with excitement, this was his intended apprentice.

   Adam had even thought of the future scenes. He waved his hand in front of Thanos, his apprentice Hulk jumped out, opened all eight, kicked and killed Thanos!

   With the powerful body of the Hulk, coupled with the self-healing ability comparable to Wolverine, it has to be said that Adam chose a good master for Bamen Dunjia.

   While watching the game with excitement, Adam imagined that the Hulk would become a giant who kicked out the finale in the future.

  The situation in the field is very unfavorable for the Hulk. The Hulk suppressed by the inhibitor seems a little weak. Having been pressed and beaten by the monster, there have been multiple wounds on his body, and green blood is flowing all over the floor.

   Although the monster had the upper hand, it was hurt by a few powerful counterattacks from the Hulk. The blood that was as brown as the skin was hard to see.

The monster pinched the Hulk’s neck with one hand, squashed him to the ground, fisted with the other hand, and smashed the Hulk’s face frantically, yelling arrogantly: "Are you capable of this? Stand up and continue with me. Fight!"


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