"Want to run? Don't cherish the opportunity given to you. It's too late." Feng Nixing grabbed his neck and pulled him back. ..

extra10 alas?Door locked?

"I'm back here again." Gu Ming felt a little funny looking at the expressions of the girls.


Feng Nixing raised his hand and slapped him on the back of his head, "You are disturbing the military at a time like this, find me a random corner and stay there!"

"Oh" Ji Ming did not resist his habit and walked in the direction just now.

However, the girls who encountered ghosts in the health room before did not feel that they wanted to stay in such a place any longer, but their bodies were already tired and hungry.

"Don't worry, the ghost has already been driven away by me." Feng Nixing rudely sat in the place where the female ghost appeared just now.

This action of his scared the girls pale, what if this Nima was swollen by a ghost?The core of the team is this unscrupulous teacher.

"We got it, teacher, start from that place first." Miyue's face turned blue, she couldn't imagine what would happen after Feng's punishment was gone.

Feng Nixing continued to smile and put his hand on the notebook on the table. It was the female ghost's diary just now, but he couldn't take it down for some reason. "Haha, I said that you think too much." However, he gently exerted force.


The notebook was taken down together with the board of the office desk.

Gu Ming had already seen it all, and he closed his eyes to take a nap.

"Look~ that guy was beaten away by me, you calm down." Feng Ni Xingjiang's things that he didn't know what to do with him were still on the side.

The girls sighed and sat down on the bed.

"I have chocolate here for you to eat?" Feng Nixing put his hands in his pocket and took out several pieces of chocolate, their eyes were straight.

The girls were the first to tell Bo no one what to eat, and Feng Nixing didn't ask them to put the chocolate aside.

"Hey." Feng went against Xing's death, and hit his leg with a kick.

Ji Ming raised his head "what's the matter" without any emotional fluctuations?

"Here, it will be useful to you in a while, I will ask you to do so, just don't give me advice." Feng Nixing threw the chocolate in front of him.

Don't overdo it, arrogantly, "I don't like sweets."

The blood vessels in Feng Nixing's temple bulged out, "Believe it or not, I stripped you off and threw it out?"

"Crackling!" Suddenly, he didn't think much about picking up the chocolate, unpacking it, and starting to eat it.

Feng Nixing looked at "I ordered you to help me take care of them here." It's not the way to stay here. It seems that the other party wants to trap them in this space, and they don't even bother to move is the best proof. .

"Teacher? What are you going to do?" Shi Yizi quickly looked at Feng Nixing.

At this time, all the girls looked at Feng Nixing nervously, but he fiddled with his bangs, "I know you like me, teacher, but you have to let me go out for convenience."

"It was so"

"Teacher please"

Feng Nixing nodded, fortunately he found a wonderful excuse, otherwise it would be difficult to leave.

"Don't worry, I'll release the water very quickly, and I'll be back in two minutes." After saying this, Feng Nixing had already walked out.

The house was silent

Destined to see Miyue's vigilant eyes, she didn't make fun of herself, she lowered her head and closed her eyes to prepare for a nap.

Naomi and Shi Yizi are not afraid of death, after all, they have never been attacked by death, it's just that Feng's punishment is not insecure.


Feng Nixing, who just went out, did not release water as the room said, but stretched out his hand and summoned the time-space tunnel.

"Listen to my call, come out Albedo." In fact, he didn't need to use Mo Zhong Er's lines because this time-space tunnel connects Feng Nixing's bedroom, as long as he said a word, someone would answer. High Summoning Ritual.

In less than a minute, a woman rushed out of the space-time tunnel, "Lord Feng Nixing!"

"Yar-po!" Feng Nixing didn't finish his sentence, and the other party hit him to the ground with a dashing shoulder.

I saw Albedo's cheeks warm and looked at Feng Nixing, who was lying on the ground, "Sorry Feng Nixing, I'm so excited that I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Cough cough how long did I go?" Feng Nixing's face turned blue, only to feel that a small truck slammed into him.

"Excuse me, what is your order this time?"

Feng Nixing got up and helped Albedo away, "This time I want you to help me protect a few humans"

"Insects?" Albedo muttered, her attitude was as expected by Feng's rebellious punishment.

Feng Nixing nodded naturally, "Yes, it's a bug, what's wrong? Are you dissatisfied with the order I gave?"

"No! How is that possible, just a few bugs, I understand." Albedo shook his head.

Feng Nixing then showed a wretched smile, "But you can't go out in such a dress, right? Albedo, do I have a suit here for you to wear?"

"Yes! It's fine as long as it's what you give me~" Albedo might as well look forward to what kind of clothes Feng Nixing will give him.

Feng turned around and said, "You have to hide your disguise as a devil, and your current identity is a teacher. I will tell you the specific situation in a while through magic communication. That's it, change it quickly."

"Is this? It's really strange clothes." Taking Feng Nixing's clothes over, Albedo undressed in front of him.

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