Chapter 78

Disappear! Alicia!!!!

Translated by SoundDestiny
Edited by Kaepinned

“Alicia─── I’m divorcing you”

“Wait a minute, NASSEERRRRRRRR!!!!”

Wait,wait for me! 

Nasserahhhhh ─────!

Alicia’s screams were the only sound coming from the cannon’s mouth but Nasser did not look back and rode the crane back to the ground.

Then he walked to the train gun commander, who was standing by.

“Ready to fire.  The Target ──── Cavalry regiment approaching Royal Capital.”


The firing parameters were communicated and the operators moved briskly about.

There were some directional modifications and heavy sound mainly from the train gun roaring, Zuzuzuzu! 

It moved along the rails. The sight was breathtaking!

Gongongongon ────…….

“『Ready to fire! Everyone, fall back!!!』”

The Germans, who were wearing helmets specially designed for gunners, gave one to Nasser and they all waddled away to a shelter made of thick steel plates.

Nasser, too, was led to a nearby shelter and kept a watchful eye on Alicia to see if she escaped through the gun ports.

“『Five seconds to firing, all hands to shock posture! Don’t let it tear your eardrums out!』”

The Germans did as they were told by their commanders, puckering up and covering their ears with their hands.

Even though their helmets were already fitted with corkscrews and ear covers for soundproofing.

Nasser imitated them and opened his mouth while covering his ears.

‘A bit exaggerated, don’t you think? ────…..’

“『──── 3, 2, 1…………FIRING!!!』”






It’s time to fire───!!!

The thoughts of my murdered parents!

Thoughts of the burnt captain!

Thoughts of the kidnapped Liz!

And my thoughts ──────!



Know my thoughts!


“───Know my thoughts, Aliciaaaa!!!”

“Nasser?!! He, help me ────”

…..Aaaaa, Alicia.








For a moment, Nasser thought he saw Alicia in the flash of light.

But in the next instant, Nasser’s body also shook and trembled like a tree leaf being swept away by a torrent…



Biribiribiri Shockwaves hit the shelter so hard that the steel plates shook!

‘This is the aftermath of the train gun firing..!!?’



“───Disappear Aliciaaaaaaaaah!!!!”

Even through the bulletproof glass, Nasser could see the giant cannon roaring and blasting its guns, sending a giant shell far away.

“Hahahahaha! How about that, Aliciaaaaah! This ain’t nothing like Koji’s!”

First time in human history.

“It’s a big, fat, hot thing andーーーーーーー It’s poking your ass in one shot!”

Nasser, who laughed exhilaratingly, had his surrounding moderately burnt.


That’s awesome!

Those Fireworks!


Bread for bread.

Blood for blood.


“───A train gun made especially for a whore!”

It’s thick, it’s big, it must be very satisfying!

Have you figured it out! ! !


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