The Commander of the Kingsguard's Punchline

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Klepon

Kappo, kappo, kappo….

One of the riders stepped forward from the line of cavalrymen, and raised his mounted spear high above the drawbridge to say something.

“You are the heretic Nasser Virginia! We are the strongest cavalry of the Kingdom’s Kingsguard, the heavy cavalry!”

A glinting mounted lance.

The man took the trouble to stop his horse and raised the faceguard of his helmet.

“How dare you strike a vile blow at my legion by a dragon’s surprise attack just now! But for your power, let us respect each other and allow each other to call ourselves by name. It is a shame to say my name to you, the great sinner, but I am the Commander of the Kingsguard──”



Zudon ────!!!

The response from Nasser’s, which had finished loading, was [Zudon!] .

The Kingsguard commander, who was within shouting distance of the tank’s range, was ruptured and scattered by the blow.

His upper body and head were blown off, along with the horse’s body, in one piece.

The words that came out from the remaining soldiers after seeing such a dreadful scene was [It can’t be].

‘It ain’t a lie, stupid.’

As it was, the shell continued to fly into the ranks of the well-mannered Heavy Cavalry as its trajectory took them head on.

── Chudooooon!!!

A ferocious explosion occurred and the Kingsguard was blown to pieces.




Almost everyone was like… [It can’t be?!] 

‘Are they idiots? Why did they think they wouldn’t get shot?  Did they think someone would say, Yo, Don!’

“I hear you want a name.──Aa, sorry. I’m Nasser Virginia, German summoner. Yours sincerely”

Relentless blow while calling his own name a light-hearted tone.

“……You think you’re going to take me seriously? Don’t play games with me!─ You’ll be waiting for me in hell, you fucking minions!”

But they couldn’t hear it.

A 75 mm grenade exploded at close range.

But still, there were ──── still soldiers.

A large, four-horse chariot advanced from the back, yelling at the top of its lungs.

Gorgeously decorated, it was the king’s exclusive, heavily protected, all-metal cavalry chariot.

“T–there, the coward! Kill him! Wall archers, get up quickly! Survivors will provide full support!”

The king was on top of a cavalry chariot, encouraging his archers, who were about to be destroyed.

Because of its open-top design, it was vulnerable to attacks from above, but only its frontal armour was absurdly thick.

And, flanked by horses, a long sharp ram was staring ahead.

‘Are they going to fight a German tank with that thing?’

But first… here was the kingdom’s secret weapon.

“Projectile catapults – now, get ready to fire. ────”

The sound of heavy objects moving behind the ramparts could be heard.

‘…… Is it a catapult?’

“I will lead the fight. Don’t be afraid, all of you! Cavalry! Charge without hesitation at the damage! Infantry, follow behind!”

Encouraged by the shouting king, the command of the Kingsguard Corps, which was on the verge of collapse, was restored.

Nearly half of the heavily-armoured cavalry had been killed or wounded as a result of the explosion in the centre of the column but the rest of the men immediately moved to charge.

In addition, a large number of infantry lined up behind them, as if protected by their armour.

“Prepare to charge!”

The king drew his elegant sword, which looked like a ceremonial sword and as he swung it down, he ordered his men to prepare for an assault.


“Activating skill ──── 『Noble Bloodline』!”

The Idiot King’s body went [Bwah!] and the lights that gushed from the tip of the ceremonial sword bounced off and poured down like fireworks.

The Kingsguard also glowed around their bodies before the assault.

‘What was that? It seems to be that king’s skill, but I’ve never seen or heard of anything like that…..?’

But he was a king, even if he was rotten. He was still a descendant of heroes.

It was not surprising that he had some special skills.

‘Is that what he calls『Noble Bloodline』?’

As soon as his soldiers caught the light, the expressions of the Kingsguard and the others changed. Their eyes instantly seemed to bleed and their muscles rose.

‘…… No, it’s different!’

Their muscles were rising and their strength was improving.

Nasser understood as he received the increased pressure from the new Kingsguard due to the increased combat power.

It was very similar to the allied ability-enhancing boosting magic ──── used by magicians.


“That bastard ……he enhanced quite a large area……! And what’s with that rate of increase…”

The king had apparently invoked the skill of total power up.

A skill that was too powerful for Nasser to have ever seen before.

‘Damn, I didn’t know he had such a backhanded move.…’

Moreover, perhaps being cautious, the king ordered his magicians to cast defensive magic on the infantry units.

Not only that, but at the same time, he also made the sorcerers who were mingling with the infantry and rushing at the enemy to put up strong defensive wards over the entire troop.

“Heretic! This is my own domain! If you can defeat me with your puny summons, then defeat me!”

“I’ll do it!!!”

The people who were putting up defensive wards were originally the Magic Corps under Bummel’s command.

It was said that they sometimes supported the front line by using defensive magic to protect the soldiers in battles against the Demon King’s army.

‘I see…..they seem to be able to do a little bit too.’

The king seemed to have taken immediate action, although he probably didn’t know about the guns until just a few minutes ago.

Pari, paripakin……!

Something like a transparent raven plate appeared in front of the infantrymen. It seemed that it was the reinforced defensive barrier. 

Even that was probably a countermeasure against German attacks. It was hard to believe that ordinary defensive wards could prevent this, but it was better than nothing.

From Nasser’s experience on the battlefield, the defensive wards used by magicians could only just barely prevent an ogre’s spear from being thrown.

Although they were completely protected against goblin-sized arrows and the like, German bullets were more powerful than ogre projectiles.

“Ha! At least, protect yourself with something!!”

The kingdom soldiers made the Germans take up firing positions as if they didn’t care about the magician’s wards.

‘If they’re going to charge at us, that’s fine. I’ll build up a heap of corpses right in front of you!’

“Don’t bark at me! You heretics! First Unit, go────. Charge!!!”

The king shouted , spit flying from the corner of his mouth.

Then, the mass of the Kingsguard, reinforced by their skills, rushed forward with a roar!

First, the front – the heavy cavalry!

“Let’s go!”


“Avenge the Commander!”



The cavalry charge finally began before Nasser, who was smiling maniacally.

The king was invoking his ability-enhancing skills in some pompous way, but he didn’t care.

The master of the Adventurers Guild was also insinuating something pompous, but he was covered in shit in his vault.

And the same faith befell the King.

They were no match for the Germans with their meager skills.

‘I’m going to tear you to pieces!’

The cavalry, convinced of victory, rushed forward, oblivious to Nasser’s intentions.

The cavalry, which had also moved to charge heavily on horse hoofs, simply tried to crush the enemy with pressure.

The infantry did not follow, but the courage of the cavalry pushed them into a charge.

The cavalry were indeed too fast to get under the cover of the barrier, but the pressure was real.

The infantry following behind them were protected by defensive wards and would probably use the cavalry as a wedge to gain battle results.

‘….. I see, it seems that if they are under the protection of a magician, those small barriers can also be activated while moving and……the infantry seemed to be fully covered.’

The mall barriers may be troublesome enough, even if they were not as bad as the barrier that protected the king on the castle walls.


“That’s how it’s gotta be!”

‘The Adventurers Guild and the Church were so boring!’

“The end of this Kingdom──── try to make it last and interesting!”

Zudododododo!! and the cavalry rushed in from the castle side with footsteps as loud as the earth shaking.

It seemed that the king intended to directly lead the last cavalry chariot in the line.

He inspired his soldiers with a clear voice.

But what good was that against the firepower of the Germans.

Just as Nasser was about to order a volley of fire…

“You underestimate us, heretic ──── catapults……!”

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