"Wait." Shinji looked at Feng and punished him.

Feng turned his head against punishment, "Huh?"

"It was a boring day but it was fun."

Looking at Zhen Ji, the corners of Feng Nixing's mouth rose slightly, "Ah, that's how it should be." Then he turned around and slowly disappeared from her sight.

Maki stayed where she was until Feng Feng disappeared, and she muttered to herself, "It's not what I think I think".

144. Compulsory education in Benge

"Huh, why did it become like this." Feng Nixing, who was sitting in the bathtub, sighed helplessly.

It goes back half an hour

"I'm back." Feng Nixing casually kicked his shoes aside and dragged these two things all day, feeling that the burden on his entire body increased when he walked.

"Welcome back~ Have you eaten dinner?" Fengji came over after hearing the voice.

Feng Nixing was a little complacent and ran over and hugged Feng Ji intimately, "As long as you made it~ I have no reason not to eat it, right?" Well, some of the grievances against Feng Ji after becoming a woman also disappeared.

"That's right~ Then you go take a shower first~ I'll prepare right away." Feng Ji expressed shock at Feng Ni Xing's sudden embrace, but after recovering, she smiled slightly and seemed to have a plan.

Feng Nixing didn't take too much precaution, anyway, now her daughter is not vigilant about her current self.

"Oh~ I'm looking forward to it." Feng Nixing finished speaking and strode toward the bath.

Seeing Feng Nixing exuding a work-like figure at this moment, the girl showed an excited expression


"Huh~ Then again, I've already washed it twice today~ I'm going to be with the damn hood at about this time tomorrow," Feng said, and took off the hood.

Then he took off the fat time again, "And say goodbye to this damn fat time!" Then he casually threw it aside.

"Huh~ I finally know why girls always love to take a bath~ This is too high for Oupai to generate heat every day~" Feng Feng stretched his waist and looked at himself in the mirror, and there was no sense of disobedience at all. Maybe continue to be a woman like this, but of course that's impossible.

"Who is coming to Honoka tomorrow? Well~ I'll talk about it tomorrow~" Feng Nixing quickly rinsed, and then jumped into the bathtub so big that it could be called a bathtub.

"Hoo~ Huayang~ Little Bird~ Eri~ Rin~ Kai Mi~ Nicole~ Maki~ What a group of good girls~ I really want to marry me and be my wife~"

"That's really a good idea~"

"Is that so? I think so too." Maple turned around and looked at Fengji who was standing around the towel.

"Ah~ you must want to ask why I am here? Don't worry~ I'm cooking soup in the kitchen outside~ So I came here to wipe your back~" As he said, the bath towel around him slipped off.

"Ah!!!! You you you you you!!!!" Feng Nixing seemed to see something that shouldn't be seen, and quickly turned his back to Feng Ji.

Fengji slowly approached, "What's so shy~ We are all women~ It's normal to meet honestly~"

"I thought there would be a time like this before." Feng Nixing finally came to his senses, believing that Feng Ji would not have any thoughts about her current self was simply wrong.

"Nani? I don't understand what you're talking about~" Fengji picked up the body wash and walked over.

"speak Mandarin"

"Oh? Don't you like these Japanese words?" Has the child figured out all of himself?

"There's no need for this between the two of us, right?" Feng Nixing's head hurt.

Then Feng Ji calmly dived into the water and hugged Feng Ji from behind.

"You! Do it!" Although Feng's punishment had changed a bit, she still didn't lose her mind, she knew the position of the two, and the relationship between the two.

Because of the resistance of the water, Feng Ji easily picked her up and put her on her lap, "Have you done it? This kind of thing~"


"!" A clear voice sounded in Feng Nixing's head!

Do not!impossible!she!she!How did she know!

There are countless possibilities in my mind, but I can't think of the answer, but even if I really keep monitoring myself, it is impossible to reach this level, because those are all things that happened in the hot springs

"What's the matter? Can't speak?" When Feng Nixing was in a daze, Feng Ji took the opportunity to act recklessly on her body.

Feng Nixing quickly calmed down, this is likely to be Fengji's cliché, and he can't be led by the nose.

"I don't quite understand what you're talking about, and it's uncomfortable to hold it in your hands." Feng Nixing blushed and said that he didn't remember that kind of thing happened at all.

Fengji's two fingers pressed slightly, "Where? Is it the place where these two alexandrites are changed?"

"Don't let go!" Feng Nixing couldn't resist. She didn't know what outrageous actions Fengji Chen made after resisting.

"It's so cute. I have a proposal~ Would you like to hear it?" Feng Ji whispered in Feng Ni Xing's ear.

"What?" It's strange that this feeling of powerlessness can be broken away, but I always feel that I really want to feel the next feeling. With such an idea, Feng Nixing is reluctant to resist.

"Hey~ why don't you just keep it like this~" Fengji slowly groped her hands down

"What are you kidding me to keep looking like this all the time, that's impossible." Feng Nixing shook his head again and again.

"Really? But I think you're really great now~ You're my ideal person"

"You kid, you have such a wrong idea! Ya! Where are you touching!" Feng Nixing suddenly called out, because Feng Ji had encountered a field that she had been unwilling to touch since she became a woman.

"Hey~ girls can do a lot of interesting things~ Let me teach you well~"

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