There is no God

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Klepon



If someone manoeuvred the control levers with a jerky click, Panzer II moved in a meandering, zigzagging motion, like a drunk driver.

The moving corpses caught in the movement were crushed to pieces in a heap.

“Hahahahaha! Look at that, bones that belong in the rubbish.”

Nasser, with a vicious smile on his face, made a show  in front of the chief priest as he pushed his way through the crowd of corpses.

“How’s it going? Your friends smell pretty bad, don’t they?”

“Wh-wha-what is that lump of iron!”

The chief priest was surprised to see Nasser, who paved through the crowd of corpses without difficulty, as he sat back.

“What are you talking about?It is your gift, isn’t it? Look at this…”

Barrrr! Nasser tore his clothes open and when he opened the front of his chest to show it, there was a clear heretic’s branding….

It had a cross crest in his chest……the Church Cross.

──── and there was a burned-out summoning spell seal of 『Do& %$』.

“Ridiculous! Y-you mean that’s the summoning mark!?Ridiculous!”

‘Stupid! Stupid!!! Stupiddddddd!’

“I-i-d-don’t think you’d be able to use the ‘dragon’ again!”

“That’s true ──── ‘The Dragon’ is gone and …… ‘The Germans’ are here! In order to take revenge on my behalf, my army has come! And you’re next!”


“──── Panzer, smash forward!!”


Nasser approached the chief priest when the panzer made a furious crawling sound.

“Hiiii! Nonsense, that’s impossible! The curse mark has been burnt out! I’ve burned it!!!!!!! Oh, oh, no, that’s impossible! It can’t be… it can’t be… it can’t be… it can’t be…”

“Then test it yourself!.. Run him over!”


Gyaragyaragyarararara! !

“Hi!! Hiiiiiii!!!!You people, protect me!”


The torturers were surprised, although their expressions were covered by masks and could not be discerned.

Naturally, they should be.

What could a living person do against Panzer II?

Could they do it? 

‘Ha. There’s nothing they can do ────!’

But they were loyal. Despite the situation, they still showed up in front of the Panzer with flails, lasso and many more in their hands.

“Ooo!?…… Heeee, they’re going to do it?….You guys are joking…”

Back then, the chief priest had acted in a way that even Nasser would not have forgotten.

“You killed my family so easily, and you even beat the shit out of my precious, last flesh and blood – Liz!”

The spears that they used to pierce Nasser’s parents. 

And he remembered how violently that scene shook Liz.

Even if it was an order, even if it was their duty.

‘I will never forgive all of you’

“Ha! These torturers can’t show their faces…… Fine. Let’s start with you!”

They killed Nasser’s parents easily.

‘Then…….How about this!’

Gakon! Diving into the turret and closing the hatch, Nasser attached himself to the internal gun turret.

“Load the first magazine.”

There was a crew member in the turret.There was alsoanother in the body section. Including Nasser, there were three of them inside the Panzer II. 

One man in the turret was the gun loader and had a box magazine with 20 rounds ready in his hand.


The soldier slammed the magazine into the loading hole near the butt of the long-barreled 20 mm machine gun – the main gun of the Panzer II  – and sent the first round into the chamber.

“Slightly move forward.”


One soldier in the body section was the pilot, who controlled the Panzer II at will.

He still controlled the vehicle body in accordance with Nasser’s instructions.

The loosely moving tank showed its front to the torturers.

“First of all, ────── two people.”

Turn the swivel and elevation crank and point the gun at them.

Four torturers are at the end of the sights.

The same number as Nasser’s loved ones who were killed, kidnapped and burnt.

“You need to know what it’s like to die easily…..and you need to know it yourself!”

When the sight was right on target, ──────.

It was oriented towards two people who were threatening the tanks with their flails.

“Ha! Fuck you! Piece of shits!!!”

Nasser fired with all his heart!

All of those torturers.

