"Ugh!" Origami opened her eyes wide, it was too sudden, she had no room to react at all, Ren Feng conquered and trampled in her mouth!

In the end, their lips parted, and a silver thread was reluctant to break in the middle.

"Would you like to hear me tell you everything? But there is one thing I have to promise, you won't be able to get out if you go in." There was no falsehood in Feng's eyes, and he wanted to tell Origami everything.

In the end, Origami nodded firmly, "I do."

PS: Thanks to Xiaohua and Dashe Wushuang for their flowers and monthly tickets! ..

12. The locked mad three

"The goal is determined that the Eight Dance Team will immediately transfer from Area B to Area A."

It's still the monotonous but not boring routine, or the date that revolves around the theme of "eating". The only thing that has changed is that the helper has added another person.

"How do you say it feels like being a spy all of a sudden?" Yakuya's helpless voice came from the wireless earphone.

"Pointing, such a normalized tracking system is very practical." Yu Xian prefers this serious sense of combat.

"That's not the point! How did the attitude change all of a sudden? This is a bit too unscientific, right?"

Having said that, Origami's breathing was a little short and her cheeks started to heat up.

"Hello," Yekuya just wanted to ask.

"Report, the target has reached Area A, and the land tracking will now begin." Yuxian interrupted the conversation between the two, and when he entered the state, he generally ignored Yakuya and followed him alone.

This date is really uncomfortable enough, let's not say you all know it, I know of stalking or something, but where is this date?

"Let's go over there!" Not minding that the takoyaki sauce in Tohka's hands was sprinkled on her clothes, Maple only asked these guys to retreat immediately.

"What's wrong? Did I make Feng Nixing unhappy again?" Tohxiang Lao Feng didn't seem to laugh along the way, and looked at him pitifully.

Feng Nixing immediately changed his face, "Hehe, I'm just thinking about something, sorry?"

"Is Feng Nixing thinking about me?" Tohka's words confused him.

"What do you say?" Feng Nixing scratched his hair.

Tohka smiled and touched Feng with her elbow, "Well, Feng and I don't have to be so shy, didn't I say that lovers always think of each other, and now my mind is full of what to do next with Feng? Go there."

"You see it all?" In fact, it wasn't as good as Tohka thought, and Feng Nixing just responded quickly after responding.

"Hmph~ If you want to praise me, take advantage of it~" Tohka put her hands on her hips with a proud look.

Of course, Feng Nixing couldn't let her down, and touched her head, "Tohka is so smart, Yoxi~ Yoxi~"

"Hehe~" Tohka closed her eyes and her cheeks started to turn red.

not far away

"Mom, what is that big sister doing?" The young child pointed to the origami that was halfway out of the wall not far away, and resented that her fingernails were embedded in the wall because of too much force.

The child's mother seeped sweat on her forehead. "Go! Go! Don't look like you can't sleep that night." Then she covered the child's eyes with her hands.

Why do you feel a sense of resentment?

Feng Nixing looked back and found nothing, so he had to continue sweeping all kinds of snacks with Tohka.

"Continue to follow the target" Origami cut off the communication after saying that.

Yekuya wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "It's really full of resentment."

"Criticize, be careful." Xi Xian had already entered a state of ecstasy.


"Why did the people from the DEM Society come to us?" Looking at the transfer order in his hand, Liaozi was a little confused.

"Sorry, this is a confidential matter. Please allow me to act alone during this time. During this time, I was only assigned here in name. Please ignore my existence, sir." The girl saluted straight.

Liaozi smiled bitterly, "The top five users of display devices in the world, how can you make me ignore Second Lieutenant Chonggong." For various reasons, she couldn't order the girl in front of her and had to sign the transfer order.

"Then farewell." The girl saluted again and left Liaozi's office.

Although there has been a faint aura of spirit waves recently, space earthquakes or spirit disasters have never happened. I really don't know if there is a problem with the DEM club or if they are too slow.

"The top five display installation skills, when did the one-man army Tiangong become a place where the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon?" Liaozi leaned on the sofa with a tired face and kept rubbing his temples with his hands.

The second day after Lieutenant Chonggong was assigned to Tiangong

"Even so, there's really enough peace here." The girl ate the ice cream residue at the corner of her mouth and walked on the crowded street, carrying a box behind her that didn't match her height.

Don't look at her casual look, if something really happens, it only takes a second to enter the battle state.

"But did that guy really appear in Tiangong?" The girl looked at the photo in her hand. It was a low-resolution photo taken at night with a brand-name mobile phone.

"Second Lieutenant Chonggong." The man's tone was calm, but his appearance was only a young man in his mid-twenties.

"Yes!" The girl made a straight military posture.

He then took out a photo and handed it over. "I want you to give me an opinion on this photo."

There are dozens of human beings in the same clothes in the photo. Because the photo is too blurry, it can only be judged as a human being, but the girl's first reaction is "Nightmare (nightmare)!"

"Nice reaction." The man snapped his fingers.

The girl suddenly responded, "No." In fact, she also answered involuntarily.

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