That's your cross

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Klepon

“– and here comes the fun part!”

“N-no, stop ……”

The chief priest began to tremble and shake.


“I can’t stop!”

“Hi! Stop, please, I-I’m sorry!”

‘Listen to this────!’


Nasser held the MP40 like a cudgel and swung it furiously at the chief priest’s face!!

Gokiiiiiiiin!!! One swing.

“Ugh! Noo.. Stopp..!”

Gakkiiinnn! Then another swing was swung into the face of the chief priest as he was still buzzing from the earlier hit. 

Poco~n! The priest’s teeth popped off.

“Ebbu…..yu, let me go…….Ah! Yes, yes!I-I can revoke your heretic status! How about it!”


“How’s that? That should be a good deal for you! Your honour will be restored a-an-and, I will also testify to the infidelity of the hero! Right, what do you think!”

“Haha. Chief Priest~.”

Pom-pom-pom, Nasser tapped him on the shoulder. Lightly and gently.

“Uh-huh. Good deal, right? So…”

“-…you’re going to listen to me now, are you?!!!!”


‘I don’t care if I smash my MP40, I’m going to swing it as hard as I can and swing it through ──────!’


Chief priest had all his front teeth knocked out and nose caved in.

Blood was spurting out of various holes with a thud.

“Uwaa…., and he’s shitting his pants.”

“Aaaaahhhh!!! Abububububu……, you son of a bitch!  Yoou better remember aaah!”

“Aaah!? Remember?….Ha! Who could forget!!!”


The chief priest, who was gibbering and coughing up blood, was frightened by Nasser’s angry expression.

‘But there’s still…..Still more, still more ──── still more ah!’

Slowly, Nasser turned his shoulders.

“……De……yo~. What is with  erasing the treatment of heretics?…You know what?”

He grabbed the head of the head priest and checked if he was still conscious.

“── What kind of power do you think you have now !!”

“Hic! No, stop” 

──── with all Nasser’s might! He smashed the chief priest’s head on the ground.

The sound of a blow that was not approximately the sound a person would make……

Zgahhhhhh!!! Nasser even felt that the earth had shaken.


The priest chief was foaming blood from his mouth.

Nasser looked at him in disgust.

“Now, let’s go and finish up.”

Nasser laughed viciously. [Nyihihi]

The torturers, who were watching nearby, were bubbling and blowing bubbles through their mask.

But Nasser’s unforgiving eyes stayed on the torturer.


“Yo…….hold this guy.”


They shook their heads like a broken doll.

The torturers shuffled like cockroaches, displaying their diligence and familiarity.

“Aaa! Y-you──── izuzuzu!”

(あ、アナタ!? ────いづっづづぅ!!)

Nasser saw the chief priests being restrained, as if to determine the indirectness of the situation.

“Alright, …… don’t move, okay? This guy, ah, he’s a keeper, eh?”

Jaran♪ The ornaments clanging.

Nasser brought the sceptre that was used by the priest. 


Until now, the sceptre had been rammed into the muzzle of a 20mm machine gun heated by continuous fire, so the heat had transferred to the sceptre – which was burnt bright red.

“Achchi…… this will burn youー♪”

(Achchi: the sound used if touching something hot)

The heat transmitted to Nasser’s hand also indicated that the temperature was considerable.

“What are you doing? That wand is sacred.──────”



Nasser pressed it against the chief priest’s chest without hesitation.

It burned,scorched the tattered clothes and sizzled his skin.



Jyuuuuuuuu ────!!!!!

Jitabata Jitabata!!!!!

“It’s not the kind of specialised equipment you used before – it’s going to take a bit of time~~”


This pain….

This heat…

This humiliation ────!’

“Aaaaahhhh! It’s burning!!! Sttttooooopppppp!!!


Nasser smiled smugly.

The chief priest shook his head in disapproval, buzzing at the idea.

But the torturers restrained him so he was unable to move. ……──────

Jyuuuuuuuu ────!!!!!

“────── …… Ahhhhhhh!”

First of all, draw a circle.

“Write round♪…on a idiot♬──”

Nasser drew a circle on the chief priest’s chest as he pressed his burnt sceptre  against it grimly.

It was really hard to write.

It was violent and the skin that was stuck to the sceptre was in the way.

But Nasser would not stop.


“Yes, the 『circle』 is complete! Next ,I’m going to make the 『cross』! Vertical 1 ♪,Vertical 2 ♪,Horizontal 1♪,Horizontal 2 ♪”

Jyuuuuuuuu ────!!!!!


