At this time, a small head stuck out from the auditorium, "Master Feng Ni Punishment"

"Mare! Come down quickly!" Aura seemed to be a little unhappy. If it were Albedo, she would have already served with a flying axe.

Mare reluctantly jumped down, and at that moment, Feng Xing saw the white pink-rimmed fat under Mare's skirt!

However, after Mare came down, the first action was to press down the skirt, I go!What's the matter with this act of being a woman more than a woman?

"Lord Feng Nixing." Seeing Ma Lei's appearance, it was obvious that he was afraid of himself.

Feng Nixing nodded, "You don't have to be too restrained, I'm just here to visit."

"No, no, it's our honor for Lord Feng Nixing to come here to visit, isn't it Mare!" Aura looked at her unpromising younger brother.

Ma Lei held a magic wand that was a little taller than himself, "Mmmm, it's great that Lord Feng Nixing can come here." Then a blushing blush appeared on his face.


Feng Nixing almost spurted out a nosebleed, this turned out to be a boy!Why is God so cruel!

"By the way, what happened last time, Ma Lei's performance made me very satisfied." Feng Nixing quickly changed the topic, right!You Lucifer are working under my subordinates, what qualifications do you have to break me!

"Yes~ I will do everything that Feng Nixing ordered," Ma Lei, who was praised by Feng Nixing, replied shyly.

"Very good, then the reward is also necessary, stretch out your hand, Mare." Feng Nixing seemed to want something from him.

"Yes." Ma Lei stretched out his hand in anticipation, and then a parchment scroll appeared in Feng Nixing's hand.

Afterwards, Feng Nixing opened, and Mare retracted his hand in fright when he saw it on the spot, "This, this, this!! This is the pass for the conference room."

"Ah, signing your name here, not only can you reach the conference room anytime, anywhere, but you and I are on an equal footing there, and you don't need to be as restrained as you are now." Feng Xingsheng waited for them bored in the conference room in the future. .

"I can't accept this. It's on an equal footing with Lord Feng Nixing. That's definitely not a position I can reach." Mare stepped back.

Feng Nixing said calmly, "It's just in the conference room, and I hate to look up at others when I'm sitting, although Mare's words don't need to be said (because it's too short), or are you not satisfied with my reward? "

"This, this" Mare hesitated, when Aura gave him a push.

"Ma Lei! Are you going to embarrass Lord Feng Nixing! Hurry up and accept it gratefully!"

Mare finally put his hand over, when a tingling sensation came, a small wound was cut on the thumb, the blood was absorbed by the parchment, and Mare's name appeared on it.

Then Ma Lei withdrew his hand, but was caught by Feng Nixing, Ma Lei was a little overwhelmed, "Lord Feng Nixing"

"Primary recovery technique." Feng Nixing slowly opened his mouth and grabbed the funny bones that gave off green light. Mare only felt an itchy feeling in his fingers. Then Feng Nixing released his hand, and the wound on Mare's finger was healed. .

Ma Lei was so surprised that he couldn't speak. He didn't expect that Feng Nixing grabbed his hand to help him heal. Suddenly, his heart felt warm. At this time, his sister Aura patted his head, "Thank you Fengni soon. Punish Your Excellency."

"Ah! Thank you! Thank you, Lord Feng Nixing!" Ma Lei bowed again and again, and Feng Nixing waved his hand.

"Continue to maintain your loyalty, Mare, and Aura, don't worry, one day you will also be a guest in the conference room. Do you work hard to know before that?" Feng did not forget to motivate Aura. The group's subordinates are really too foolish, and things of this level can be satisfied like this.

"Yes! I will work hard to live up to the encouragement of Lord Feng Nixing." Aura expressed her anticipation, and her name appeared on the parchment.

Feng Nixing nodded and left with Xi Zi satisfied.


"Xizi, go back and see how Fei Yan's achievements are. I'll go to the ninth floor to see." Feng stopped the punishment and went to see Albedo before going back. She spoke.

"Yes, Lord Feng Nixing, please be careful on the road." Xizi remained expressionless, but Feng Nixing reached out and pinched her cheek.

Naturally, Xizi's expression did not change, Feng Nixing reacted and quickly retracted his hand, "You should look beautiful when you smile, that's all." He left behind a sentence of unclear meaning.

Looking at Feng Nixing's back, Xizi tilted her head.

After leaving Xizi, he wandered around on the ninth floor for a while. Normally, Albedo would come back soon to greet him, but today, unexpectedly, he never showed up.

Where did you go?Shouldn't he really concentrate on work?

Feng Nixing suddenly made a sound behind him, startling him, "Lord Feng Nixing."

But he was still very calm on the surface, and slowly turned his head "Albedo"

"Lord Feng Nixing, you really know what I'm going to say later." Albedo pursed her lips and chuckled.

I wipe!Feng Nixing, who was behind you, didn't notice at all, because he was too relaxed about this place, and he didn't pay attention to this kind of thing at all.

"Heh, see how hard you follow." Feng Nixing smiled softly and said forcefully.

"I'm very sorry, as a subordinate, to actually do such a lowly thing." However, Albedo was convinced of Feng's rebellious sentence and knelt down in front of him.

"Get up Albedo, if I was really angry, I would have called you long ago." Feng said against punishment, turning around and moving on, then Albedo got up and followed.

"Recently, how has the army of the undead increased in strength?" Feng said to Albedo who was behind him as he continued to move forward.

"Yes, according to your instructions, almost all the bones in the nearby area are concentrated in the first and third floors, and they are already in a situation of lack of external resources." Albedo generally means that the nearby The corpses were almost all found.

"Well, stop searching when it's almost the same time, and wait for the battle to come." Feng went against the rule set by the punishment, and only those who were buried or died could be used to replenish the army of the undead, and the living could never move.

"Yes, Lord Feng Nixing." Albedo seemed to have something to say.

Feng Nixing did not turn around, "What do you want to say?"

"Actually, I heard it just now." Albedo's body began to tremble. He didn't get the ring last time, so he will succeed no matter what.

"I heard?" Feng Nixing was puzzled. Did this guy hear something that shouldn't be heard?

"Huh!" Albedo's eyes suddenly opened wide, and Feng Xing's chin almost dislocated in fright.

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