"You talk too much, hurry up and eat." Feng Nixing picked up a french fries and inserted it into Sui Xiang's mouth.


After sending Kenichi back, Feng Nixing felt that the burden on his shoulders was much lighter, and then he had to consider the issue of going home, but there was a problem to consider, passport.

At the very least, I want to find someone who can help me apply for a passport, but I don't think Liang Shanbo's group of masters are like the kind of people who need passports when they leave the mainland and go to other places.

"I came back quite early today." Ni Gui sat on the stake in the yard and watched Feng Nixing.

"You're not drunk today." Feng Nixing only exposed, his part-time job as a tutor, and his own admission of apprentices have not been exposed.

"Stinky boy, do I look like the kind of person who gets drunk after drinking a few bottles?" Ni Gui slapped Feng Nixing on the head with a knife.

"Obviously it's the truth," Feng Nixing whispered while clutching his forehead, then ran away.

"Stinky boy." Ni Gui cursed, but he didn't bother to chase after him. He didn't know what to think about while drinking.

Feng Nixing returned to the house and quickly changed into a Taoist uniform, "What should I do to discuss it with Master Qiu Yu?" He was afraid that after telling this master, if he refused and then stared at himself, it would really be impossible to escape.

"What to discuss with Qiu Yu?" However, Shi Yu appeared silently, and the frightened Feng almost shouted out.

"Master Shi Yu, please don't be so elusive, okay?" Feng Nixing stood up from the floor and put his right hand on his chest down.

"I can't get used to it." Shi Yu really only needs to sleep on the beam of the room. Really, it seems that Master Shi Yu really sleeps on the beam.

"I mean, what are you going to do when you enter the disciple's room so openly? Even I have personal privacy. If I were seen by you at that time, wouldn't I be embarrassed to death?" Feng Nixing just told her This matter, directly driving away is afraid of hurting her.

"Do you want to go back?" Shi Yu asked guessingly, but she guessed right.

Feng Nixing thought it was because the paper couldn't cover the fire and sighed helplessly "Yes"

"Then, let's go back." Shi Yu's answer surprised him.

"Hey? Aren't you going to stop me?" Feng Nixing was a little confused.

Shi Yu used an expression that I didn't understand what you were saying, "Why organize?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?" Feng Nixing only thought that he was just returning to China to check on his sister's condition. The masters really have no reason to stop him, right? Was he thinking about NAIZI before?

"Let's go back, I'm more worried about Wei." Shi Yu agreed, and Feng Nixing went back to confirm.

"However, there is a problem now that I don't have a passport. If no one helps me apply for a passport, I may be arrested by the police at the airport." Feng Nixing's second worry.

"Why can't you just go straight?" Sure enough, I didn't make a mistake, they are all people who don't play cards according to the routine.

"Of course it's not good. If you are caught, you will be taken away and please eat pork chop rice." Feng Nixing was decisively unable to accept the matter of smuggling and leaving.

"What should I do?" Shi Yu had an expression like you have a way to say it.

Feng Nixing bit his fingernails, "If only I had a guarantor to help me apply for a passport, it would be fine, but I don't have that kind of person around me"

"With you by your side," Shi Yu thought of something and said.


"Here" said Shi Yu, pointing to her own European style, not me, she pointed to herself..

240. How about free shipping from sf for your knife?

"Tsk, can you do it?" Shi Yu left early in the morning with his documents. It was already noon and he didn't even have a letter. There was really no way not to worry.

"Feng! How absent-minded Apa!" Apacha said and punched him.

Feng Nixing evaded and hurriedly covered up, "Oh? Is there anything? Apacha, have you misunderstood?"

"Really? Well maybe, avoid it, Feng." Apacha is not the kind of guy who goes back and thinks about things.

Frightened, Feng Nixing jumped up on the spot, dodging the fatal kick, but Apacha didn't let him have extra time to rest, and immediately received an uppercut, Feng, who couldn't dodge. Reverse punishment can only choose defense, and then be knocked out by this strange force.

"Feng, are you okay? Are you still alive?" Apacha knew that he had not grasped the strength of his attack, and ran over to check the situation.

Feng Nixing sat up from the ground and smiled dryly, "It's alright, it's alright, I took good care of it, Apacha."

"Xiao Feng seems to be a little absent-minded." The old horse stroked his beard, then looked away from the chessboard.

"Well, young people always have one or two troubles." Shi Yu took a step and then turned his attention to Feng Nixing.


"Squeak!" There was finally a break, Feng Nixing stared at the ceiling while thinking about Shi Yu, and then Dou Zhongmaru's head appeared in his sight.

"Douzhong Pill?" Feng Nixing grabbed it from his forehead.

"Squeak!" Although he couldn't speak human language, when Dou Zhongwan came out, it meant that Shi Yu had returned.

Feng Nixing stuck his head out of the house, and when he saw no one around, he quickly ran out of the house.

Then he ran into the woods following Dou Zhongmaru's instructions.

"Master Shi Yu." Feng Nixing breathed a sigh of relief, and regardless of the outcome, he finally came back

"Failed," Shi Yu told Feng indifferently that she failed to help with the passport.

Feng Nixing didn't feel too lost, rather it was expected, because Shi Yu didn't look like the kind of person who would stand obediently in front of the counter and apply for a passport.

"It's alright, let's think about other methods." If there are other methods, the only option is to sneak out.

Shi Yu wanted to tell Feng Nixing that he was kicked out without even entering the door because he was carrying a controlled knife. Seeing that Feng Nixing didn't care, he didn't say anything.

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