At this time, the interior of the karate club

"Tsk! What do you mean by fist shrimp, why don't you get out of the club?" The man who bullied Kenichi was quite sturdy, and indeed seemed more suitable for learning karate than Kenichi, and because Kenichi had no talent, Feng was punished. I saw it when I was training him.

"Why, of course, to fulfill the promise and compete with you." Kenichi was actually thinking about when the master would come.

Blue veins bulged on his forehead. "Are you trying to say that you are sure of defeating me?" He was very angry that Kenichi was standing here to compete with him.

Just when the members of the karate club gathered to witness the victory

"Well, is this the karate club?" Feng Nixing took Suo Xiang's hand and stood outside the door.

"Irrelevant people are not allowed to enter here." The head of the karate department refused to be visited during the public execution.

Feng Nixing smiled and said, "Well, we are actually Shirahama Kenichi's family and friends, and we're here to cheer him on." His tender clothes were indeed fine.

"A group of relatives and friends?" The minister became more and more confused about Kenichi. He knew that he would be hanged and beaten, and he called the group of relatives and friends over to see how he lost?

No, maybe the head of the Karate Department thought for a while, looked at Kenichi and said, "Then, come in."

"Thank you." Feng said, patting Sui Xiang on the back, motioning her to take off her shoes.

"Honoka?" It was expected that the master would come, but the presence of his sister made him bewildered.

"It's really my brother! Is the opponent the big guy?" Honoka's open mouth problem flared up again.

However, Feng Nixing didn't care about those and the dissatisfied eyes of the members, because as long as he wanted to, it was not impossible to help his apprentice to lift the place.

"Well, let's hurry up and find a place to sit down." Feng rebelled against the behavior of a socially disadvantaged group, and took Sui Xiang's hand and sat aside.

"Master" Kenichi knew that this was the ghost of Feng's rebellious punishment, and sighed and looked at the minister with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Then a victory or defeat! Start!" The minister stood between the two and announced the start of the game.

Feng Nixing was sitting there looking like he was about to move, but Suoka, who was beside him, stood up and sat on her body.

"Honoka." Feng Nixing tapped her head with his hand.

"The floor here is very cold." Sui Xiang found a groundless excuse, but Feng had no choice but to let her sit on her recklessly.

Kenichi's opponent first looked at Feng Nixing's side, then turned his head to look at Kenichi, "Hmph, to have relatives come to see you as a shame, you really have a problem with your brain."

"Whatever you want to say." Kenichi did what Feng had taught him to fight against punishment.

"Don't worry, I will beat you down gorgeously," he said, pounced like a bear!

Seeing Kento deal with a behemoth, even the optimist Honoka can't help but worry "Brother"

"Too slow," Feng Nixing said, and this sentence caught the attention of the minister on the side.

Kenichi himself also found out that compared to Master's attack speed, the opponent is really no different from walking over, so he doesn't even need to use the breaking move. Step dodged and moved to his left.

The man jumped in the air, and found that Kenichi avoided and couldn't help but feel a little unhappy "you"

Feng Nixing looked at Kenichi's slightly backward right leg and smiled proudly.

"Ha!!!!" Jian Yi moved like a thunderous kick and kicked his leg fiercely! ! ! !

This scene stunned everyone including Honoka!That's because the momentum of Kenichi's kick is enough to amaze laymen.

"Oh!!!!" The other party's eyes were bloodshot, and he only felt that someone picked up the steel bar and hit his leg fiercely. This was really kicked out by the fist-footed shrimp who fell down with one punch. 's foot?

Kenichi pulled away immediately after he succeeded. He didn't know that the other's leg had lost consciousness.

Feng Nixing looked at the man who was kicked with one kick. He looked at him a little high, saying that three lower kicks would make him fall to the ground. , the next and only need a gradual victory is only a matter of time. ..

237. Alternative pleasures

"You, you, you, soft-footed shrimp!" He fought against the pain and rushed towards Kenichi.

It's amazing, I don't feel scared at all. If it was me a week ago, if I saw such a behemoth rushing towards me, I would definitely be frightened and weak.

But he didn't feel scared at all, and he couldn't put pressure on Kenichi, because Feng Ni's punishment was several times more terrifying than this.

He threw an angry fist over, and he couldn't see the karate frame anymore, and Kenichi grabbed his hand and pulled it in!His fist hit his chest directly.

The outcome was already decided, and Feng Nixing was a little boring. He didn't expect such a suspenseful duel, and thought that Kenichi would fight hard for a while.

"Ha!!!!" Before he understood, Kenichi kicked his left foot again! ! ! !

"Ah!!! It hurts, bastard!!!!" He threw his fists around him in pain.

Seeing the unusually calm Kenichi, the minister said helplessly, "Winner, Shirahama Kenichi."

"Huh?" Kenichi thought he could fight for a while, but he didn't expect the minister to declare his victory or something.

The other party also expressed that he couldn't accept this sudden situation, "Minister! I haven't given up yet!"

"Shut up! Garbage, you've been kicked out by the Karate club! Look at yourself now!" Maybe because of the presence of an outsider like Feng Nixing, he couldn't hold his face.

"Ah" he reacted, looking down, he didn't know when he was sitting on the floor.

"Why why can't I stand up, I can't use strength?" No matter how much he exerted force on his left foot, there was no response.

"Tsk! Waste," the minister said, staring at Kenichi.

Kaede picked up Honoka and cheered for Kenichi, "Oh!! Kenichi! Win!!!!"

Honoka also entered the state "Win!!! Brother is great! It's so cool!"

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