The Quiet Devil

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Kaepinned


Kingsguard soldiers were blown to pieces.

Some soldiers continued to scream with only their upper bodies, while the others were cut down by a single blow.

The shields with magical defences, which had been so sturdy, were fluttering in the air like leaves.

“W,what happened?”


‘Huh? What?──── Mine???’

And it seemed that the magician’s shields had no effect.

The magician caught in a mine with his comrades was screaming as he burned.

The robe he was wearing was on fire.

It was terrible…

“Gaaagi! Agaaaa ── !!”

The magician wandered off with severe burns all over his body…then caught something on his leg.

“What is a landmine?”

──────Pyin ♪

“『──They are bombs in the ground────!He popped the S-mine!? Everybody, freeze! Get down!』”

[aka: Bouncing Betty]

Pontsu ♪

Something jumped up from the ground with a light sound.

‘─ What is it?’

It seemed that one of the magicians, who was badly burned and screaming, had activated some kind of S-mine. 

Nasser had no idea what it means.

But the Germans are crawling desperately on the ground.

“『Get down. Please get down!!』”

And ──────.

It happened in a split second.

Immediately after the sound of a light pin being pulled out, something shot up from the ground with a small explosion. It then … floated up amongst the uninjured Kingsguard and ────── and popped.

It exploded in mid-air and the countless projectiles that had been planted inside it, zaaaaa……!


A rain of needles rained down on the Kingsguard.

Although some of it was prevented by shields and wards, most of it dived into the gaps and tore through the Kingsguard.





The back

Abdomen ──────

Countless projectiles that cut through every part of the body.

The fact that the mines could not kill instantly made it even more tragic.

“Aaah! Aaah!!! Aaah!”

“My eyes, my eyes aaaaah!”

“Hiiiiiiiiiiiii! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”

The Kingsguard were rolling around with horrible screams.

No more shields, no more warding, no more protection.

Nasser heard the mines were exploding everywhere.

Zudon ……! Popopopon!

And on the German positions, zap! and needles rained down on them.

It was horrifying to think that without the barricade, they too would have been cut to pieces by the needles.

“Is this a landmine? Is this a trap?”

“『It’s an anti-personnel mine. It’s a bomb buried in the ground. It’s under the…..ground so you can’t see it. By the time you realise, you’re already surrounded by mines. Only the first one was manually discharged with explosives…….』”

‘No wonder…..but still…’

“Then, how did we get through?”

The place where the Kingsguard were now enjoying the inferno of the abyss would have been passed by Nasser’s tanks.

“『The engineers had been waiting to plant those mines. It was set up in a hurry after you had passed. That’s what they were working on earlier』”

‘I see, so that’s why they were working on it until the last minute.’

But still, it was really quite horrendous.

When the explosions stopped for a moment, Nasser took a quick peek and found a heap of corpses.

Some were covered in needles and had died, others had lost all four limbs and were in a stupor.

As expected, the situation was so bad that it was unbearable to look at.

“『The first wave has now almost wiped them out, but a second wave will be coming soon!』”



The sentry gave the alarm.

Immediately afterwards, Garagaragaragara! – and the sound of bustling wheels approaching the position.

‘I see, they finally arrived….’

At the head of the line, the stupid face of the king was clearly visible.

“── Gahahahaha!!! Such a puny fortress! I’ll smash it to bits!”

The cavalry chariots of the Kingdom specifically came  with impulse rams.

Regular mounted chariots were also provided with sturdy logs between the two-horse tugs, which were pointed and reinforced with metal cups.

And the king’s heavy cavalry chariot had an even more massive special ram.

And with a four-horse tug, it literally had the horsepower to do it.

“You’re all the same! Blow ’em to bits!”

“「「「UUuuuuuooooooooo!!! Uuuuuoooooooo!!!」」」”

‘that fucking King ……! What the fuck are you doing with your formation conversion!’

The king was in the lead earlier, but as he deftly slowed down and shifted the chassis, he gave way to the other chariots and cavalrymen.

‘That’s so like him……!’

The infantry, who had caught up with them with their messed up physical abilities, rushed in at the same time.

A cavalry chariot, cavalry and infantry, all in one.

On top of that, they were guarding themselves with defensive magic

“『Incoming Assault!!! Fire!!』”



A German salvo was being played around with a series of tremendous recoil sounds.


Kan, Kin ♪

‘I see, it seems that the cavalry chariot also has magicians on board.’

In addition, it appeared that the chassis was also armoured with magical defence.

“Lowly magic won’t work! Let’s blow them all away!”




──── Zudoon!

The cavalry touched the anti-personnel mines that had been planted.


The driver seemed to have been injured, but the chassis seemed to be safe, and it was still rushing forward.

