Five Seconds Before Collision (Part 2)

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Klepon

“『『『Faraaaa ♪ Fraaaaa ♪』』』”

With brave and lilting music it came ────.

Destroying, dispersing and reducing all to wreckage, now it came and faced the King’s forces, the Kings Kingsguard!


The black-robed army rushed forward with a great noise──

Now, the time had come for the kingdom to end!


Nasser’s Panzer IV H came to a halt. 

“『All vehicles, stop!!!』”

At the voice of the 『Company Commander』broadcast over the radio, the entire armoured grenadier company stopped .

Gorigorigoryi! A heavy group of heavy vehicles  cracking the cobblestones came to a halt, and the noise of the crawler tracks disappeared in an instant. All that remained was the powerful sound of the engine Dorudoru ……dominating the scene.

“It’s a bit of a letdown.”

On the way here, they were sporadically attacked by small groups of guards and what appeared to be Kingsguard but the attack failed and was too easy.

Despite the high-profile German troops, who were dashing forward with the noise of their crawlers, not a single large-scale enemy made contact.

There were some small-scale enemies and some reckless ones who tried to take on the enemy single-handedly, but they quickly fled after a single volley of fire from a German infantryman in a half-track with an MG42 machine gun on board.

“─Only, well, maybe it was still better to try to fight back.”

There should have been a much larger number of soldiers in this city as a whole, but even now there were few to be seen.

Even if there were soldiers, it might be that there were no commanders or there might be a problem with the chain of command in this city itself.

“Well, that works in my favour.”

The king, its ringleader, was here.

Strike him and the large enemy forces that might be hiding would have no choice but to emerge.

If there was such an enemy.

The Armoured Grenadiers were standing by.

Only the vehicle-mounted machine gun peeking out of the vehicle’s body was pointing towards the Royal Castle without caution.

The Germans were in a state of hiding from enemy fire points with their tanks in the lead and their armour as a shield.

They were prepared to return fire from the ramparts at any moment, but so far there had been no attack.

Nasser and his men in their chariots easily reached the front of the royal castle.

“Here is…..”

──The square in front of the garish royal castle.

It was where Nasser was once bound and rolled.

And the place where ──── the captain was burnt and his parents killed …… and where Liz was humiliated.

“──I’m back……everyone”

Nasser’s face contorted in grief.

His gaze fell on the burnt-out remains of the earth and the hollow where the stake would have stuck.

There were no more people Nasser cared about, except for one.

And…… they were the ones who did it. A sharp look in the eye. Beyond that was the castle where the king resided .

There they were. There they were. The last of the revenge accessories. That was where the fucking King was.It was probably packed with his vassals and the Kingsguard.

The royal castle, the last bastion of the revenge target. Nasser stared at it from the top of the panzer.

There was no longer any such thing as winning or losing. In the face of the Germans, there was only [winning]. Then there was only one thing to think about.

How to win────

In front of Nasser was a square and a drawbridge.

It was a drawbridge that also served  as a defence mechanism and even the spikes behind the bridge were clearly visible.

‘I see…..that cowardly king seems to have closed the castle to be protected by a moat and ramparts.’

In other words, he was going to challenge the Germans to a siege.

A glimpse ahead. On the ramparts, there were signs of a large number of soldiers. They were sending out their killing intent towards Nasser.

Beyond the drawbridge castle gate, there was still the presence of a large number of human beings ────, which was also the presence of a large number of heavily armed soldiers.

‘They’re going to do it…..But…’

But, it was now doubtful whether there were troops in the royal capital that could properly oppose them.

It was said that reserve forces were being deployed, but as a regular force, they must have been considerably reduced.

It was undoubtedly the main enemy force in Royal Capital, was blown up by the dive bombing.

‘But the most troublesome is the aerial mobile forces belonging to the Royal Capital. I have not yet seen it…… Did none of them travel from the front line……?’

(TL:I’m assuming half of the kingdom’s troops are under Hero Koji) 

Troops with tame flying dragon wyverns and monstrous birds were supposed to appear now, but Nasser had yet to see one.

As a characteristic of the military, they were not capable of responding immediately to enemy attacks, but it had been a long time since Nasser attacked the Adventurers’ Guild.


‘However slow they are, they move too slow.──Or not. Maybe this is normal’

Normal. It was normal in this world.

More than anything else, the『Germans』 were too fast.

In addition to their overwhelming strength, there was no force in the royal capital that could compete with them in terms of speed, armour and firepower ────.

Even in air battle, the Germans were now overwhelmed.

