"Ah~ what an unexpected guest~"

Fengji glanced around with her eyes, "What is this place?" She guessed right, and the two of them met privately.

"Is this the magic of exchanging two people? Could it be that he left it?" Zero continued to speak without a sense of crisis, and suddenly a flying knife was aimed at her head



It was almost zero distance, and it was interrupted by flying out of nowhere.

"Inheriting your father's ability must make you very complacent?"

Feng Ji's eyes were cold, "You talk too much" and the figure-like existence behind him hit him.

"My target is not you, so I will keep my principles and don't do anything to you." Zero easily dodged the figure's attack.

"Then how about breaking your own principles?" Fengji waved her hand, and suddenly thousands of flying knives flying from all directions surrounded Zero.

"Is the ambush set in advance? In many ways, you are better than your father~" Zero's every sentence sounded provocative in Fengjie's ears.

"Don't insult my father!" Fengji shouted angrily.

Zero seems to be a little impatient, "I hate you the most unreasonable child"

At this time, the position of the dagger surrounding her suddenly changed greatly, but Feng Ji became the prey surrounded by the flying knife this time!

"Do you think you are the only one who can change the time track?" Fengji, who was surrounded, muttered to herself, and then the flying knife around her disappeared again and returned to Zero's side.

clap clap! !

"Wonderful~ You are really excellent~ Although I really want to play with you again~ I'll keep it for the next time~" After saying that, Fei Dao thought about Lingfei and flew over together!

When he came back to his senses again, Zero disappeared without a trace as if the world had evaporated. ..

177. From today onwards, you are the God of Qiu Ming Mountain Bike

"The snow has stopped." Maki opened the curtains and a ray of sunlight came in.

"Really meow?" Rin then opened the curtains behind him.

"But it's impossible to go back today." Nicole took out her phone and checked the time.

"Ah, the last train has already left." Maki confirmed the time, even if the journey to the platform was about half an hour away.

"No way~" Hua Yang sighed, she was still looking forward to going home to eat warm rice.

"Everyone, pack up and go." Feng Nixing had already put on his luggage and jacket, as did the bird behind him.

"But dear Lianhua, it's already past the time for the last train." Xi thought that Feng Nixing had forgotten the time difference and reminded him.

Feng Nixing nodded, "I called someone from the office to come over and they drove to pick us up."

"Is it a shuttle bus?" Nicole looked at Feng Nixing with envy.

Feng Nixing scratched his cheek and said humbly, "It's not a special car, but everyone in the office happened to be nearby when we called. Maybe because the snowstorm stopped, the mobile phone has a signal." He took out his mobile phone. , the upper signal grid shows three grids of signals.

"Really, hurry up and call home." Looking at his phone, Hai Wei hurriedly called his family.

"Ah, I don't know if my mother has taken care of the children at home these two days." Nicole also took out her phone, and the others called their families one after another to report that they were safe.

"Don't Xiaoniao make a phone call?" Feng Nixing looked at Xiaoniao beside him.

"I just texted my mother, I don't need to call anymore, Lianhua has been depressed since just now,"

"Is there?" I was a little surprised, but I didn't expect Xiaoniao to realize that he was in a bad mood.

"You seem to be in a bad mood, I hope it's my illusion." The bird stuck out his tongue.

Feng Nixing put his hand on top of her head, "Of course it's your delusion~ Tomorrow is the exam, go back and review it when you have time." Try to change the topic to another place.



"It's hard work~ all beautiful girls." μs still had some impressions of Yueshan, so he avoided some unnecessary embarrassment.

A total of four cars were driven, and if there were three people in one car, Feng Nixing knew that he would be alone.

Seeing that Yueshan was there to deal with μs, Feng Nixing didn't bother to let him come over to open the door or something.

I opened the door and found that there was no one in the back seat.

"Your position is here." Looking forward, Feng Ji sat in the driver's seat and patted the co-pilot seat.

Feng Nixing closed the car door and walked around from the back, opened the door and entered the car.

"Do you have a driver's license?" Feng Nixing tried not to make the topic too embarrassing. When Feng Ji came back yesterday, she just lowered her head and said nothing.

"Do you want me to race to show you?" Fengji smiled confidently, it seemed that nothing was wrong.

Feng Nixing shook his head, "Forget it, this is not Qiu Mingshan, and you are not a car god." He casually said a stalk that he liked and heard, and then he subconsciously put on his seat belt.

"Catch it." Feng Ji stopped looking at Feng's punishment, turned on the engine, and the car vibrated slightly.

Feng Nixing smiled and said, "Don't make a fuss." Then Feng Ji stepped on the accelerator!

If it weren't for the seat belt, I'd probably be facing the front of the co-pilot now.

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