Summoner of Marvel World

Chapter 95: Surprising ability

   After receiving the reward and seeing the task, Adam fell into a boring wait.

   When Adam was bored, he wanted to try the summoner skills he had just acquired. After some consideration, he was going to borrow the power of Fenrir wolf.

   Although the borrowing skills look very powerful, they also have certain limitations. The maximum borrowing ability cannot exceed the maximum power that the male owner can exert.

In this way, Aurora’s ability has no value to borrow. Although the persuasive ability is powerful, it takes a lot of time. There is a time limit for borrowing skills. Although the self-healing ability is not bad, it inherits the Death Goddess talent. Adam’s self-healing ability is not much worse than the Saber-toothed Tiger.

   The gold soldier has no borrowed value for the same reason.

   The abilities of Jiali and the Death Goddess are too powerful, which will make the borrowed skills fall into a long-term cooling down. Adam, who is ready to go to the universe, must keep the borrowed skills as his hole card. If you do so, the gain will not be worth the loss.

   The root of the wandering mage's power comes from the runes he collected and the forbidden power hidden in the scrolls behind him. Adam didn't know whether he could borrow the power of the runes, and it took a lot of time to experiment.

   So currently the only option is Fenrir Wolf.

   Adam launched the borrowed skill, his appearance did not change, but he felt a power that was not too powerful for him appeared in his body, and the increase in his strength was limited.

   Sure enough, the power borrowed is only the power that Fenrir has at present, not the power of his heyday.

   The potential of Fenrir, the magic wolf is limitless, and the height that he can grow to in the future is unpredictable even for Adam. It may be the only existence that can rival Jiali among all the creatures Arden has seen.

   Adam once asked the system which story or universe the Fenrir he got came from.

   Explanation of the system: Multiverse level, the most famous monster in Norse mythology, a huge wolf-shaped monster, it is said that when he opens his mouth, his upper and lower jaws can withstand the world. He was imprisoned by the gods because of his ferocious character. He didn't get out of trouble until the end of the war and swallowed the main **** Odin.

   Adam’s universe is only a single universe, and the highest combat power is only the peak of the single universe. No one can reach the level of the multiverse at all.

   If there is any, then only Jiali will grow up in the future. After all, she was put into this universe by the swallowing star, not a native creature.

   The system has analyzed that Thanos, who has infinite gloves, may be able to touch the boundaries of the multiverse if he gathers six gems.

   Even Thanos, who has collected six gems, can only touch the boundaries and cannot achieve the goal of detaching from this universe.

   After feeling the power of augmentation, Adam immediately turned his attention to Fenrir's special ability.

   Fenrir has only one special ability, and that is devouring.

   Fenrir can swallow creatures of the same level as him, which is considered a relatively buggy ability. It can barely be called invincible at the same level, but it cannot challenge beyond the level.

   Adam was a little disappointed. After all, Adam has a lot of cards. Even if he doesn't use various summoning abilities, he only relies on his own condensed power to become a sword, and a single stroke of the universe is enough to challenge him. The ability to kill the same level in a flash is a tasteless for him, it is useless to leave it, and it is a pity to discard it.

   Adam was disappointed, just about to release the borrowed skills, suddenly discovered that this swallowing ability has another use.

  This method of use is exactly the trick used by the mythological wolf Fenrir when he swallowed Odin.

  Fenrir's stomach is a special space. Compared to organs, it is more like a treasure. Creatures swallowed by Fenrir will be locked in this special space, waiting for Fenrir to digest.

  The reason Fenrir can only swallow the same level is because this special space has a storage limit. If the opponent's strength exceeds Fenrir too much, it may break this space and kill Fenrir to get out of trouble.

  Fenrir was dazzled by anger when facing Odin, and he would swallow Odin who was far stronger than him without any scruples. Fortunately, Odin was exhausted after the battle, and died in Fenrir's stomach.

   Adam called Fenrir’s brainless devouring as Absolute Devouring.

   Anyway, it can be swallowed. After swallowing it, whether he died or his enemy died, the magic wolf didn't think so much in his mind.

   There is no special space in Adam’s stomach, so after Adam uses the devouring ability, he will imprison the enemy in the Supreme Throne.

   The Supreme Throne had no storage function before it was inlaid with space gems, but this does not mean that a special space could not be opened up in the Supreme Throne.

   The Supreme Throne has an indestructible attribute. Although Adam does not know how high the priority of this indestructible attribute is, the system produced will certainly not be inferior to Fenrir’s stomach.

   In this way, Adam almost had one more hole card to kill.

   Adam only borrowed Fenrir's ability, not the real magic wolf Fenrir. He certainly couldn't ignore the opponent's strength and swallow it forcibly, but Odin who swallowed a single universe should be more than enough.

Sleeping Odin didn’t know that Adam had already hit his head. Since the death of Odin’s clone, he has fallen into a deeper sleep. If there is no danger to his life, he will not wake up easily. He The lifespan is almost After Adam became familiar with the devouring ability, he immediately cancelled the borrowing skills, because the longer the borrowing time, the longer the cooling time.

  As soon as the skill was released, Adam knew immediately that the cooling time was ten days, and he wondered if he could cool down before the war came.

   "Luo Luo, can this borrowed skill be upgraded?" Adam seemed to have thought of something and asked the system anxiously. "You seem to only have a lottery function now, will all other functions be cancelled?"

"It's not like that, all the abilities of the system are there, but the task rewards issued by the system will only be a lottery." The system replied: "If you want to upgrade your skills or have something else that the system can do, you have to take the initiative to receive it from the system. Task, the system will automatically generate an upgrade task."

   "If I want to upgrade the borrowed skills, can I generate quests now?" A smile appeared on Adam's face, and he thought of a way to open it.

   The system answers: "You need to make a request, the direction of the upgrade, and the effect that needs to be achieved."

   "What I want is not to share the cooling time, probably borrowing Fenrir's ability while cooling down, I can also borrow the ability of other people." Adam roughly described. "It is to divide the cooldown time of all my creatures with abilities that I can borrow separately."

   "This is not an upgrade, this is simply a sublimation of this skill." After a lapse of unknown time, the system's voice finally brought an emotional component to it. "Smart people, the system is omnipotent, but the generation of this task takes a lot of time, and the difficulty will give you a surprise."

   "Just notify me after the task is generated, heh, since the system is omnipotent, then Adam is fearless." Adam stretched out and leaned back on the throne, uttering proud words in a flat tone.


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