One wheel was blown off, but the horse pulling the chariot was unhurt. The mines’ projectiles were  blasting away at the chariot on one wheel, with a tremendous spark.

“They’ll run into the landmine…….?!”

It seemed that anti-personnel mines were not powerful enough.

But when the King, who was watching the situation closely, distorted his face bitterly─

“Nugg! The ground burst?……You little shit! The ground! There’s something buried in the ground!”

As expected of a king. He immediately noticed something unusual and apparently recognised the existence of an invisible demon on the ground.

However, even if he did, there was no particular way to deal with it. 

No, it was not that there was no way. It was not impossible.

“Don’t stop! Advance at low speed. Get the infantry out first and let the men walk first!”

‘That bastard – ……!’

The king had come up with a way to disable the mines. Perhaps he had also seen that the assault had failed and the first wave had been wiped out.

And since he was riding further back than where his soldiers were wiped out, he saw that the mines were not infinitely useful.

So the intention was to sacrifice the infantry to neutralise the mines and then let the cavalry tanks charge in.

“Infantry – charge!”

The king was pouring out his skills to strengthen the infantry.

Thanks to this, the infantrymen displayed tremendous physical strength.



With a crazed look, the infantrymen charged.

The infantry, unaware of the king’s purpose, roared and rushed in unprovoked.

The king’s technique not only improved the abilities of others, but also had the effect of knocking out the reason of his subordinates.

On top of this, physical capacity was visibly improving at a rapid rate, which was unmanageable.

It was like a combat-only drug. 

The glistening-eyed infantrymen overtook the chariots at a speed like demons.

Then, displaying leg strength normally unseen, they leaped into position as if to say, [The spear goes first!].

However, there was no way they could easily approach and the mines that remained unharmed exploded one after another.

Bababan! Ban!



The infantrymen were blown to pieces one after another.

One by one, they stepped on the mines and slumped around with serious wounds.

As might be expected, it was virtually impossible to defend against them as it was not possible to set up defensive magic even on the ground.

However, the mines that pulled trap lines were used up in the earlier assault, so now only trampling-type anti-personnel mines were available.

S-mines were also out of stock.

The infantry, confused by the mines, had let go of their shields with magic protection and their formation was in disarray.

If they proceeded in by using one person, the mines would only damage him but to prevent the machine-gun fire, they had to stick together.

That was a dilemma for infantry.

And it was a target for the Germans.

“『Target the isolated thoroughly.』”

Once out of the magician’s ward, they were mere infantry.

They could defend against German machine guns, which were tearing them to shreds.

Even if they rushed to close in, they would be blown up by mines, several at a time.

And just as they were blown to bits, they were hacked to pieces by machine guns, the German fighting style was thorough and ruthless.

As the pile of the infantry’s corpses increased, the mines laid in front of the position seemed to have been mostly consumed.

Finally, a few infantrymen broke through the minefields unharmed.

However, they were all infantry that were away from the magicians and were defenceless themselves. Naturally, they were shot down by machine guns without exception.

‘Can this be done?’

The infantry was reduced in numbers one by one.

But perhaps even more ruthless was the King.

Sticking side by side does boast strong defence, but is slow. If Nasser could draw them into range, he could lob grenades at them.

‘We can win!’

Just after Nasser was convinced of this.

From behind the dense formation, the king rushed in. ────

“Gahahahaha! You’ve done your duty, men! Get out of the way!”

Without regard for the infantrymen who detonated the mines with their bodies, [There, there. There! The chariots are coming through], the king had brought in his cavalry chariots  at full force.

‘That bastard has somehow managed to position himself at the tail end of the cavalry chariot.’

And, no doubt, he was about to run over the infantrymen in front of him, who were moving at a snail’s pace. ….[Aghhhhh! From behind? Hee, Your Majesty!] and despite the dismay of the infantrymen, the cavalry continued to stomp on them.

The horseshoes and wheels of the cavalry chariots mercilessly crushed the infantrymen who had been pierced and killed by the rams.

The infantryman who managed to avoid a collision was also cut open by a scythe that followed the axle of the wheel, exposing their corpse.

‘Which side are you on?…….’

“You rotten king! They’re one of you!”

“I don’t give a damn, heretic! It’s all your fault! ──── just run them over and move on! Let them pay with their own flesh and blood!”



He must know that the path he had cut for the infantry was safe. The king forced the cavalry chariots into that path.

“It’s over, heretics! Shields in full swing──── repel the heretic’s magic!”

The cavalry chariot was accompanied by a sorcerer, who activated the shields.

Thanks to that, the machine gun was ineffective.

“Overrun it-ooooooh! No more ground traps!”

True, there were no more left as the infantry had stepped on almost all the mines.

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