Crossing the Enemy River

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Kaepinned

“Engineers. Go!!!!”

“『『Roger!! 』』”

Combat engineers in full gear and with their bags packed, running wildly.

“『I’m going forward!』”

Supported by the Grenadiers, they stuck to the front line and kept an eye on the ruins of the main gate at the end of the dugout.

“『Covering fire!!』”




Scattered German soldiers were actively firing at the collapsed main gate and into the blazing fire.

There was no counter-attack, but there was no telling where the survivors might be lurking.

In the midst of all this, several German engineers leaped out unprotected under the covering fire. ────

‘Engineers are as daredevil as ever……’

While there was still no guarantee that there would not be an exchange of bows and arrows from the ramparts,

“『Good distance! Good strength! Good width!』”

“『Confirmation! Engineer Combat Vehicle Forward.!』”


An engineering combat vehicle-type half-track with a steel plate on it, which was boarded by German engineers, began to move forward.

“『Smoke grenade!!』”

The engineers, seeing the situation, stood up in unison and started throwing hand grenades, which they held in their hands.

The grenades were thrown towards the site of the castle gate, which immediately emitted a cloud of white smoke.

“『Smoke is good!』”

“『To the front of the assault bridge.』”

Garagaragara! and the two steel plates on the half-track were pulled out along the rails.

The bridge was carefully extended while the fine adjustments were done manually and the winch was operated by power from the engine.

It was unsteadily rocked by the wire extending from the winch, but it had good distance and direction.

The tip of the assault bridge, which was being extended abruptly, had reached the base of the castle gate where the drawbridge had been lost.

A seemingly unprotected operation.



Meanwhile, suppressive fire against the opposite shore was being fired furiously.

The Panther tanks were also firing their main guns, coaxial machine guns and forward guns.

“『Bridging operations, outlined.』”

“『Grenadiers forward.──』”

It cannot be said that there were no enemy remnants but the first step was to send in the Grenadiers to control the front.

Visibility inside the castle was extremely poor due to Focke-Wulf’s bombing, so one could not be too careful.

However, the Germans were not one to be caught off guard.

The enemy would still do their best to resist.

Although they were almost all destroyed in the pursuit, there must still be some soldiers inside the castle.

In the midst of all this,Dadada ────! the footsteps of the German infantry crossed the assault bridge with mutual support.

Nasser and the Germans had come this far and would no longer let their guard down.

They would fight with all their might, using all the weapons they had.

There were only a few remnants, probably only wounded soldiers but there was no telling what the cornered enemy would do.

“Oh, look, here they come!”

“『Enemy attack!!!』”

A sharp reminder flew from the Grenadiers deploying in front.


The officer of the Grenadiers across the assault bridge flew instructions to the MG42 shooters poised in the rear.


As the German orderlies rushed out, the Kingdom Army, who apparently survived the blast, rushed out furiously.

Where were they hiding – there were quite a few of them, but their appearance was unstable and their movements were slow.

“Long live the Kingdom!”



At that moment.

MG42 light machine guns and half-track vehicle-mounted machine guns equipped by the infantry platoon opened fire in the crossfire.

Bababababbababababbabababa…the sound of the engine was also reliable and defeated the soldiers of the Kingdom’s army in a cut-down manner.


The enemy soldiers who were shot down retreated again, leaving behind numerous abandoned corpses.

The assault was brilliant. But utterly weak troops.

Well….. needless to say, they were wounded soldiers.

From the uniformly bloodshot eyes of the corpses, the  king must have used his skills to send them into battle.

It was pathetic, but as long as they attacked the Germans, they would defeat them.

But still ────.

So much so…….

So much so that the source of the kingdom’s power, which was awe-inspiring to Nasser, was its military power.

The Kingsguard, the keystone of that power, was now in this state.

In the past, Nasser could not do anything about the Kingsguard.

They dragged him before the king.

They made him duel with Koji.

