"This way~" The staff took Feng Nixing to a facility that looked like a tourist bus.

Feng Nixing ignored the surrounding plastic models, "Are we going to reach the end together?"

"Yes~ I hope you have a good time this time. If you are scared, just act like a baby to my sister." She said witty.

Feng Nixing smiled, "Then I'll trouble you." Then he got on the tour bus and sat down.

The staff then followed in, "Please fasten your seat belt." Then, out of nowhere, pulled out two tied to Feng Nixing's body.

"Wait this seat belt? Is it fast?" Feng Nixing froze for a moment.

The staff took off his hat, "No~ Actually, there is no guide at all in the haunted house, as I thought~" The left eye was half covered by the bangs.

"Shi Qi Kuang San!" Feng Nixing's expression instantly became serious.

Kurumi smiled and sat on him rudely, stuck her head to his ear, and bit Feng Nixing's ear with her small mouth, "Don't be so excited~ I'm here to meet you today~ "

"What are you going to do?" Feng Nixing's bones began to soften, and the following gradually

╮(╯▽╰)╭ is omitted here

Gradually the cable car reaches the end

When Feng Nixing came back to his senses, Kusan's shadow had long since disappeared. "This devil" he muttered to himself and smiled wryly.

"Master." Origami's voice sounded.

"Ah!" Feng was shocked as if he was guilty of a thief.

"What's the matter?" Judging from Origami's appearance, this haunted house adventure should be very boring.

Feng Reverse Punishment held back the cold swooshing feeling below, "It's nothing."

Shi Qi is crazy three!you wait for me! ! !

ps: I won't be banned ╮(╯▽╰)╭(It was banned ←_←)..

11. Egg pain news

"What's wrong?" Origami sat on the Ferris wheel and looked at Feng Nixing who was restless.

Feng Nixing looked absent-minded and kept looking around, wondering if his body had to twist.

It's no wonder that "it's nothing", it's all the little goblin Shi Qikuangsan who is sticky below!

Origami looked under the Ferris wheel, "Are you happy?"

"Well, as long as you're happy." The sky was getting dark, and Feng Nixing prayed that the Ferris wheel would finish spinning quickly.

"Well, happy, thank you." Origami raised the corner of her mouth and smiled reluctantly.

"Don't be stubborn, Origami looks good just like this." Origami pretended to be smiling, which was a bit funny.

"I'll do my best." Origami put his arm around him, while Feng Nixing deliberately didn't want to get close to her.

End this painful time now


"I'm going to report, Master can just go back." As soon as Origami said these words, Feng Nixing couldn't ask for anything.

"Don't call me Master, call me Feng, or Feng Nixing is fine, then I'll go back first." Feng Nixing quickly turned around and ran towards the direction of the room.

Origami looked at his back curiously, and then walked towards the lower room.

"Report" Origami stood upright at the door, and then the door opened automatically.

Hibuka turned around from the swivel chair. "You're back? How are you? Did you have fun?"

"Very happy." Origami nodded and replied.

The lower part of the day was a little relieved, "Yes, there is one more thing that may be ahead of schedule, about your schooling."

"Please speak." Origami continued.

Hibuka nodded, "Recent statistics show that the elf disaster in Tiangong City has generally increased. Our base is far away from the city, but it can't be empty. Although your admission application has been approved, the above instructs President Onemanarmy to stay in Tiangong City, so let her We will act together with you. Fortunately, you are of the same age, and the procedures have been completed. Next week, the two of you will enter Laichan High School as transfer students, enjoying high school life while shouldering the task of annihilating the elves. It’s really hard for you.” Patted her shoulder.

"The lesson has been previewed in advance, so it's no problem." Origami seemed to have misunderstood the direction that Hibuka was worried about.

Hibuka sighed secretly, "Finally, I want to live a high school life without regrets, above."

"Received." Origami saluted.


"Hey, let's throw it away." Looking at the thick white liquid sticking to Chubby, Feng Nixing had a headache.

In the end, he decisively touched the trash can next to him. If there was a fire, Feng's punishment would definitely destroy the body.

In this way, Feng Nixing walked into Yun's room naked.

Turning on the switch of the nozzle, Feng Nixing closed his eyes and felt the feeling of water droplets hitting his body.


"Received, what instructions does the host have."

"There's nothing about my hero page, why does it feel like unlocking is getting slower and slower?"

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