Preparatory fire for attack

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Kaepinned

“──Artillery! Fire!”

As if to answer Nasser’s cry, the sound of the flight of shells pressed the sky.

Jajajaja ──!

Jaaaaaaa ────! !!

The birth of shelling that viciously cut through the air.

No matter how many times Nasser heard it, it still sent chills down his spine.

A rooted fear, embedded in his genes that made him think that they were all living beings and that they could not resist it.

Bombardment ──────.

It was normal to feel fear at the sound of it.

And it was already disgustingly etched into the psyche of the kingdom’s idiots.

Even the Kingsguard, scattered across the battlefield, ranted and raved the moment they heard the War Goddess singing, many of them spreading tears and urine.

It was no longer in a state of panic.

Only a few liveried groups were still pursuing the Germans.

And speaking of that damned King.

“Boogeeahh! Don’t come here!!”

While clinging miserably to his escort.

[Protect me!] he demanded.

The artillery was aimlessly firing their shells upon hearing the instruction [Shoot until it crumbles].

But it was no longer just that.

It was now a witch’s cauldron inside those walls.

Or was it the wheat fields of the Grim Reaper?

Either way, the Royal Castle, which boasted vast grounds, was no longer the only place where witches and reapers could be found.

“Bwheeeee?!─ ─ Jobber ……!”

This time, the king leaked urine as fast as he could.

The steam rising from his fancy clothes was clearly visible.

“Hahaha! Blast ’em! Fucking bastards!”

‘I don’t give a shit about point-blank rounds and shell fragments anymore!’ 

Nasser stood up and pointed his fist at the sky.

Then, feeling the moment when the shell landed on his skin, he swung his arm down at that moment!


Hyurururururur………………── zudodododooonnn!!!

Full force and Effective shot.

Some of the shells slipped through the 『Great Barrier』, and caused mayhem in the Royal Castle.


Dogan, dogan!!! 


A ferocious explosion!

The misery could be seen clearly from here.

A rain of sticky blood and flesh.

Clods, humans, horses, pitchforks and other things rolled up high into the sky of the royal city, setting off an outrageously ugly firework display.

However, those who were unable to get out of the castle, and were inside the remaining 『Great Barrier』were splattered and dyed the barrier bright red.

It was like a scene from hell.

At this point, the 『Great Barrier』 finally vanished, and the blood, flesh and vomit that had clung to its interior poured down into the castle in a steady stream.

The barrier could no longer hold. Running out of magic, the wandering magicians fell straight off the walls into the dugout.

“『Target destroyed! Destroyed!!!』”

At the corner of Nasser’s eyes, he could see the Luftwaffe officer still buzzing on the radio. Nasser could understand him.

A huge result.

“Now let’s finish him off!”

Was the royal castle blown away by the blast?

The king, who had been slammed against the 『Great Barrier』 in front of the main gate, looked like a fool. 


The king slammed and slid his body down on 『Great Barrier』 pushing the drool, tears and snot against a glass panel and collapsed into a sticky mess.


The king got up, shaking and wincing.

‘Houu? I thought he was going to run back,…… He seems to have more motivation. Nice……he can’t die so easily’

The King, with a hideous look on his face, straightened himself up and…

The king shouted out in anger or hatred……with a face like a demon, as if he was about to burst into a fit of rage.



“- I’m not going to let you do that again! I’ll kill you, grit you up, smoosh you up and throw you in the toilet with the rest of the shit!”

──Ugaaaaaaaaaa! ! !

He roared and appeared on the cavalry chariot and commanded the remaining troops in a high voice.


“Go out! Advance! Everyone!!!! All troops, charge!”



Nasser thought most of them had been blown away by the bombardment but it seemed that the main gate area was only damaged by the blast and there were fewer injured than expected.

‘But it’s alright.’

The objective was to destroy the catapult and the magicians.

“If they want a head-on fight! If they are charging at me, I’ll take it!”


“They’re coming! Give them everything you’ve got!”


The Germans had already risen from their prone positions on the ground in an anti-bombing posture and resumed the work of building up their positions.

They ritually stopped and saluted once.

Nasser, while replying, walked into position and looked over the surroundings.

In front of him, a group of Kingsguard soldiers from the first wave of the assault were still stubbornly surviving.

They appeared to have been temporarily out of action  and confused due to the bombardment but were gradually regaining control.

Lost soldiers and auxiliaries were also gathered and the ──── number of infantry was about 300.

And in the royal castle, the king himself was leading a chariot party of cavalry chariots.


Garagaragaragaragara!!! The chariots were forced to be pulled on the  battered road caused by artillery fire, with a bustling noise of their wheels.

“Go!!! Kill them!”


A mass of cavalry and cavalry chariots, reinforced to the point of insanity by the King’s skills.

They were about to run over the infantry in front of them, but at this moment the infantry and cavalry were likely to rush into the German positions simultaneously at just the right moment.

The flank of the cavalry chariot was held by 50 cavalrymen.

In addition, about 200 infantry were in the rear ────.

Nasser realised that it matched the report of the reconnaissance aircraft.

The second wave of the assault was the last one led by the king himself.

It was the entire force remaining in the royal castle.

In other words, the last remaining troops in the royal capital. 

This was the last battle ──────!

“Come! You piece of shit!!!”

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