Summoning the Germans

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by SoundDestiny

The man was of a strange appearance.

He was dressed in grey clothes.

He wore suspenders and a sword belt around his waist.

He was armed with a short sword and a small pouch.

In addition, he has a canteen and a shovel in the extra area of his sword belt.

A large cylindrical tube of unknown use is hung from his shoulder.

On his head is a round, smooth helmet without horns.

And in both hands, a strange cane made of wood and iron ────.

“Who …… are you?”

Nasser and the goblins are puzzled.

And also those ex-criminals.

The figure appeared out of nowhere, looking at Nasser but remained silent.

His face was stern, his hair was blond and his eyes were blue.

He stood there for a few moments wearing shimmering particles, like a freshly summoned dragon.

“There’s no way……”

And then…

Boom! The summoning status screen appears like a transparent glass plate.

“The status screen -………… a summoned beast? …… means that”

“What if! This is my most powerful summoned beast.”


German Army

Lv0: German infantry corporal, 1940 Wehrmacht type

Skills:Mauser Karabiner 98K Rifle,shooting, grenade throwing, bayonet charge, etc.

Remarks: A German infantryman who served in 1940.

The infantry corporal can command a squad.

※ ※ ※:

German Army

Lv0 -> 

German Infantry 1940 Defence Forces  Wehrmacht Type


Lv1 -> 

German infantry squad 1940, Wehrmacht type

Wehrmacht Type 1940, German Army Engineer    Group

Panzerkampfwagen I, Type B 

Lv2 -> ????

Lv3 -> ????

Lv4 -> ????

Lv5 -> ????

Lv6 -> ????

Lv7 -> ????      

Lv8 -> ????

Lv complete -> ????



“──── Germans?”

“Heil, Kommandant!!!,”

Basin! and it stands up in a straight line like a needle.

“It’s like…….”

Yes, this is a summoned beast – but it reminded Nasser of a soldier.

“No, It’s different”

The word “German Army” ──── is an “army”

“Well, I mean…What? What?──────not “Dragon”?”

If Nasser looks at the curse mark on his chest, the curse mark is still glowing with ‘do & %$’.

And the heat still remains…….

“No way, ──────!”

The text has collapsed and changed from a dragon! But Nasser never heard of such an example.

“I mean, come on!”

“What is Germany’s Army??

Nasser mutters, oblivious to the situation.

No one knows anything about it.

It is the same for the people around him.

When suddenly a summoning magic circle appears and strange figures spring out of it – everyone is surprised.

But it did not last.

The first to come to their senses were, surprisingly enough, were the goblins.

They were surprised to find another human next to the one they had been beating up.

It’s a situation that even their little brains can understand if they think about it.

In simple terms, the goblins outnumbered Nasser.

As if the goblin were saying. “You scared the shit out of us!” 


And then, they raise their club to strike Nasser again.

But at that moment – and without hesitation – Nasser gave out an order.

As if to remind him of the time when he used to manifest dragons and direct them at will.

“…..d-do it!”

Nasser connected to the German soldier through magic.

He then ordered the soldier to “Cover me!” and poured more magic power into it.

“Yes, Kommandant. Understood. Destroy.”


Suddenly, there is a roar that seems to have been struck by lightning magic.

Immediately afterwards – the head of the goblin that leapt towards Nasser exploded.


One goblin falls with a thud.

It’s head had gone from its body.

The goblin, who had been so violent, died in a state of unconsciousness.

The goblins are instantly quieted by the sight.

The same is true for Nasser and the ex-criminals who are watching from the sidelines.

No one could move.

It was only for a moment that Nasser could relax and be amazed.


Before Nasser could catch up, the German soldier he had summoned suddenly moved.

Nasser’s orders have already been imposed.

The soldiers have enough magic power but..

That soldier should not be able to move…..

And yet…

There was a series of thunderous sounds.


Booom! Bang!!

Booom! Bang!!

One roar after another.

With each sound, one or two more goblins are sent flying.

It’s not a metaphor or anything, it’s just the way they fly…….

It’s not only the head, but even the body.

“What? No way!”

The way the goblin died was horrific.

The way their head explodes is breathtaking

The horrible sight to see the holes in its chest and stomach.

It is a feast of death that is hard to describe.

Even Nasser doesn’t know what’s happening 

“Gegah, gegahhhh!”

The rest of the goblins began to flee, leaving the one who was knocked out or died.

The summoned beast in question then pulls out a potato masher-like device from his waist and pulls out a string that sticks out of his butt and throws it.

Pyin ── ♪

PyinPyinPyinPyin! ♪

And it spins and crashes into the trees and falls close to the fleeing goblins,──────.


A huge explosion appeared in front of Nasser. 

All that was left was a shower of goblin guts, arms and other parts of the body that I couldn’t understand.


Nasser was amazed.

The ex-crimmnals who had been watching from behind were not sitting still.

And naturally, the last goblin was cowed, but the…… man in grey showed no mercy.

Nasser ordered him to do so.

He held up a staff-like object with a practised hand and pointed it at the goblin.

…… Baaag! 

and killed him mercilessly.

“Mission accomplished!!”


