"It seems that the juice and the wine are mixed up." Rivia poured a glass and took a sip.

"Then order a few drinks at the bar." Feng Nixing said in order not to disappoint everyone.

"No need, and I won't let you spend any money. If everyone can drink the juice, there is nothing wrong with it." Riviria said. In the end, except for Tiona, who kept shouting, all the women chose to drink the juice. Didn't even ask for beer.

However, Ais, who was sitting on the right side of Feng Nixing, looked at Feng Nixing's fingers from time to time, his lips from time to time, and his own fingers from time to time.

At this moment

"Huh, is the juice that Dad asked for at table seven ready?" The girl looked at her busy father.

"Juice? Didn't you serve it just now?" Father didn't look back, but was busy grilling the rows of skewers.

"I just brought beer." The girl tilted her head.

"That's the juice. I forgot to squeeze the juice today, so I just got some fruit wine with a very low degree for you to get on. It's no different."

"Hey! For the juice that the guest clearly ordered, let's use the fruit wine in case someone gets drunk."

"Don't worry, a child with that kind of degree can't get drunk, what a terrible amount of alcohol if he is drunk." However, he was not worried about such a small chance of getting drunk.


"This title is not bad, right?" Hestia looked at Lily beside her.

Lily nodded, "It's already pretty good, Lily thinks."

"But in the end, it's thanks to Freya's help. Otherwise, I don't know what bad nicknames those guys will have." Jian Yulei recalled that after Freya's stunning appearance, those male gods were treated like ants by her. Playing with the applause, she finally had to compromise on the title she proposed.

However, when it came to Freya, Lily and Hestia both showed expressions of disgust.

"Lord Jian Yulei, you are thinking too much. God Freya must have some ulterior motive to do this. Otherwise, it would never be possible to help Lord Feng Nixing like this?" Lily asked with a face full of doubts. Now I finally know why Hestia is so wary of the goddess.

Hestia nodded, "Miss Supporter is right, Xiaojian shouldn't be deceived by that woman who has a face that is actually a snake and a scorpion." Before Freya met Feng's punishment, Hestia was right. She just didn't feel cold. After the two met, Hestia completely added her to the blacklist, eh!All right.

"The two of you are in a strange place, and your opinions are very consistent, but this time the god meeting will end a little soon. It is estimated that it will arrive at dawn, Euleri." Hefeitos looked out of the carriage.


"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The girl didn't know how many times she said sorry, although Feng Nixing was not so angry at all, she just felt it was very troublesome.

"It's okay, you didn't do it on purpose." Feng Nixing carried Ace on his back and supported the Amazon sisters, but they were confused and inarticulate.

That's right, after they drank the fruit wine, they became this kind of virtue.

"I really didn't expect that their alcohol intake was so poor." However, the only sober Lyu, the elf girl Lelia, who had been afraid to speak, was behind her back, and on both sides were Xier and Riviria.

"Sorry, I didn't expect your little girlfriends to be so low in alcohol." At this time, the owner came over and apologized in person.

"It's alright, and they are my friends, not uncle girlfriends. Don't get me wrong." Feng Nixing clarified this fact at this time, but it was of no use.

But now is the time for trouble. "Does Miss Lyu know their addresses?"

"I don't know, Loki's family has a wide branch, and they don't necessarily all live together." Liu shook his head, she was a little confused, and she could drink too much of this kind of drink, she was really drunk.

"Then what should I do instead of the station." Feng suggested against punishment.

"But the inn is already closed at this time." Because O'Lari was unusually deserted at night, the inn is not open 24 hours a day.

"What about Miss Liu's place?" They were all women, so they couldn't be sent to where he lived, even though it was enough for them to sleep all night.

"We live in the staff dormitory, and Aunt Mia is also here, so bring them back at this time." Liu hesitated a little, in case the ancestors were drunk and mad, and the quarrel with Aunt Mia was a ghost.

The consequences are unimaginable.

"There is only one way." Feng Nixing sighed, he has always emphasized that he is a righteous gentleman, and his starting point is integrity.

"Go to my place." ..

36. The night has just begun

(I am too lazy to modify it carefully)..518 Chinese website www.518zw.com

37. What should I do?


The clothes were thrown out of the clear water, and Lyu picked up the wet clothes. "Your Highness Feng Nixing, please take it out there."

"No, I can screw it myself." Feng Nixing stretched out his hand.

Lyu didn't let him get his wish. "I want to try this feeling, can't I?" Although the expression was the same as before, if the tone was a little lower, there would be no one who would not sympathize with her.

"I see." Feng nodded inversely, a little thankful for Liuluo's rigid face, otherwise there would definitely be a sense of guilt.

The two of them each grabbed one side of the clothes. "What exactly should I do?" Lyu said suddenly.

"Well, it's nothing complicated, we just go in the opposite direction of the other party and screw it hard." Feng Nixing suddenly felt nostalgic, it seemed that he hadn't done this kind of thing for a long time, and he didn't know how long it was.

"Okay, I'm ready." Lyu looked serious.

Feng Nixing smiled, "There's no need to be so serious about Miss Liu."

The two began to twist the clothes in their hands.

Whoa! !Whoa! !

"It's almost there." Feng Nixing reminded Lyu, who was still exerting force.

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