Feng Nixing nodded in confusion, and then heaved a sigh of relief, because the minister's share was also taken away. Did Zhu Nai save him once?

"It turned out to be inexplicable suffering?" Feng Nixing sighed, the night was already deep because men and women were separated, so the faint light of the fire on the girl's side could still be seen, and Feng Nixing's side was already planning to sleep.

"Then, good night." Kiba greeted and lay down. Fortunately, someone brought a blanket or else they would have to sleep on the collected weeds.

Feng Nixing looked at Kiba in admiration. He was not a hypocritical person for being able to adapt to such an environment so quickly, but he just didn't understand what the significance of this event was.

If he sighed to reduce his lifespan by five minutes, then Feng Nixing lost at least ten years of his lifespan. Most of the time he was sighing, probably because he was used to it, although he would try his best to restrain himself when he was with his wives.

The girl seemed to be going to sleep, and when she saw the extinguished fire, Kaede fell down like Kiba.

The sound of Kiba's sleeping gasps reached his ears, and it seemed that he was really asleep, just when Kaede Nijing was about to close his eyes

"Good evening." He heard the voice first, opened his eyes, and Orpheus' lifeless face appeared in his line of sight. If it wasn't for Feng's reckless understanding, he would probably have seen her as a ghost and screamed in fright. come out.

"Why are you here?" Afraid that he might quarrel with Kiba, Feng sat up against the punishment. He was not surprised by her appearance. He could only say that it was easy for her to find herself.

"Because it's boring, so I sneaked out to see, what are you doing here? Are you on vacation?" Orpheus had a lot to ask, and Feng Nixing couldn't answer them one by one, so he could only get up and push her back, go to A place without people.

"Didn't I ask you to watch Heige at home? What if you come out like this and she ran away?" Feng Nixing's first sentence after reaching a safe place was to complain.

"Ah that wild cat? Don't worry, she won't run away because I warned her." Orpheus took Feng's counter-punishment question over.

"Even so, it's not good for you to appear here." Feng Nixing couldn't find any excuse to explain why she appeared here.

"Don't worry, I'll leave at dawn. You haven't slept yet. Come with me." As he said, Orpheus took Feng's hand against punishment.

"What time is it? Where to go, if you want to swim, I can watch you swim on the shore for a while." Feng Nixing didn't want to accompany this dragon to be self-willed, to be honest.

"It's rare to come to the beach, why don't you go for a swim?" Feng Nixing looked at Orpheus, who was only wandering on the shore.

Orpheus kicked the sand and then raised his head to look at the sea reflecting the moonlight. "I don't like the sea, because the depths of the sea are very dark, the kind of black that you can't see anything."

"So you have something to be afraid of, too." Feng Nixing found it very interesting to know the other side of Orpheus besides being silent.

"I just don't like that kind of quiet and dark environment. How are you? Is the artifact going well?"

"It's a matter of time, isn't it good for you to live like this? Why are you so obsessed with the gap between dimensions?"

"Well, how do you say it's an obsession? As a dragon god, maybe as a dragon, there is something that can't be surrendered. Isn't it the legendary dragon, if you steal the dragon's treasure, you will be chased to the ends of the earth until you die." That's it. simple reason?

"You're talking about a dragon like Fafnir, so the guy who drove you away must be quite powerful, right?" In fact, he was curious about why he drove him away instead of killing him.

"GreatRed, I'll call him the True Red Dragon God Emperor for now. The nickname means DXD, which means the dragon within the dragon. I was driven out of my hometown by him." He seemed to have heard something extraordinary.

"Is the other party also a dragon god? Then don't you all have the power to stand?" There is nothing wrong with the ruler of this world being a dragon, but the system of dragons is not a gang, and it is a bit confusing.

"Then I don't have to appear here. The wild cat you caught, she is a member of the group of disaster, right?"

"You knew that." It seemed that the dragon had two strokes, Feng Nixing thought.

"Well~ I not only know, but also the founder of the Troubled Group." Orpheus's expressionless face raised a smile.

"What?" Feng Nixing asked again to prevent himself from hearing it wrong.

"Is it so strange?" Orpheus really didn't look like he was lying.

"Hey, but what is the real purpose of your calamity group?" Feng Nixing seemed to know what Valli's group was going to do.

"There is no so-called real purpose. The group of disasters are all people who peep at my power. On the contrary, they only need to help me to crusade the people who drove me out of my hometown. The interest relationship between us is just that." It seems that. The Troubled Group is indeed a mixed place.

"I didn't expect the enemy's boss to be by my side. This is really a miscalculation." Feng Nixing smiled bitterly. What a funny fact.

"Well, but seeing you, I don't have much expectations for that long-term crusade team, so I will help you to some extent."

"That's great." When Feng Nixing wanted to talk about something, he felt someone behind him and then closed his mouth nervously.

"It seems that the time for chatting is over, so don't forget to bring your specialties when you come back." Orpheus disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The leader of the calamity group and the true red dragon god emperor really don't want to fight against that kind of monster, at least not now..

75.wtf?what happened!

"Feng?" Aisha, who heard the voice, looked at Feng who was alone looking at the sea.

"Aisha, what's the matter? Getting up so late." Feng turned around, but fortunately, Aisha was a good fool.

"Why don't you stay up so late." Elsa blushed inexplicably, as if she didn't want to say anything.

"I'm the type of person who is very energetic at night. I can't sleep at this time." Feng Nixing said thoughtfully and took off his jacket and put it on Aisha. The seaside at night was very cold.

"Thank you" Elsa was very happy and did not refuse.

"Go back, don't catch a cold." Feng Nixing put his hand on her shoulder.

Aisha blushed and leaned against Feng's body subconsciously.

Seeing Aisha's reaction, Feng Nixing didn't say anything, but felt that she should be more coquettish now.

"That..." Before returning to the camp, Aisha stopped Feng and punished him.


"Actually, I want to" seems to be an embarrassing word, but I just can't say it.

Feng Nixing looked at her curiously, and then noticed that Aisha's legs were rubbing against each other and seemed to be holding back something.

"Want to urinate?" Feng Nixing asked without thinking too much, which was too unreasonable for a man.

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