"Really? It's actually going to move." Compared with idols, Mu Shan is more surprised. You must know that when the office is not famous, the president has to be careful and careful when spending a penny.

"After all, the idols' reputations have already been fought, and I also hope that they can work and practice in a better environment, so I decided to move. Do you have any opinions? Everyone." He really saw hope, and he was not stingy with money. what.

"Yeah!" Linna and Liuli gave each other high fives, and the two of them then saw that Feng's intention to punish him was clear.

Feng Nixing sighed and stretched out his hand helplessly.


"Are you going to move? The office." Dong Xiang habitually put down the cakes and drinks that Feng Nixing ordered and sat opposite him.

Feng Nixing nodded, "I just notified it today, I haven't said where it will be moved, I just hope it's not too far from the hotel."

"By the way, what's your relationship with Yueshan? Do you know that he is a ghoul?" Dong Xiang's most curious question was this.

"I want to know too~" Ichim suddenly came out from under the table.

Feng Nixing looked at the two of them with shame, "How should it be a relationship of interests? I already knew about him being a ghoul."

"Relationship of interest?" Dong Xiang didn't quite understand what Feng's sentence against punishment meant.

Seeing his face darkened, "Lianhua sauce! Yueshan didn't force you to do anything strange, right?" Seeing his concerned look, Feng Nixing didn't know where to complain.

"Sister Lijian, it's not what you think." Feng Nixing covered her forehead, what unsightly scene did she think of?

"You two, it's still work time." Surprisingly, Jin actually stood in the position of the store employees and preached to the two of them.

Dong Xiangtou didn't reply, "Go to Shijin."

"Well, it's not a busy time yet, Nishio-kun~" The interview was okay, Dong Xiang can already be said to have a bad attitude.

Jin's forehead, blue veins bulging out, his face is about to explode, grabbing his hair "you two"

"Sorry! I'm late!" At this time, the door to welcome guests was opened, and Gao Huanquan with disheveled hair came over.

Feng Nixing picked up the spoon and ate the sundae, "It doesn't matter, I just came." In fact, he had been waiting for more than half an hour.

"Ah, lately, because I've been rushing drafts all night, I don't get enough sleep. I set the alarm but I can't get up." She cried.

"You've been working too hard in the past few months. If you continue like this, your body will collapse one day sooner or later." Feng reminded her against punishment, although he didn't think that Xiaoxiao would die of overwork at all.

"Thank you for your concern, Master. Speaking of which, there are still three weeks before the finals. Would you really like to trouble you during this period?"

Feng Nixing pushed the prepared illustrations in front of her, "Don't worry about that, I'm all ready"

"Really!" Gao Quanquan thought that this time, he was told that the illustration might not be submitted this month, but he didn't expect it to be completed.

Kaede stabbed the strawberries on top of the sundae with a fork. "Considering that I will be very busy this month, I have prepared these a long time ago." In fact, this is a masterpiece of my daughter for a few hours, it is undeniable , Feng Ji is definitely a touch-level illustrator in the third dimension, and more importantly, her shocking painting speed.

"Thank you so much. By the way, are you free tonight? If possible, I would like to invite the master to dinner."

Feng Nixing thought for a while and thought that there was no reservation for the night, and was about to answer "should"

"Ah, Lianhua, so you are here." At this time, as if it was a reservation, Fengji opened the door and walked in.

Feng Nixing was stunned for a moment. "Ah, um." When was he here? He didn't feel Feng Ji's breath within a radius of [-] meters. Could it be that her concealment ability has reached the level that you can't detect it if you don't get close? , if that's the case, it's really a very scary thing.

"Miss Fengji." Lin Jian greeted Dong Xiang. Although they were not familiar with each other, they were not unfamiliar, because Fengji had a very optimistic character when she was an agent. Of course, this was all fake.

"Sorry for disturbing you. Next, Lianhua has a dance practice, and everyone is waiting for her." Fengji bowed her head politely and apologized.

"Ha" practice?Is there?I remember that I didn't say anything about the practice today.

"Really? Hurry up, Lianhua, I'm sorry to delay your practice." Naturally, it was impossible for Dong Xiang to say these words.

"It doesn't matter, if it wasn't for rehearsing a new dance, I would have given Lianhua a holiday today." Seeing Fengji who was able to act better than himself, Feng Nixing finally understood what it means to have a father and a son. .

"Let's go, Lianhua." Feng Ji looked at Feng Ji after saying that.

"Ah, wait a minute, I'll hand over the money." Gradually, Feng Nixing also knew what was going on, and was ready to take the money.

Gao Huanquan grabbed his hand, "No need~ This time, I ask, Master, hurry up and go to the office~"

Seeing that Gao Huanquan grabbed Feng Nixing's arm, Feng Ji frowned, but the people around didn't notice it.

"Huh? I'll do it anyway."

"No~ No~ Master has helped me to complete such a arduous task, and a meal or two is not a tribute~"

Feeling her daughter's dissatisfaction, Feng Nixing was no longer shirking "I know" and then got up and prepared to leave.

"By the way, please contact me tonight if you have time." Gao Yingquan mentioned the matter of inviting guests to dinner.

Feng Nixing nodded "Okay." Then his hand was held by Feng Ji.

"That" Fengji showed an apologetic smile to everyone, and took Fengji away from the cafe.

"Are you going at night?" Feng Ji grabbed Feng Nixing's hand and walked ahead in her own way.

"Well, if there is nothing to do, after all, they are kindly invited." Halfway through, she found that Feng Ji's palm began to exert force, and the girl's strength was not small.

"Let's forget it tonight." Feng Nixing hurriedly changed his words, it seemed that he was angry, but this was also because he was being followed and didn't realize that it was a failure.

Feng Ji's hand strength was significantly reduced, "Really?"

"Are you angry?"

"how you said that?"

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