The Kingdom Of Glass

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Kaepinned

“─My kingdom is only a few hundred metres away!”

The king’s sorrowful cry echoed.

The king, cornered in the royal castle by Nasser’s invasion, was no longer afraid.

Indeed, there was nowhere to run anymore. 

Even if he wanted to flee to the outskirts of the royal capital, Nasser would never let him escape. So this was the last stand.

If they were going to lose here, they would simply flee back to the castle and await their demise in silence.

In this kingdom, where they didn’t have communication equipment like the Germans, it would take days to recall the main Royal Army forces that were out on war with the demon tribe from the front line.

So this was the last.

The last field battle. The last battle.

The king knew that very well.

Just in case, he called in the hero as insurance.But, 

“You fucking hero!!! What are you doing, stop tit-fucking with that bitch and come!! Protect me bastard!!!!”


Bishy!!! The large warhorse was whipped.

And the king himself drove his heavy cavalry chariot, as if to get back into the swing of things.

“Don’t be cowed! Everyone! If you stop, you will be targeted by the arrows of fire! Rush forward, no matter what!”





“Go on! Keep going! You incompentant twats!!”



Here, the king finally leaped to the front.

His will to fight had once been on the verge of waning. But with the king leading the way, the cavalry chariots regained their will to fight.

It seemed that both the king and the cavalry chariots  were planning to turn themselves to absolute death and rushed into Nasser.

They were already flooded with adrenaline and the fear of anti-tank mines had  been taken  out of them.

“…oi,oi,oi,OーI! you’ve got to be kidding me!”

If Nasser didn’t do something, the king would die.

‘No, no, no, no! Killed by a mine?! That’s pathetic….!’

“Oi! I’m gonna finish him off. Stop the mines!”

Nasser spoke in a hurry.

Nasser didn’t think the king would be prepared to kill himself.

He guessed that if he didn’t do it, the frightened cavalry chariot wouldn’t advance. ────

“『It’s impossible. Once a mine is placed, it cannot be disarmed until it is manually removed or someone steps on it…』”

No matter how many years or how many decades. 

Once the mines were set in, that was it.

They were a mass of murderous intent that faithfully fulfilled its mission until it returned to the soil.

That was what mines were. The quiet devil of the battlefield.

Nasser was taken aback by the explanation.

‘What horrible weapons they’re using!’

“That’s ridiculous!”

‘What the hell is that weapon?’

The persistence of the killing.

Nasser broke out in a cold sweat at the sheer chill.

“Damn it! I have to take my revenge – I’ll have to finish him off with my own hands!”

But Nasser’s will remained firm.

As well as the fear of mines, it was Nasser who summoned the Germans.

Worst-case scenario, if he unsummoned them and sent them home, the mines would disappear.

But he could not do that now.

There were many enemies besides the King.

Without the Germans, there was no way to beat the king.

After all, what could one Nasser do against a cavalry chariot?

‘─ ─ ……with the Germans, I can win! It would be folly to dispute their strength and inhumanity now.’

But if Nasser jumps out naked in front of the enemy, he will only be ground into minced meat.

“Do you have any alternative?”

Nasser asked his 『Company Commander』, impatiently.

“『Roger – the engineering platoon commander will ride with you. He’ll lead you to the minefield passage with the tanks.』”

‘─minefield passage?’

Having said all that, the『Company Commander』 called for the engineering platoon commander and at the same time began to prepare to launch the Panzer IV.


“Wait! Leave the [IV] at the back as they are. We don’t have time to remove the barricades. I’ll summon a new one now.”

There was no need to keep using the same tanks.

Thanks to the 『Fountain of Magic』 taken from Bummel, the magic power was inexhaustible.

Of course there was a limit somewhere, but Nasser was originally a Lv 5 Dragon Summoner.

Now that the German summoning Lv was low, he still didn’t feel much of a burden.

That’s right, the use of magic is different.

Despite the new summoning technique, the magic used was not much different from when he summoned the dragons back then.

Apart from the summoning technique, the magician’s own physical Lv was also important..

In this respect, Nasser had a foundation built up during his military and adventurer days. Furthermore, this was probably due to the fact that Nasser’s original summoning Lv was 5.

The German summoning Lv was currently 4.

Originally, summoning a Lv 4 summon would only allow it to be used for a short time.

However, with the assistance of the magical fountain and Nasser’s original summoner Lv 5, it was not so difficult to make a summoned beast of lower level than the current level manifest in the world.

‘Well, it doesn’t matter. Now it’s more about finishing off the king. ────’

“Come out! Germans────!”

Bun …….. His status appeared.


German Army Lv 5:

※ ※ ※:

German army

Lv0 → German infantry 1940 Wehrmacht type

Lv1 → German infantry detachment 1940 Wehrmacht Type

Wehrmacht Engineering 1940,  

Panzer I, Type B.

Lv2→ German infantry platoon 1940 Wehrmacht Type

German engineering squadrons

Panzer II Type C

R12 sidecar with MG34 light machine gun

Lv3 → German infantry platoon 1942 motorised

※(equipped with half-track)

German Army Engineer 1942 Motorised

※(equipped with 3 ton truck with equipment)

Panzer III, Type M.

Messerschmitt Bf109G

Lv4 → German Armoured Grenadier Platoon 1943.

※(equipped with half-track)

German Army Engineering, type 1943.

※(equipped with an engineering fighting vehicle)

German artillery platoon

※(light 10.5cm howitzer-equipped leFH 18/40)

Panzer IV, Type H.

Junkers Ju87D

Lv5 → German Armoured Grenadier Platoon 1944

※(equipped with half-tracks)

German Army Engineer squadron 1944.

※equipped with flamethrower panzers

German artillery platoon equipped with heavy Howitzers.          

Panther V G type.

Focke-Wulf Fw 190F


Lv6 → German Armoured Grenadier Platoon 1944.

※Heavily armed (half-track equipment)

German Army engineering squadron 1944.

※Equipped with  [Nebelwerfer] large rocket  


German artillery platoon.

※Equipped with [Hummel] self-propelled 


Tiger Tank I.

Fieseler Fi 103.

※Can be loaded on He111H Late Models

Lv7→ ????

Lv8→ ????

Lv(next)→ ????

“It can’t be……I leveled up again ……?!”

Finally, Nasser had caught up to the level he was at when he lost his dragon.

Summoning art Lv 5.

It was once the highest level of his life.

‘Lv 5…??’

After crawling up from despair, today……in just one day, he had reached the peak of his performance, which he should have lost.

‘Summoning Art Lv 5…..’

For some reason, that alone maNasser feel excited. .

Even if it was the 『Germans』 and not the 『Dragons』.

Even if he needed to sacrifice countless lives for his Lv increase. ────

Nasser guessed this could be called [a feeling of regaining lost things].

Nasser held  his chest with a giggle.

“Ah, Looks like I haven’t lost everything yet.”

Thus, he was able to reach the Lv 5 summoning technique.

A time of reawakening at the end of despair.

Through it, Nasser had reached again──he had reached again.

And he could still go further.

With the Germans!

And with ──────────!

Nasser former LV, there was another one……..

“I’ll never forget…!”

What had not been lost yet.


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