"Everyone, I just learned the news that the night attack has a new trend. It seems that their assassination target this time is the undercover personnel sent by our empire to Anning Road. The task this time is to protect the undercover." Esdes today The expression is more serious.

Lan knew the news before that, "But I heard that the night attack this time is divided into two groups, one is going to Anning Road, and the other is going to the Imperial Capital. Is it very likely that the tiger will leave the mountain and take the opportunity to attack the Imperial Capital."

"It may or may not be, because Najeta is that kind of woman." After Estes finished speaking, Feng gave her a disobedient look.

Then Esdes continued, "But no matter what tricks the night attack uses, it's useless in front of the hunters! This time, it's divided into two groups, one group is going to chase An Ningdao with me, and the other group is going to intercept the rats who are going to attack the imperial capital."

"That's right! Night Raid, this time we will definitely arrest them all!" Will is full of energy!

Esdes assigned "Black pupil, Boros, Will, a team. Feng, Lan, Seleu, a team with me."

"No, I'm with Hei Tong and the others." Feng Nixing shook his head.

"what happened?"

Feng Nixing said against his will, "I am more worried about the safety of the imperial capital than an undercover agent."

"Really, okay, then Feng and Will exchange, do you have any opinions?"

Seleu wanted to say that he had an opinion, but seeing that the goal of this mission was extraordinary, he held back his willfulness.

"Yo Xi! Then get ready, and set off immediately! Crush the last litter of mice that resisted the imperial capital!" Estes like this was the one in Feng's rebellious memory.

Just as people will decay, even the prosperous imperial capital for thousands of years has now become a corrupt hell on earth.

The person who holds the power has a martial skill that has been tempered and sharpened!

Bet on your ideals, beliefs, futures and beliefs


Coming to war!

PS: Ask for flowers!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a reward!All kinds of requests!Please beg! ! ! ..

16. Go to war!

"Jun Feng, why did you suddenly want to come here?" Boros rode on his horse and watched Feng's punishment.

"Is it strange?" Feng Nixing rhetorically asked, preparing for a night attack soon.

Poros looked at him with a little deep meaning, "When my wife and I were just dating, but if we didn't see each other for a second, we would think about what the other party was thinking."

"Yes" Of course, you are truly in love, and I am different!

Black pupil sat on the horse and pointed to the front "Look, front"

not far from the canyon

"It looks like Chi Tong at least give her a fatal blow." Maine was very worried about Chi Tong's malfunction and aimed at her head.

"This scarecrow is very suspicious, everyone should be careful." Poros dismounted and approached cautiously.

I don't know if my brain is abnormal, or if they are too stupid, such a wretched scarecrow, if I directly destroy it without saying a word, but Xu Zuo's male will not agree.

The three of them didn't say a word, and Chi Tong still looked lazy.


coming!Feng Nixing jumped up subconsciously!This was Maine's assassination attack. The target in my memory was Hei Tong, but it was avoided by Hei Tong and failed.

Seeing the black pupil slowly falling to the ground, Feng Nixing knew that this time he also failed.

"No way! Is that the speed that people can achieve!" Maine looked at the safe and sound goal in surprise.

"Is it a night attack! Everyone beware!" Porus quickly took out the injector!

Next is Suzuo's attack

The scarecrow in front of the three suddenly swelled up and finally exploded!Covered in white smoke!

"Ha!!!" A man with an iron rod rushed over, and the huge iron block in the front section slammed into Hei Tong!

It's now!

Feng Nixing took out the imperial tool!He rushed in front of Hei Tong, his body numb from the huge shock.

As expected of the man of Suzuo, even in another week, he is still strong!

Feng Nixing relaxed his body, and was just kicked out!

"Feng!!!" Boros was not a melee combat officer, he could only watch Feng Ren being shot into the forest not far away.

Then all the night raiders are dispatched here!

"Well done, the man of Xuzuo, solve one first! Hunter's black pupil and Borus, the organization requires you to be completely eliminated, wake up!" Najeta is the leader, Chitong, Brad, Hill , Ayeas and Kuroko looked at each other.

"I know that I have committed a lot of sins but I absolutely cannot die here!" As long as he thinks of his family, Poros has an inexhaustible fighting spirit!

"Black pupil" didn't expect the two sisters to meet again, not hug but blade.

"Sister, I miss you so much, but don't be afraid. When I kill my sister and bring her into the eighth room, we will be together forever." Hei Tong pulled out the eighth room of Teigu.


"Captain, why are you so listless?" Estes hurried.

"It's not just that I'm a little worried about the situation on Feng's side. After all, the other party is a scheming night attack." It seemed that Lan saw through her thoughts again.

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