
"elder sister"


Sweat dripped from his temples, and Feng Nixing couldn't stand the chattering junior high school students behind him. He didn't understand why they were so active under such vicious sunlight.

"Do you mean to come here?" Looking at the long queue in front, Feng Nixing felt a little desperate. Even if he hid under the shade of a tree now, he would be driven mad by the sultry weather.

"By the way, this is your second time participating in a comic exhibition, right? You were still a kid when you first participated." However, my sister seemed to lock the moisture in her body to such an extent that she didn't sweat a single drop.

"Doesn't my sister feel a little off track from the atmosphere here? You are all grown ups." What made Feng anti-punishment awkward was that 70% of the long queue were junior high school students, which made him a high school student more embarrassed, but he had not yet entered the venue. There are already people waiting outside wearing cos costumes.

"Of course, what's wrong with me being so young? No matter how I look at it, I'm a 17-year-old high school girl, right?" The only face turned his head naturally.

What Feng Nixing was more concerned about was her words just now, "Why is she 17 years old?"

"Okay, don't complain, you are like a submissive girl at this time, go." The team slowly moved her sister and walked in front of her.

"Hey! Who's a girl!" Feng Nixing didn't like being called a sissy by others. Although he had experience playing women's clothes before, he still didn't like it.

Wei only remembered something and took out her mobile phone, "By the way, let me remind you of your childhood after a long absence, I remember it." She opened the album and seemed to be looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" Feng Nixing had an ominous premonition. He clearly remembered the days when he was raised as a girl before he was five years old. Although he naively thought it was normal at the time, he didn't realize it until he grew up. I understand that the past few years were like black history for me. If there was a third person other than my sister and mother who knew about it, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold my breath like now.

"I found it~ Look, your cosplay's demonic dream when you were a child~" Wei pointed his cell phone at Feng.

When Feng Nixing saw it, he couldn't hold it anymore, "Why do you still keep this kind of thing?" He stretched out his hand to grab it.

There is absolutely nothing in the photo that this cute little girl grew up to be a handsome silver-haired guy.

However, Feng Nixing had more than one cosplay when he was a child. The photos on the photos were mainly cosplayers who appeared in public. You must know that during that time, Phil and Wei's biggest pastime was to dress up Feng Nixing in various ways. .

"So cute, why delete it?" Wei didn't stop Feng from being punished, and the phone was easily snatched away.

Feng Nixing's quick editing then deleted the evidence of this black history.

"By the way, that's just a small backup. It's in the computer, as well as the physical photo album." Just when Feng Nixing was relieved, Yui's words almost made his breath choke in his throat.

"Sister!" When Feng turned to look at Wei, she had already jumped into the venue.


"Would you like to try it?" Wei took out the plastic accessories from the plastic egg box, which seemed to be hanging on mobile phones or babies.

Feng Nixing looked at the gashapon machine in front of him, "I'm not a child, how could I be interested in this kind of thing."

"Cut! It's not cute at all, if it's the little one from before, it would definitely be happy to run over and twist." Wei Tucao Feng Nixing hung the accessories from the gashapon on the phone.

"So, can you not mention the past?" Feng Nixing followed, and the atmosphere here really couldn't fit, especially when he looked at a group of people wearing strange clothes, it wasn't a cos.

Of course, the quality of the cos in this place is still very obvious. There are some that are eye-catching and some that can't be seen directly. Although it is a bit inappropriate to say this, I still think how much courage some people have put in when they are cos. Yan Zhi dressed like a ghost and stood in front of people.

But since the other party has the courage to stand up as a cos, don't use tinted glasses to look at others. After all, you absolutely don't have that kind of courage, even if you are a cos character who doesn't need to show your face, as long as you put on clothes, you will be ashamed. , mainly because of recalling the dark history of the past.

"Ah? Where's the old lady?" When Feng Nixing reacted, he and Wei had already separated.

At this time, Feng Nixing looked aside, and he seemed to be standing at a booth selling doujinshi. It was the kind of doujinshi that gentlemen knew.

As a male, Feng Nixing reached over and picked up a copy subconsciously. Even if he was his age, he would have no problem reading this kind of thing. With this kind of mood, Feng Nixing said to the person watching the booth, "Well, how much is a copy? ?"

The other party was looking down and reading, when he heard someone ask to close the book and raise his head, "Doujinshi 30 copies, is the price for a single copy?"

"" Feng Feng, who was watching the booth, was also stunned.


181. Once you accept this setting, it is still very emotional

"Mom?" At this time and place, Feng Nixing felt that the encounter between the two was so nonsense, why did the mother who was not interested in the second dimension appear here?

However, Phil is even more embarrassed than Feng's rebellious punishment, because the guest he met when he bought the book was actually his own son.

"Why did Feng'er appear here?" Phil blushed, this was so embarrassing.

"You are, why are you here? And you also buy this kind of thing." Feng Nixing blushed and put the notebook in his hand back to its original position.

"Wait until it's over, I'm telling you, okay?" Phil sighed in unfortunate self-confidence, intending to tell him the truth after the comic exhibition ended.

"Okay." Now that he said that, Feng Nixing stopped asking questions. In fact, he didn't plan to ask directly, but he really didn't know what to say in this embarrassing scene.

"Did you come alone? This is the first time you've come to a Comic-Con in years, right?" After skipping the embarrassing foreplay, Phil felt less embarrassed than before.

"I came here with my old sister, saying that I was here to get creative inspiration."

When Phil heard that Wei was at this exhibition, his face turned blue and then he quickly shook his head and looked around.

"Feng'er, are you saying that Wei is here too?"

"Ah what's wrong?"

Phil stood up and grabbed his son's hand, "Please help me watch the booth."

"Oh? Me? I don't have any experience in selling things?" In fact, Feng Nixing simply didn't want to sell books. If he met someone he knew, he would be embarrassed. You must know that some of the people in the class are cute two-dimensional. , there may be the possibility of being in this exhibition.

"Please, my mother's only request in her life, if you see me buying this kind of thing, it will be over." Phil showed weakness in front of his son for the first time, folded his hands and bowed his head to ask Feng Nixing to help him.

Feng Ni Xing softened his heart. Indeed, it was difficult for him to imagine under what circumstances his mother would dare to sell such things in such a crowded place. Obviously, male shopkeepers sell better than female shopkeepers, regardless of whether they are introverted or not. It is easy to find that a stall selling books was about to go over to ask the price and found out that it was a female shop owner, and they avoided it very embarrassingly.

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