The soldier had a strange gesture of standing still and holding his hands in front of his head. It seems to be a salute……

He looked at Nasser, who nodded back, and pulled out what looked like a bundle of metal cigars from his waist pouch.

He spun the metal top of the cane around and began to grind the metal cigars.

Without even looking at the gesture, Nasser realised that he had left his mouth hanging open.

“Is this──── the end of “dragon”………..?”

“Now,is the [German Army Lv0: German Infantry Corporal 1940 Wehrmacht type……?]”

“What the hell is that?”

“It’s a monster!”

“That heretic ────── has summoned a wizard!”

Nasser comes to his senses at the sound of a panicked ex-criminals voice.

Nasser, who was quicker to recover than them, suddenly realised…

“Do it! Don’t let them get away!”

“Oh yea…….This is the chance of a lifetime!”

Nasser poured his magic into the air and gave a quick command.



The grey man with the cane played with a smooth motion, as if he were handling a musical instrument.



The bow-wielding ruffian bent his body into a “く” and fell.


Jaqinn, bang! (TL: I don’t know how to type a reload sound, any suggestion?) 


The spear-bearer is killed with a big hole in his face.

One more!


“Gghhh …………!”

The axeman’s head explodes.

Jaqinn, bang!


The long sword-bearer flails about for a while, spilling his guts from his belly, and then expires.

“Finally, ──── No, wait!”

“Wait! Leave one alive.”

“Copy that, Kommandant”

Nasser went over to the group and looked down to see four crippled ruffians lying on the ground, unable to resist.

The grey man is wise to have targeted the bowman first.

And he followed every command.

The leader of the group, who looked stunned, turned pale as he watched.

“Heeeey! Ha, ha, ha, that’s not what I meant!”

Now slumped in his seat,he tries to flee …….

“I can’t let him get away!”

“Shoot him in the foot!”

“Roger, Kommandant” 



Nasser could see him starting to limp.

The grey figure was holding a staff, which looked like a crossbow.

Perhaps he is ejecting something invisible.

“Hee-hee!Aaa-my leg, my leg!”

“Don’t make such a fuss about your leg!”

Nasser quickly approaches the leader and kicks him in the leg.

A huge hole is left in his leg, and blood splatters…


It was a terrible scream.

“You guys did it first!!!”

“This is the pain of being cut when you told me to fight those packs of goblins! I’m just giving it back to you.”

The grey man, a German infantryman, watched in silence, his face expressionless, silent and uncommunicative, steadfastly following Nasser.

“Gee-hee! Hiiii……, stop it!”

“You’re not getting away that easy, you bastard!”

Nasser continued to kick and stomped his leg two or three times with a kind of vindictive feeling, as if he were releasing his frustration.

The pain is so intense and the fear so great that the leader is covered with drool and snot all over his face.

He even pissed himself.

“Please Stop it,”

Grillieri ………

However, it’s not all about taking it out on them.

If Nasser hadn’t been able to summon the Germans, it would have been him who would have been laid dead by now.

“Igyaaaa!!! No, please! I’m sorry!”

“Hmm …..That’s a good one. Just now you try to feed me to the goblins and now, you are begging for your life.”

“This is stupid …….”

In the days when dragons could be summoned, Nasser would not have tortured such a small fish.

“I don’t …”

Unless, of course, this is the work of the guild master.

“Congratulations Nasser!”

Nasser thought that the guildmaster had saved his life, after all.

Despite his hatred for the guildmaster, He gave him a job,────, and above all, he never crossed the final line of taking his life.

“No, not only the guildmaster, but so far – no one has crossed the final line of killing me…..”

Nasser has been thinking about it.

It appears to be a shape-shifter, but the emotion of reason in Nasser is still barely……there.

Yes, Nasser still barely restrained his reticence.

In fact, he should have become a bandit or surrendered to the demon king’s army long ago.

And curse on humanity….. make it all go to hell.

“Why didn’t I do that?”

The king, the chief priest, the guildmaster, and even Alicia were hesitant to take his lives, because they thought it would be too risky.

But it was different.

It was no mercy not to take a life……

But only for their own protection.

Everyone was thinking only of themselves.

Nasser’s life…

The truth is, everyone – didn’t give a damn.

“Come on! Come!”

The leader cries loudly, without any pride of manhood.

“I can’t believe I’m going to let this guy kill me.”

Nasser could see that his life was considered to be less than rubbish.

Yes – that’s what Nasser realised after all these years.

So, he too, will abandon his compassion.

No more mercy.

No need for decency.


His heart no longer moved to pity by the sight of the tear-stained, drooling person.

Now he just feels the anger rising in him.

The kingdom.

The church.

The adventurer’s guild.

The Hero

And to his wife Alicia, ────.

The anger that he felt when she abandoned him is coming back.

The anger is not only personal to Nasser ────!

Above all.

Rage against those who have killed, robbed and kidnapped his loved ones like they were trash!

Nasser’s anger was kept at bay just in time, but ────.

“Right now!”

After the murder of the people he cared about.

Nasser almost killed himself, and then the last of his sanity was removed.

All of them.

Yes,──────, all of them.

“I’m going to kill all of you ────”

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