"Your Highness is serious, this is what we should do as monarchs and ministers." Sophie shook her head, she was surprised that Lai Qi could calm down so quickly.

"So, Sister Sophie, how many troops did Gistat send in the front line?" Reiki always discussed with Sophie first, before discussing state affairs at the beginning of the dynasty to avoid getting nervous when it officially started.

"The First Front has dispatched [-] infantry and [-] cavalry. If they start from the east, they can reach the Brunais border in as little as three weeks." Sophie naturally had to know the information she should know.

"It's been three weeks since the temperature has dropped so badly recently. I'm very worried about whether the soldiers can withstand such a severe cold." Lai Qi frowned slightly, knowing that she was far worse than Gistad in terms of equipment and strength. .

"No way, but the other party should also have a headache. After all, they have to march in the winter." Sophie knew that it was difficult for both sides to get along.

"Do we need to strengthen our defenses on the border?"

Sophie shook her head, "Instead of wasting combat power on the border, it is better to do a good job in the defense of the homeland. Three weeks is enough for us."

"That's right." Lai Qi nodded. She thought Sophie had said everything. Although Brunet's winning rate in this war was very disparate, there was still a possibility of a battle.


"This blizzard was also expected, so it wasn't a failure in general." Sitting in the tent, Tina looked at the map while drinking hot coffee.

"Is there still no movement from Ludmilla?" Lisa sat down, the cold weather outside made her teeth chatter.

"If she just kept silent like this, we'd just ignore it. Although we don't know what the gauntlet she sent down means, they won't be as arrogant as they said in the letter after they got out of the city." Tina said to Mira. The side is in a state with one eye open and one eye closed.

"It's not even a third of the way, the snowstorm is so severe, I heard that this year is much colder than the previous winters." Lisa said with a little unease.

"Don't worry, the material is sufficient. Besides, we are the front line of support. The soldiers in the front haven't said anything yet. Is it a bit too sorry for us to complain here in the rear?" Tina was certain about her victory.

"Don't you often say not to be too confident, so as not to be confused by power?" Lisa sighed that she was right, but things have developed so smoothly so far, so you have to be careful.

"You're right, so now it's time to think about how to attack Brunet." After speaking, Tina lowered her head and picked up a pen to draw on the map.


"I have to rescue Brunet! Sophie and Reiki are both there, I can't ignore them!" Aileen's tone was a little excited.

Feng defiantly stretched out his hand, "Ai Lian, calm down first. It will take more than a week to travel from Gestart to Brunet at the earliest. We have time to prepare."

"The doctor is right, Ai-Lian should calm down for a while." Sasha also persuaded the excited Ai-Lian.

"But why didn't you ask Mira to come and talk about it?" After all, in this city, it was Mira who spoke the best.

"I don't want to beg that woman in a low voice, please ask Feng, Sasha to help me!" Ai Lin's expression was serious.

Just when Feng Nixing was about to reply to her, the door of the room was pushed open: "As a prisoner, you still want to win over my guests, who gave you the courage?"

Mila hugged her shoulders and walked in very arrogantly to sit in the center.

Feng Nixing carefully observed Mila's appearance, it seemed that she was in a good mood and should have a play, "Mila, you came just in time, I was just going to call you." Then she hurriedly said in a tone that could make her happy.

"I heard that Brunet has begun to withdraw troops from the border. It seems to be to strengthen the defense of the homeland. If only Sophie is here, the country will not be as dull as before." Mira's words are thorny, and who is the target does not need to be thought. You can guess with your toes.

Seeing what Ellen had to say, Sasha hurriedly grabbed her shoulder.

"Yeah, it hasn't been a month since everything happened together." Feng said with emotion.

Then Mira rolled her eyes, "I don't even look at who is to blame."

"Uh, it's my fault, so now we should surround Wei and save Zhao, right?" Feng said with a smile, for fear that Mila would be offended if she turned her face and didn't recognize anyone.

"You mean you want me to help this captive?" Mira said, looking at Aileen with disdain.


"Look at you, if two sentences are not right, I like to go to other places. You must know that if Gistad really attacks Brunei, it is only a matter of time before Ludmilla City." Feng Nixing hurriedly stood up. When I got to Aileen, I absolutely couldn't panic at this time.

"Even if they attacked, it would be your letter to blame." Mila rolled her eyes at Feng again, and if it wasn't for him to meddle in his own business, he would have had a good day.

"Uh, my fault, so I'd feel bad if Brunet was attacked because of this, but you can do it this time~ Just think it's for me~ hehe~" Feng Ni Xing laughed very cheaply.

"Don't talk~ I don't want to meddle in my own business, and I will be talked behind by some people." Mila got up and walked out of the room.

After going out, I saw Ailian lowered her head and clenched the pen in her hand, and then only heard a crunch, and the pen was interrupted.

"I'm so pissed off!!!! That woman who makes people mad! I'll play against her one-on-one!" Aileen's hair fluttered in anger, and Sasha hurriedly hugged her.

Feng Nixing looked at it and opened the door, "Sasha, hold back, I'll think of a way."

"You have to hurry up, the current Elian is very difficult to deal with." Sasha hugged Elian with difficulty.

Feng Nixing nodded. He always felt that there was still a glimmer of hope, so he walked out and caught up with Mira. ..

51. How should this chapter be named?





"Mira sauce~"


Feng Nixing silently followed behind the girl, no matter what he called, the other party didn't turn his head, he simply treated himself as air.

"Are you really not going to help Brunai just because you're having trouble with Ai-lian?" For Feng, seeing Ai-lian, Brunai's rule was basically dispensable to him. After all, the army he rules, let any guardian come in, in this world, it is the existence of turning hands into clouds and covering hands into rain

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