They also restrained and

Even more so, ────

Killed his families and

Kidnapped them.


These were the people who did this.

“Hahaha..what a small fish they’ve turned into…..”

They were also formless in front of a barrage of MG42 machine guns.

They no longer had any defensive magician and had almost no magical armour.

That was because the germans were firing 7.92mm rounds at them in rapid succession.

It could not just,pain that was felt.

“『All right, move, move forward!! MG–!!!! Cover!!』”

A Grenadier consigned his body to the ground near the bridge while deploying the bipod of an MG42.


He semi-fired the machine gun so that the barrel did not overheat.


Field officer slammed bullets into the back of the white smoke.

He saw no enemy, but that was not particularly important.

“Go, go, go!!!”


Supported by supporting fire, the Grenadiers with their semi-automatic rifles Gew43 were making more and more progress.

They then crossed the assault bridge over the moat. ────

Ban, ban, ban!──Firing warning shots with a hand-held rifle to the left, right or forward.

Crossing without missing a shot while driving.

They then quickly deployed on either side of the bridge and used the debris as a shield.

“『Arrival, Secure!!!』”

“『Confirmation! Engineers forward!』”


Having deployed the Grenadiers on the other side of the river, the Germans then let the engineers cross.

After crossing, the engineers would use stakes and hammers to secure the bridge.

When the engineers with hammers and stakes crossed over with their guns stuck in their backs, they started swinging their hammers with all their might, without regard for the danger.

Gakin, gakin! It was now the MG42’s turn to cross the bridge.

“『Good!! MG Forward! Rifle, cover!!!』”

Then they sent in the Grenadiers.

The officer of the Grenadiers, who had advanced to the opposite bank on the Castle side, was actively firing his Walther P38 forward and shouting.

“『Gather round!!』”

He rallied his troops across to the other side of the river.

“『All-round defence────!!!』”

He seized the riflemen and put them in an all-round firing position, causing the MG42-equipped machine gunners to leap forward.

On the opposite bank, they built a position where the machine gun was stationed.

In this way, they would gradually send weapons forward to fortify the opposite bank and cover the rear.

The machine gunner gacha, gacha! the MG42 and ammunition boxes clanged as he leaped forward, accompanied by a secondary gunner carrying a spare barrel and ammunition boxes.

Gangan! and his footsteps were rough as he crossed the assault bridge and reached the other side of the river.


As he shouted and jumped into the air, he stuck to the ground and quickly deployed the two legs of his light machine gun MG42 and commissioned it into the earth.

Quickly, the secondary shooter took up a supporting position and refrained from removing the spare barrel.

It was a steady firing position.

Then, after confirming that the Grenadiers had been deployed and the Engineers had finished their work, the half-tracks of the Grenadier platoon continued to cross the river.

The bridge crossed by the Engineer Combat Vehicle was exactly the width of the halftracks.

Gishigishi The half-track crossed the assault bridge with ease.

“『Secure the position! Watch out for enemy reinforcements!』”


The deadly vehicle-mounted machine gun──Baribaribari and fired at the ramparts on either side.

“『Continue and expand to the tank bridge. Engineer fighting combat forward!』”

When more than enough forces were propelled forward, the Engineer Combat Vehicles continued to lower the assault bridge.

This time the work was faster than before.

The speed of the work was nearly doubled because of the presence of Engineers on the far and near bank.

Furthermore, the half-tracks that had completed the crossing acted as shields to protect the Engineers from enemy firepower.

Here, the surviving Kingdom forces were also actively trying to make contact but they seemed to be prevented from getting close by MG42 fire.

“『Hurry up. Hurry up!』”

If the assault bridge was lined up to extend the width of the bridge, it could be hammered and staked in the same way as before Gakingakin!── and fixed.

Finally, they were connected together and reinforcing rings and pins were inserted.

“『Tank bridge, completed!!』”

The high arsenal of engineers shouted ────.

“Tank forward…!!!!”

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