A job where they tortured people and then blamed them for their deaths?….Wasn’t that what they always said?

“Be that person who understands people’s pain!!”



Doukan! Doudoudoudodon!!

A loud noise!

It was so loud that it could damage people’s hearing!

The 20mm machine gun roared!

It was so much louder and ────── more powerful than the MG13 and Panzer I.

Busshaaaa! !

Two shots.

Yes, only two shots were enough. The sting was done.

The two torturers who had caught them in their sights were …… how to describe it…

Bon!! Their limbs popped off, like a crushed tomato. Butchaaaa!

It was an easy death.

‘So easy. Hahahaha.’

It would be amazing to be alive after that, on the contrary.

“Haha…..Such an awesome power.”

Nasser was thinking that it would be bigger than MG13 but…..he didn’t expect it to be as powerful as it is.

With the first shot, the body of the torture disappeared. Only the blood and smoke were left as proof that he was there.

Furthermore, the 20 mm shell that penetrated snatched the arm of the flail-bearer’s torturer and tore it off with the impact alone.


But before he could feel the pain, a second shot hit him in the chest. The upper half of his body disappeared.

The next few shots were overkills.The remaining pieces of flesh and the lower half of the body were shredded by the impact.

“Hiiiii!!” “Nyaaaaaaa!”

The two remaining torturers became afraid.

Standing in front of a panzer in the flesh was more terrifying than standing in front of a demon king.

“Next, I’m going to get a huge revenge… for Liz!”

The two surviving torturers tried to flee in a panic, but they couldn’t move themselves as they were cowed.

When Nasser set his eyes on one of them.

“Crush them.”


A crushed leg was not enough to kill a person.

Nassser could see the torturers wriggling within sight of the inspection hole, struggling to somehow escape the tank’s crawlspace.

But it was a nearly 10-tonne tank.

It was not something that could be escaped by human power.

The Panzer II moved at a very low speed.

Its caterpillar tracks crushed the torturer little by little.

Butchi…… buchi…….




Following Nasser’s order, Panzer II stopped.

There was a trickle of blood from under the tracks, and there was almost no trace of the torturers.

“It’s not much different from stomping a cockroach. They even sound alike.”

“W-w-whhat the hell is wrong with you?”

The chief priest fell back and choked at Nasser when he saw the torturer killed so brutally.

“A-a-a-a-a-a-are you still human!?”


‘Oi, oi, oi, oi,  Ooooooooooooooiiiiiiiii!!’

“Who are you talking to, you piece of shit? Human, eh? Is your brain stuck outside of your head?You said it yourself! I’m a heretic!”

A heretic was not even considered as a human. They were collaborators of the demon tribe ──── and enemies of humanity.

And now suddenly the chief priest asked Nasser if he was still a human being.

Nasser wanted to laugh at the question that just sprouted.

“Ahm~ Which one is next?! Ha?!”

Would it be the last torturer? Or..

‘Or will you pass away gracefully before your men? Chief Priests.’

The last torturer fled through the debris.

There was no longer protection from the undead.

All that remained were the chief priest and the last surviving torturer, who were fleeing in vain.

They fled towards the statue of the saint, where the roof had collapsed and left bare, either out of instinct, faith or some idea of what to do. ────

“Guh, guh, guh, I’ve never heard of summoning an army! What the hell is that!”

When he managed to reach the statue of the god, he wobbled and trembled while praying to God.

The lone remaining torturer, perhaps already demoralised, was bare-handed and started praying with the chief priest.

“Ooo! Our Father who’s  in heaven, please help me”

The chief priest no longer had any choice but to pray.

But it was not known whether it was effective or not.


“Hahaha….If you pray earnestly for his help, you’ll be taken care of, they said. I prayed too.I wished. I clung to it…”

Remembering those days.

Those days when Nasser fell out of his normal routine.

And those days – which would never return.

‘So you see. I know. ──────.’

“There is no such thing as God…..!!!”

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