“Ararara……?Ahhh~ …… indeed, it’s getting cold.”

The heat from the sceptre was slowly disappearing. 

Only a circle had been made. 



The chief priest was crying, but he was still able to remain conscious. But for Nasser he thought that the chief priest had a lot of guts.

“Ah, in times like this, ────get out there, 『engineering squad!』


A summoning magic circle appeared and soldiers full of baggage appeared.

They were a group of German military engineers who also lent a hand when they finished off the Guildmaster.

“『End Of Assembly!』”

One squadron of engineers.

“Hiiiiiiiiii! Another person appears!!”

The feeling of intimidation was not odd.

More than that, the chief priest felt that Nasser’s magic power was diminishing and close to the limit.

If Nasser had inherited a status equivalent to his previous ‘Dragon Summoner’ lvl, his magical power should be equivalent to lvl 5-6.

However, he had exercised his summoning technique considerably over the past day and had now manifested three summoned beasts at the same time, albeit at Lv 2: 『Panzer II』, 『Infantry Platoon』and 『Engineer Squad』.

Nasser should be exhausted. But this was the moment of truth.

After all, it was a fun time!

“Sergeant. The stick is cold. Can you make it hotter?”

“『Ha! Leave it to me.』”

When the soldier received the sceptre from Nasser, he covered the handle with a fireproof cloth and buried it in the ground.

The part to be heated was set with explosives taken from his luggage.

“What’s that?”

“『Incendiary materials. It emits a high temperature at a moment’s notice, but it can melt steel, so we’ve narrowed down the amount then we can use a flamethrower to burn it.』”

When the soldiers were summoned, a soldier with the appearance of a gas mask and dressed in heavy, burly clothes advanced.

“『Burn it』”


Nasser saw the soldier with a gas mask was pointing something like a hose at the sceptre ────


A strong flame was created and burned through the sceptre.

Mwaa! The amount of heat was so enormous that even Nasser felt the hotness surging up.

It also ignited the incendiary device held at the tip, creating a flame so bright that it almost crushed the eyes.


The chief priest, frightened by the flames, urinated again.

The sight of the hot, steamy water did not bring out any sympathy in Nasser.

His chest was still only branded with the brand of a half-heretic.

It was not enough at all.

Nasser squezzed the wound in his chest that felt jittery, sore and hot. 

Soon the sceptre burnt bright red was completed and handed to him.

“That’s a nice trick. Sergeant…….Support the infantry. Those dead bodies smell.”


With an order had been given, the engineers dispersed.

As soon as they joined up with the remaining infantry units that were clearing the enemy, they were immediately placed under their command.

After that, efficiently they ──.

Flamethrowers could be used to cleanse the area.

Incendiaries were being thrown all over the place to burn them down.

It was very polite and they seemed to really enjoy it.

“Now then! Let’s finish up, chief priests!”

Nasser smiled viciously with a bright red burnt sceptre in his hand.

It was a vicious, bright, shady, sunny colour.

“No! Stop! Stop it! Please stop!!!!”

‘ Aaah?



Please stop?


“…… didn’t stop. It’s just that…”



BuriBuriBuriBuri ──…………! !!



“Two people ──── …..”

In the stench of burning skin, the chief priest passed out with a large branding iron on his chest.

He was already a mess, not just with urine, but with defecation, drool and snot.

Killing him would be lukewarm.

Nasser was not so lukewarm about killing him and calling it a day.

Well, Nasser didin’t know if the chief priest would live.

Even if he was lucky enough to survive, he had a heretic branding of his own making.

The church cross on his chest. ──── a heretic marking by the chief priest.

He would never be able to return to his former life again.

His life would be full of being stoned, scorned, fed dung, slurping mud and scavenging for leftovers.

Or he could stay in the mountains and became a wild thief.

If he was strong enough, he might be able to join the demon king’s army.

“Tomorrow you’ll be living the life of a heretic. ──── At best, you’ll dream happy dreams while you’re out cold…..There’s nothing else to look forward to. ”

This was a real experience.

Nasser looked down at the chief priest, who was surrounded by the stench of burning skin, and spat on him.

This guy, this was the one.

‘Taste it to your heart’s content.’

The next one Nasser had to kill wouldn’t be so easy either. ……He wouldn’t feel better if he didn’t make him taste a fraction of the suffering Nasser went through.

“I’ll make them all suffer the same ──── as I did, no, much, much more, much more misery!”

The Kingdom’s──── King!

“Watch your neck and wait.”

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