Even the strongest demon – the dragon, which was supposed to be the strongest summoned beast – was nothing in front of the Germans.

“Is this the true state of the kingdom?……The once valiant land of the hero is now a joke to hear.”

Nasser, too, used to be a soldier.

He belonged to the frontline unit of the kingdom – the 『Field Division』 – and fought against the Demon King’s army by summoning dragons.

At the time, he believed that the Demon King was 『evil』and the kingdom was 『righteous』.

The heroes were great and the hope of mankind. He also thought that the Kingdom was the most powerful country in the world.

‘Ha. That’s how this body works…’

“These people ruined my life – killed my parents, took ……Liz, and turned my captain to ash?….It’s stupid and it’s frustrating.”

‘What did I believe, what did I see……?’

Nasser stared at his battered hands.

He had not washed his body properly since that day and even his fingernails were covered in dirt.

He was now astride a tank, standing at the front of the line and appearing in front of the enemy.

Nasser was now standing in the most dangerous place. In that position, within arrow range and effective range, ────

‘…… Heretics.’

‘I’ve never given my soul to the demon king, but I guess I’m a heretic in the original sense of the word. I don’t care about the Demon King.’

But to beat up a hero……

And to beat up the woman Nasser loved…….

That was why he would destroy this kingdom and turn his blade on the descendants of the heroes.

‘I see. I see. I’ve become a heretic. No,it’s different. A heretic is someone who has joined the Demon King. I didn’t join him.’

‘Rather, I am the heretic demon king. Yes, and I’m the Demon King! I’m the Demon King to you!’

‘What’s the matter? Shoot me. Shoot me.’

“──Shoot me!!!”

Still, there was no return fire from the royal castle and no soldiers were in sight. 

Only a faint sense of deadly force could be felt, making one wonder if this was really the country’s final stronghold and most important facility.

The Royal Castle only exposed itself unprotected.

There was only a moat and ramparts that protected it, the number of soldiers and the original stone walls, was nowhere to be seen.

‘There is no doubt that they are hiding, but what on earth are they waiting for? If they start attacking anyway, it may not be entirely unprovoked.’

Information was also being gathered over the radio from the luftwaffe officer, which was buzzing around above him and according to him, some soldiers could be seen on the ramparts.

Perhaps they were hiding in the unevenness of the ramparts. The rest were within the castle walls. They were believed to be hiding in the defensive installations at the main gate, which was the outlying castle.

But that must not be all. Nasser, who had once climbed the castle as a soldier in the national army, knew. The armoury here had a load of defensive weapons.

The last resort to defend the castle. The latest and most expensive weapons were all here. However, the castle was not as solid as it seemed .

The royal capital was a political castle. Structurally, unlike military fortresses located in rural areas, it did not have any elaborate defensive facilities. 


This was the royal capital. The centre of the kingdom. The most prosperous city in the world. As such, it was  a building where elegance was valued.

But still, it was the king’s castle. It was not defenceless.

In the event of an emergency, mobile defensive weapons were lined up on the ramparts to strengthen the defence.

Large heavy crossbow on small pitching machine────

First report from the luftwaffe force officer.

“『Enemy shadow confirmed! Detailed reports coming in from the skies above.』”

‘There you go. You’re about to get the ball rolling, aren’t you?’

The luftwaffe officer in a sidecar darted over and took a bow, tucking a communication paper into a paper clipboard.

“『Report. We have confirmed deployment of projectile weapons on the ramparts. approximate……20 units! They are pointing towards us.』”

As expected. 

“『──── also confirms a build-up of enemy forces behind the castle gates…… are taking up assault positions.』”

When the officer finished his report, he saluted and left.

While seeing him off–

“Haha! Let’s go…. and take the fight to them. Great!!”

Ban! Nasser laughed heartily while banging his fists together.

‘Let’s get started.’

Nasser dove into the turret and set up the anti-aircraft gun in front of the cupola. There, the enemy finally began to show itself.

Archers lined up on the ramparts, and ballistas were attached to the archers, and they were turning their windlasses.

They probably couldn’t get their heads out because Messerschmitts were buzzing around in the sky just a few minutes ago. Nasser didn’t know how they felt, but did they think that overhead cover was the only threat?

Nasser and his German troops advanced to the very edge of the enemy archers’ range.

As expected, the ground troops were too close, and Messerschmitts and other air support aircraft had suspended close air support.

The range of arrows, for example, was like a stone’s throw away from the fighters in the sky.

As might be expected, support at this distance was not something to be asked for easily.

“『Enemy commander confirmed! Frontal ──── on the front door!』”


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